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Year 3 Robotics Group Studies Project 2020

Linux Command Cheat Sheet

See files in current directory: ls

Change directory: cd [directory name]

Make a new directory: mkdir [directory name]

Copy file to a directory: cp [file name] [destination address]

Delete a file in the current directory: rm [file name]

Git Cheat Sheet

Please do not push your local master to origin

Open Git, use git pull, and then checkout to a new branch

Configure username: git config --global "username"

Configure email: git config --global "email"

See current status: git status

Switch branch: git checkout [desired branch]

Create and switch to new branch: git checkout -b [new branch name]

Delete branch: git branch -d [branch name]

Get branch up-to-date with the GitHub repository: git pull origin

Stage a file to prepare to commit: git add [file name]

Stage all files that have been changed: git add -A

Commit a file to prepare for merge: git commit [file name] -m [commit message]

Commit all staged files: git commit -a -m [commit message]

Push branch to remote repository: git push origin [branch name]