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Spatch is a SSH proxy server with ACL written in python using Paramiko.
Authors: Jules Baratoux and Pierre Jackman

Spatch is a SSHv2 protocol deamon proxy with ACL. Users are allowed by Spatch to access to remote SSH servers without exposing real credentials.

USER 0 ◄──┐              ┌──► SSHD 1
USER 1 ◄──┴──► SPATCH ◄──┴──► SSHD 2
Users      Proxy server    End points


  1. As a privileged user, deploy and start spatchd on the proxy server
  2. Deploy and start sshd on remote servers

User creation

  1. Register a remote server
    > spatch new server <host> <port>
  2. Create a spatch user
    > spatch new user <username> <user-rsa-public-key-filename>
  3. Grant access to a user on a remote server
    > grant <username> access to <host> as <remote-username>
    From now on, a user given by username connecting to the spatch server with the specified rsa-public-key is able to connect to host using ssh as remote-username.

User connection

  1. Connect to spatch proxy server using any regular ssh client
    > ssh <username>@<spatch-host> -p <spatch-port>
  2. When prompted, select a host to connect to
  3. You are now connected to the host

Further help

Run spatch without specifying any command to get a full list of commands

> spatch
    spatch <command>

    new server <hostname> <port>                      -- create a new server by name and port
    delete server <hostname>                          -- delete an existing server by name
    new user <username> <filename>                    -- create a new user by name and public key filename
    delete user <username>                            -- delete an existing user by name
    grant <username> access to <hostname> as <alias>  -- grant access to a user on an existing server as a remote user (alias)
    revoke <username> access from <hostname>          -- revoke access to a user from an existing server
    <username> has access to <hostname>               -- return whether a user has access to an existing server
    dump database to json                             -- dump the database in a json format
    export (users|servers) to <filename>              -- export a database section by name to a file given by filename
    import (users|servers) from <filename>            -- import a database section by name from a file given by filename


An SSH proxy server with ACL written in python using paramiko






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