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Domoticz Plugin reads a specified config file with oneline device definitions, creates Devices and puts them in a Room. Supports calculations using other device values. Lots of examples.

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Configurable oneliners plugin for Domoticz

This Domoticz plugin was developed on a Raspberry Pi and may work on other platforms.

No programming or lots of clicks to create and update Domoticz Devices and no clicking to put them in a Room.

The name is oneliners because the plugin reads a configuration file with single line commands and creates and updates a Device for each command.

Setting up a configuration file is easy. See the section "Your first configuration" below.

The example in that section uses a simple command and there are also example files
in the plugin folder with more usefull commands you may use and modify : 
- get stock prices from the Internet, 
- read data from your solar panel inverter, 
- perform calculations using values of other Domoticz Devices defined in your configuration
  or from Domoticz Devices from other Hardware and maybe even from other Domoticz Servers
- ......

To use the plugin you select it on the Hardware page, give in the name of your configuration file and give the Hardware a name.

Start the plugin and it creates a Domoticz Device for each oneliner command.

After creating the Domotics Devices it creates a Room with the name of your Hardware so it is easy to select on the Dashboard page.

Updates of values in Domoticz are done every minute.

Below you find

Installing the plugin
Your first configuration
Comments in configuration
Basic commands
More advanced commands
Hiding Devices
Modifying a Device
SQL data from Domoticz database

Installing the plugin

To install the plugin you need to get something in your Domoticz folder :

On a Raspberry Pi you could :

Start a terminal and go to your Domoticz/plugins folder and the next will get it for you into a oneliners folder :

......Domoticz/plugins$ git clone oneliners

To get it loaded in Domoticz restart your Domoticz like :

sudo systemctl restart Domoticz

After this you can start setting up configuration files.

After creating a configuration you can add Hardware of the Type 'Jacks OneLiners'.

Your first configuration

This example shows a very, very simple command and you will need and find very usefull examples in the other configuration files.

To get a hold of it just stick with this very simple example and look for more usefull commands later.

Each configuration file is located in the plugins/oneliners folder and holds one or more single line commands and with each command you need additional items.

The example for your first configuration is below. Put the 6 lines whithout empty lines between them in a new file mytest.conf.

line 1 the description:

Description=This should give you a value between 0 and 99

line 2 the name of the Device as it will be created in Domoticz:


line 3 the type, ( I use Custom mostly and sometimes Text ):


line 4 the image to be used, for now name it JVCloud :


line 5 is the unit to be shown on the Device in Domoticz :


line 6 is the command which is executed to update the value :

Command=cat /proc/uptime | cut -d" " -f 1 | cut -d"." -f 2

What does this command do ? /proc/uptime is a file with one line and the first value is the system uptime in seconds. The second value is the amount of time the system has been idle. We cut the line in parts delimited by a space " " and take the first part. Then we take that first part and cut it again using a "." and take the second part which is two decimals of the uptime. This should result in a rather random number between 00 and 99.

It should look like :

Description=This should give you a value between 0 and 99
Command=cat /proc/uptime | cut -d" " -f 1 | cut -d"." -f 2 

Save the file mytest.conf.

Implement the plugin as Hardware named myfirsttest and give in the name mytest.conf as configuration file.

After you added the hardware you should have a Room named myfirsttest with a Device test with a cloud icon. The value may start at 0 but should turn to something else each minute or so.

Does not work ? >>> Please check the above and check and follow the notes on the Hardware page of the plugin.

Now this works you can add more Devices to your configuration file. Just restart the plugin and they will appear in the Room.

Names for Image for the icon in Domoticz can be found in the plugins/onliners/CustomIcons folder 
and in Domoticz Setup >More Options > Custom Icons

Notes on commands :

Always make sure to test the command on a command line before you activate it in Domoticz.
Some commands may not work in Domoticz because you use properties of the terminal window process.
To get a random number from 00 .. 99 in the terminal window you could use : echo $(( $RANDOM % 100 ))
This does not work as a command in your config file because $RANDOM is part of a terminal process.

To remove a Device from Domoticz you just remove the Device from your configuration and restart the plugin.

Comments in configuration

You can start a line with a # and place some comment after it.

To comment out a section of lines you can start the section with /* and end it with */ like :

This is a block comment
and looks nicer than
when you you use a #
in front of each line

Basic commands

Basic commands are commands that return a single value like described above. There is a command construction with curl I would like to describe.

A more usefull basic command is the next command which gives the value of the AEX exchange index :

Description=AEX in €
Name=stock> AEX
Command=curl --connect-timeout 1 -s | grep 12272LastPrice | head -n 1 | cut -d "=" -f 2 | sed s/\;//

With curl you can get lots of information from web servers.

So lets get a value from any Device in any Domoticz server. Does not seem to be usefull now but we will use the result in a more advanced command further below.

You know that in Domoticz you can find the idx of any Device in the 3rd column in Setup > Devices page.

The command to get all the details of a Device on a Domoticz host with IP address is :

curl -s 'http://[USERNAME:PASSWORD@][IDX]'

You can leave out the part of USERNAME and PASSWORD when you have no users and use :

curl -s '[IDX]'

With the next command you get all info on the Device with idx 1262 using user and secret as credentials :

curl -s 'http://user:secret@'

Most of the times the value is in the data field so use :

curl -s 'http://user:secret@' | grep Data | cut -d'"' -f 4

This will give you the value with the unit if any so you may need to remove that. Assume the answer is 123.23 L

Removing the last 2 characters ' L' can be done by adding | rev | cut -b 3- | rev

This reverses the string (L 32.321), cuts of the last part starting at position 3 (32.321) and reverses again. (123.23)

A fairly complete command to read the value is :

curl -s 'http://user:secret@' | grep Data | cut -d'"' -f 4 | rev | cut -b 3- | rev

And the answer should now be be 123.23

Other examples giving 1 value can be found in the other configuration files.

You could also create something based on the command to look into the log of Domoticz :

curl 'http://user:secret@' 2>/dev/null

When you have a user Jack in the system you could add | grep "'Jack'" | wc | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 2

and "audit" the logins like :

Command=curl 'http://user:secret@' 2>/dev/null | grep "'Jack'" | wc | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 2

More advanced commands

More advanced commands do not return 1 single value but 2 values which can be combined by the plugin. They may also use values from other Devices.

Advanced commands start with a prefix of 3 positions.

For a single command giving 2 results use the next prefix :

'#+ '  : to add the two results of the command
'#- '  : to substract them
'#* '  : to multiply them
'#/ '  : to devide them

Simple example to add 2 values which should result in a value 3.4 :

Command=#+ echo 1.2 2.2

A more complex command which gets the KB/s in and KB/s out of the interface eno1 and passes them to the plugin which adds them resulting in total network load :

Command=#+ ifstat -i eno1 1 1 | grep -v eno1 | grep -v KB | tr -s " " | sed -e "s/^[ \t]*//"

For previously in your configuration file defined Devices use the next prefix :

'@+ '  : to add the two results of two before defined sensors
'@- '  : to substract them
'@* '  : to multiply them
'@/ '  : to devide them

Example to add 2 Devices ( assume you defined 2 Devices with names network input and network output )

Command=@+ "network input" "network output"

Note that here you need to put the names of the 2 Devices between double quotes. Always, also when the names do not contain spaces. These double quotes are expected by the plugin to find the Devices.

This is also where the long curl command from the previous section comes in. You could use that command to copy a value from any Device in any Domoticz server to let's say a Device named Remote Gas Copy.

When you also defined a Device in your configuration named Local Gas you can calculate the total gas of 2 Domoticz servers like :

Command=@+ "Remote Gas Copy" "Local Gas"

For previously defined sensors use the next prefix to do something with an extra value

'V+ '  : to add the value to the before defined sensor
'V- '  : to substract the value
'V* '  : to multiply by the value
'V/ '  : to devide by the value

Example to substract a value from an existing one. Suppose you already read the total counter of your solar inverter with a curl command and put that in the Device Total Solar Energy. When you have a value of 1234.56 on Januari 1st, the next will give you the production of this year.

Command=V- "Total Solar Energy" "1234.56"

Note that here you need to put the name and the value between double quotes. Always, also when the name does not contain spaces. These double quotes are expected by the plugin.

You will find more examples in the config files.


Date substitution. To read date based data I needed some variable date formats in the curl command for data from Toon.

DD-MM-YYYY   is translated by the plugin to todays date
DD-MM-YYYY-1 is translated by the plugin to yesterdays date

See P1meter.conf for details on how to use.
When you see the commands it will be clear how to use.

More substitutions (note the 2 above with 'DD-MM-' have higher priority) :

nn-nn-YYYY      nn-nn is fixed and YYYY is translated to current year 
                so 17-01-YYYY becomes 17-01-2022 when current year is 2022
nn-nn-YYYY-1    nn-nn is fixed and YYYY is translated to last year 
                so 17-01-YYYY-1 becomes 17-01-2021 when current year is 2022

nn-nn-LAST      nn-nn is fixed and LAST is translated to 'last valid year' 
                so 17-12-LAST becomes 17-12-2021 when current year is 2022 
                and today is before 17-12-2022

Date substitution. To read date based data I needed some variable date formats in the sqlite3 command for data from Domoticz.

yyyy-mm-dd      is translated by the plugin to todays date
yyyy-mm-dd-1    is translated by the plugin to yesterdays date
yyyy-nn-nn      nn-nn is fixed and yyyy is translated to current year 
                so yyyy-01-17 becomes 2022-01-17 when current year is 2022
yyyy-1-nn-nn    nn-nn is fixed and yyyy-1 is translated to last year 
                so yyyy-01-17-1 becomes 17-01-2021 when current year is 2022

last-nn-nn      nn-nn is fixed and last is translated to 'last valid year' 
                so last-12-17 becomes 2021-12-17 when current year is 2022 
                and today is before 2022-12-17

Hiding Devices

When you use some or more advances commands you may have some Devices with intermediate results which you may want to hide from the Dashboard and your Room.

To hide a Device while keeping it available for data collection you would normally :

In Domoticz select Setup > Devices, find your Device 
and click on the white arrow in the blue circle to set it unused.
Your Device will be hidden from the Dashboard etc. 
but will still be updated by your oneliner.

Now when you want to hide a Device you put an extra line in your configuration for the Device you want to hide :


Remove the line or change the value to yes to show the Device again. Remember to activate the setting by restarting the plugin.

Modifying a Device

To change a description, image, units or command you make the change in your configuration file and restart the plugin.

You can not change the type of the Device. When you want to change the type, you delete the Device from Domoticz, redefine your Device in your configuration and restart the plugin.

The most tricky thing is to rename a Device without losing data in Domoticz. To rename a Device you need to first rename it in Domoticz and after that also in your configuration . After reading the section "More advanced commands" above you understand that when you change a name of a Device you also need to change the commands using that Device.

SQL data from Domoticz database.

The Domoticz database is an SQLite database on which you can use queries.

Below I explain how to install and use some handy tools with the database to build queries and I give an example for a useful query.

The example is a command for a Device for the Gas usage since the date of my last bill so I know what I can expect on my next bill.

You can use this query also for other devices, just change the name of the device, the idx of the hardware and the date since when you want to measure and it will work. It will work as long as the data of that date is already in your Domoticz ofcourse.

I use a GUI based tool to browse the database and the sqlite3 command to extract data from the command line.

To install the GUI based 'DB browser for Sqlite' you use 'sudo apt install sqlitebrowser' and you will find the tool back in the Raspberry Pi Menu in the section Programming.

You also need to install the sqlite3 command with 'sudo apt install sqlite3'

The use of the GUI is very easy. Stop domoticz because you may cause issues when you and Domoticz access the database at the same time. Start 'DB browser for Sqlite' and open the database .../domoticz/domoticz.db. With the second tab you can browse and with the fourth tab you can develop sql statements. Interesting tables to browse are

Percentage which contains the device idx and 5 minute latest values,
Percentage_Calendar with device idx and older values for min,max and average
DeviceStatus with device details like Name, ID=idx and HardwareID and last value
Hardware with all the hardware details like ID, Name and Enabled

To calculate the Gas usage since a certain date I need the last value and the value of that certain date and substract them.

The sql statement 'query 1' to get the last value

Select sValue from DeviceStatus where HardwareID = 26 and Name = 'Gas'

Next I build the sql statement 'query 2' to get the a value of a certain date.

To find all the values in the Percentage_Calendar :

Select * from Percentage_Calendar where DeviceRowID == (select ID from DeviceStatus where HardwareID = 26 and Name = 'Gas')

To get the max value of 2022-10-16 (which is 'query 2') :

Select Percentage_Max from Percentage_Calendar where DeviceRowID == (select ID from DeviceStatus where HardwareID = 26 and Name = 'Gas') and Date == '2022-10-16'

Substracting the 2 values (current value - older value ) :

Select ('query 1') - ('query 2') so :

Select (Select sValue from DeviceStatus where HardwareID = 26 and Name = 'Gas') - (Select Percentage_Max from Percentage_Calendar where DeviceRowID == (select ID from DeviceStatus where HardwareID = 26 and Name = 'Gas') and Date == '2022-10-16')

When this gives you the value you want you can use the next command on the command line :

sqlite3 domoticz.db "the complete sql query" so :

sqlite3 domoticz.db "Select (Select sValue from DeviceStatus where HardwareID = 26 and Name = 'Gas') - (Select Percentage_Max from Percentage_Calendar where DeviceRowID == (select ID from DeviceStatus where HardwareID = 26 and Name = 'Gas') and Date == '2022-10-16')"

When you know that the gas bill is always on May 25th every year you can use date substitution in your oneliner config file :

Command=sqlite3 domoticz.db "Select (Select sValue from DeviceStatus where HardwareID = 26 and Name = 'Gas') - (Select Percentage_Max from Percentage_Calendar where DeviceRowID == (select ID from DeviceStatus where HardwareID = 26 and Name = 'Gas') and Date == 'last-05-25')"

Thanks for reading and enjoy.


Domoticz Plugin reads a specified config file with oneline device definitions, creates Devices and puts them in a Room. Supports calculations using other device values. Lots of examples.






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