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DE/WM agnostic tiling manager.

Calls into other applications to handle window management. Uses rofi to present options.

woof-tile calls the following applications to handle window controls. These will need to be installed:

  • wmctrl
  • xdotool
  • xprop

I recommend you use rofi to interact with woof-tile, although it is optional.

Set up

Coming Soon


Clone the repo, and run make install

It will copy the woof file into /usr/bin/.

You will also need to create the following files / directories:

  • ~/.woof/
  • ~/.woof/log/
  • ~/.woof/status/
  • ~/.woof/config.json

See the config.json file for an example of what the file should look like.

The config file and example layouts are included in the release.


Assign hotkeys using xbindkeys to actually use it


ag(l,<ID>)(add to group) add window as a group
ah(l,<ID>)(add horizontal) add the active window the the right of a target window
as(attempt swallow) attempt to swallow windows
av(l,<ID>)(add vertical) add the active window below the target window
cp(change plane) change a vertical split to a horizontal split and vice versa
db(debug) print out debug information
eh(expand horizontal) increase the horizontal size of the active window
ev(expand vertical) increase the vertical size of the active window
gd(nav down) focus window to the bottom
gl(nav left) focus window to the left
gr(nav right) focus window the the right
gu(nav up) focus window to the top
kl(kill) attempt to close the window and remove it from woof
la(list) list the windows available for interaction
ll(load layout) layout a layout
ls(list screens) list all the screens in woof
mm(move mouse) move the mouse to the center of the window
mn(minimize all) minimize all windows in woof
mv(move to) move the active window to another window as a split
mx(maximize) maximize the active window as if it was the only window on the screen
ns(new screen) adds a new screen (not functional)
nw(next window in group) activate next window in group
pd(swap pane down) swaps this pane for the one to the down
pl(swap pane left) swaps this pane for the one to the left
pr(swap pane right) swaps this pane for the one to the right
pu(swap pane up) swaps this pane for the one to the up
pw(prev window in group) activate prev window in group
re(restore) restore all window positions
rh(reduce horizontal) decrease the horizontal size of the active window
rl(reload) reload to default starting tree
rm(remove) remove the window from woof
rs(rename screen) rename the current screen
rv(reduce vertical) decrease the vertical size of the active window
sl(swap screen left) swap this screen for the left one
sp(swap-pane) swap the two windows in the split
sr(swap screen right) swap this screen for the right one
ss<ID>(swap screen) swap the two screens
sw<ID>(swap) swap the positions of two windows in the tree
wl(save layout) save layout


rofi -show wf -modi wf:woof

To get the rofi menu. Rofi menu is required for adding and swapping windows and additional options

Example entries for xbindkeys:

"woof nav-left"
    m:0x4d + c:113
    Control+Shift+Alt+Mod4 + Left

"woof nav-down"
    m:0x4d + c:116
    Control+Shift+Alt+Mod4 + Down

"woof nav-up"
    m:0x4d + c:111
    Control+Shift+Alt+Mod4 + Up

"woof nav-right"
    m:0x4d + c:114
    Control+Shift+Alt+Mod4 + Right

"rofi -show wf -modi wf:woof"
    m:0x4d + c:33
    Control+Shift+Alt+Mod4 + p

"woof rh" # reduce horizontal size
    m:0x4d + c:29
    Control+Shift+Alt+Mod4 + y

"woof ev" # expand horizontal size
    m:0x4d + c:30
    Control+Shift+Alt+Mod4 + u

"woof rv" # reduce vertical size
    m:0x4d + c:31
    Control+Shift+Alt+Mod4 + i

"woof eh" # expand vertical size
    m:0x4d + c:32
    Control+Shift+Alt+Mod4 + o

"woof activate-next-window" # activate next window in window group
    m:0x4d + c:60
    Control+Shift+Alt+Mod4 + period

"woof activate-prev-window" # activate prev window in window group
    m:0x4d + c:59
    Control+Shift+Alt+Mod4 + comma
"woof kill"
    m:0x48 + c:53
    Alt+Mod4 + x
"woof maximize"
    m:0x48 + c:52
    Alt+Mod4 + z

"woof swap-screen 1"
    m:0x48 + c:10
    Alt+Mod4 + 1

"woof swap-screen 2"
    m:0x48 + c:11
    Alt+Mod4 + 2

"woof swap-screen 3"
    m:0x48 + c:12
    Alt+Mod4 + 3

"woof swap-screen 4"
    m:0x48 + c:13
    Alt+Mod4 + 4

"woof swap-screen 5"
    m:0x48 + c:14
    Alt+Mod4 + 5

"woof swap-screen 6"
    m:0x48 + c:15
    Alt+Mod4 + 6

"woof swap-screen 7"
    m:0x48 + c:16
    Alt+Mod4 + 7

"woof swap-screen 8"
    m:0x48 + c:17
    Alt+Mod4 + 8

"woof swap-screen 9"
    m:0x48 + c:18
    Alt+Mod4 + 9

"woof swap-screen 0"
    m:0x48 + c:19
    Alt+Mod4 + 0

Use the rofi menu, it will list all options. You probably won’t know what parameters to put it though. Use your best judgement or look through the code. I haven’t bothered to properly document it all.


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