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Old Web version of the FlexDx Tuberculosis model, written in Django and Python

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 Django FlexDx Web Version 0.1

If you wish to examine our current progress, please head to the
FlexDx-Xpert-Scale-Up repo instead.

This framework has been tested on Linux (Ubuntu 12.04.2) and OSX (10.7.5).
It should run on any *nix based operating system with a software scheduler
(specifically 'at'), but will not run on the Windows operating system.

This README is to help you install and configure this django web-framework
version of the FlexDx-TB Model.  You will need to install the following
software packages on your machine.

- python 2.7
- django 1.5.1
- scipy 0.13.0, numpy 1.8.0
- matplotlib 1.2.1

In Linux:

	Ubuntu (and it's parent distribution Debian) has a package management
application (apt-get) which is usefull for the installation of python (if not
already installed), scipy, matplotlib and numpy.  The django version in the
default repository is 1.4.1, so to install django it is suggested that you use
the python package management applications 'pip' or 'easy_install', which will 
install django version 1.5.1


	Python comes pre-installed on OSX systems; there is a 'Superpack'
available online that includes numpy, scipy and matplotlib; this is the best
way to install these three libraries as other ways of installation can be
problematic.  Use 'pip' or 'easy_install' to install django.	 


Once they are installed, download this repository into a directory.  None of 
the directories from the root to the current directory can contain spaces in 
their names.


/Users/name/Desktop/FlexDx-TB-Web-Django/ is good
/Users/name/Work Directory/FlexDx-TB-Web-Django/ is not

Create the directory 'media/' in the root (FlexDx-TB-Web-Django) dirctory

Open up the file '' which is found in the 
FlexDx-TB-Web-Django/flexdxtb/ directory with a plain-text editor.  Scroll 
down to the MEDIA_ROOT parameter and set this value to the absolute location 
of the media/ directory.  Using the above example:

MEDIA_ROOT = '/Users/name/Desktop/FlexDx-TB-Web-Django/media/'

Next find the TEMPLATE_DIRS tuple and add the path to the template directory.
Again, using the above example:

    # Put strings here, like "/home/html/django_templates" or "C:/www/django/templates".
    # Always use forward slashes, even on Windows.
    # Don't forget to use absolute paths, not relative paths.

Now save the file where it is in plain-text.

Next, open the file FlexDx-TB-Web-Django/async/ with the same 
plain-text editor and go to line 34, which should read

s = "echo " #insert the path to the file

The file is found in the flexdxtb/async/ directory. Using the above 
example again, you should change this entry to:

s = "echo /Users/name/Desktop/FlexDx-TB-Web-Django/async/ "

It is important to leave the space at the end, before the quote but after the

This should be all that is required to get the model running on your machine.
Once this is done, using a terminal (shell) program go into the root directory
of the repository (using the same example:


and type:

python runserver

If django is properly setup, you should get

0 errors found
August 30, 2013 - 11:24:17
Django version 1.5.1, using settings 'flexdxtb.settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

printed on the screen (of couse, with a different date). Then, in your 
browser, set the url to and run the model as 
you like.  It is best to run this on a more advanced machine as the 
model is very processor intensive.

If you wish to make modifications to the model, examine the runmodel() function
in the file located in FlexDx-TB-Web-Django/async/.

- The FlexDx Team


Old Web version of the FlexDx Tuberculosis model, written in Django and Python






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