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ARGEL Marketing Solutions

##Setup Before cloning the repo, make sure you install Node.js along with MongoDB. Both can be found here by following the link.

  1. Node.js Download - Download the appropriate windows/mac installer for your system (32/64 bit)

  2. MongoDB Download - Select the appropriate version from the drop down and download

After installing both Node.js and MongoDB, clone this ARGEL repository from github (download github client for windows and login)

##Getting Started with ARGEL Development

  1. Installing Packages- Navigate to the directory where you cloned the project and open the command line and run
        npm install

This will install all the required dependancies from the package.jpon file required to get the webapp running. If you install any more modules make sure to include the -save option to update the package.json file.

  1. Start MongoDB Server - For testing purposes will change later. Create a folder where you want to store your database info. Then navigate to where you installed MongoDB and go to the /bin folder. Open up the cmd and run
        mongod -dbpath "C:\Path\To\Database\folder"

This will setup and run an instance of a database locally on port 27017 so our test wepapp can connect to it locally.

  1. Run the ARGEL webapp - Navigate to the cloned project directory and run the following command to get the webapp running
        npm start

This will run the webapp locally on your machine with a HTTP server on localhost:3000, which you can access using a web browser.


ARGEL Marketing Solutions






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