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Project - Part 1 : PDF information extraction

The aim of this project is to extract informations from PDF of research publications related to AAV virus (adeno-associated virus).

Those informations are then incluted into a csv file and converted to json format in order to be transferred to a neo4j database.

Get Started

The use of venv is recommended for creating virtual environment with all necessary packages listed in requirements.txt

python -m venv venv/ 
source ./venv/bin/activate # OSX - bash/zsh
.\venv\Scripts\activate # Windows - Powershell
pip install -r requirements.txt

Get pdf informations

Run run script will create:

  • IDs_table.csv (reference correspondence table) - columns: DOI, PMCID, PMID, Publi_ID, Title, PDF_name.

  • Publication_Metadata.csv/.json (a row for each publication) - columns: Publi_ID, Year, Authors, Title, Journal, DOI, PMID, PMCID, Keywords, Pages, Abstract, Total_word_count, AAV_count, Frequency, Linked_references, AAV_terms.

  • Publication_Informations.csv/.json (a row for each AAV term found in the publications) - columns : Publi_ID, Year, Authors, Title, Journal, DOI, PMID, PMCID, Keywords, Pages, Abstract, Total_word_count, AAV_count, Frequency, Linked_references, AAV_terms, AAV_term, AAV_term_count, Frequency_AAV_term, Linked_AAV_references.

Those files contain informations (Metadata and AAV-related informations) about the pdf files present in the ./publications folder.

Streamlit PDF Information Extraction Application

Run streamlit run ( corresponding application) to open the PDF information extraction tool.

  • Select a folder containing pdf files or select an unique pdf.
  • Indicate if you want to upload existing csv files (IDs_table.csv, Publication_Metadata.csv, Publication_Informations.csv) in order to add new data to them.
  • Choose to import json data to a Neo4j database by adding a configuration file (neoj4_database.ini, file example in src/ folder).
  • Metadata (Title, Authors, DOI, PMID, PMCID, Keywords, Abstract, Journal, Year, Pdf Word Count) are retrieved using pdf manipulation packages (Fitz, pdfminer, Tika), regex patterns and pubmed API.
  • AAV terms, frequency and their linked publication references are retrieved using pdf manipulation packages (Fitz, pdfminer, Tika) and regex patterns
  • Retrieved informations are stored into csv files :
    • IDs_table.csv,
    • Publication_Metadata.csv,
    • and Publication_Informations.csv.
  • Json files are generated from those csv files.
  • Csv and json files are saved into the extraction_info_pdf_output/ folder
  • Data are pushed to Neo4j.

Project - Part 2 : Genomic Medicine Literature Clustering

The aim of the second part of this project is to clustering similar research article abstracts together in order to see if it's possible to simplify the search for related publications.

the steps for doing that are the following:

  1. fetch some abstracts,
  2. Preprocessing of each abstract,
  3. represent each abstracts as a vector,
  4. perform k-means clustering,
  5. perform t-SNE dimensionality reduction for visualization,
  6. and perform topic modelling to find the keywords of each cluster.

1. Fetch publication abstracts

Publication abstracts from different Genomic Medicine related topics were downloaded using the Pubmed Api. Selected query topics are:

  • Adeno-Associated-Virus
  • Epigenetics
  • Gene Therapy
  • Genome Engineering
  • Immunology
  • Post-Translational Modification
  • Regulatory Element
  • Sequence
  • Transfection
  • Tropism
  • Variant

For each query topic a csv file was created to store the abstract and the metadata of each publications. Those csv files can be find in the Abstracts/ folder.

Around 4800 abstracts were collected in total by running Publication_clustering/

2. Preprocessing

  • Combine all csv files into a unique dataframe,
  • Remove duplicate and missing abstracts,
  • remove punctuations and stopwords,
  • tokenize and lemmatize,
  • save as Processed_Abstracts.csv

The preprocessing was performed by running Publication_clustering/

3. Represent each abstracts as a vector

Each abstract was transformed into a feature vector using Term Frequency–inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF). TF-IDF evaluates how relevant a word is to a document in a collection of documents.

The clustering was based off the TF-IDF matrix where each row is a vector representation of a publication abstract.

The maximum number of features was limited to the top 512 features.

4. K-means clustering

The TF-IDF matrix was used as input for the k-means algorithm.

First, to determine the best k number of clusters, the silhouette score and the sum of squared distances from each point to its assigned center were computed at different k values.

For 12 query topics, the optical k determined was 14.

Then, K-means was run with that number of clusters. The K-means clustering and next steps were performed by running Publication_clustering/

Number of publications and Category distribution per cluster

5. t-SNE dimensionality reduction

T-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) reduces dimensionality while trying to keep similar instances close and dissimilar instances apart. It is mostly used for visualization, in particular to visualize clusters of instances in high-dimensional space.

Some clusters can immediately be detected, but many others are harder to separate. In order to help to visually separate different concentrations of topics, clusters found by k-means are used as labels.

Using t-SNE our high dimensional features vector can be reduced to 2 dimensions.

Top 10 words per cluster

For each cluster, the top keywords was printed out based on their TFIDF score by computing and sorting the average value across a TFIDF dataframe grouped by the cluster label. Also, a word cloud was created using the wordclouda and PIL packages.

Other interesting approaches is to use LDA topic modeling.

6. Topic modeling : Latent Dirichlet Allocation - LDA

For a giving cluster, a LDA model was instantiated using Gensim. With LDA, each document is described by a distribution of topics and each topic is described by a distribution of words.

Visualiazation was made using the pyLDAvis interactive LDA visualization tool.

Streamlit Genomic Medicine Literature Clustering and Topic Modeling Application

Run streamlit run ( corresponding application) to open the Genomic Medicine Literature Clustering and Topic Modeling Application tool.

  • Select publication categories among query topics mentioned above.
  • The script runs a K-means clustering. The optimal number of clusters is determined by the Silhouette score method.

  • Top 10 words per cluster is displayed
  • t-SNE dimensionality reduction is performed
  • LDA is performed on a selected cluster and with a number of topics chosen by the user


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