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Readme from 30/04/14

Backup for code from my work on jasmin. Most of this is work in progress and may very well be wrong.

Short descriptions of the main files and folders are below, all other folders and files probably aren't much use. - contains code which allows me to add information to plots just by calling it.

fft_work  - contains the work to do with the fft of the KE
|         - the main file is, this code has the ability 
|           to run for any model, any region in the atmosphere averging 
|           the calcualted ffts over the region specified and over the 
|           10 day netcdf file provided. Also has the ability to put a 
|           on the graphs showing the mean over the whole month and a
|           range of values using each of the 10 days to calculate the 
|           mean.
|                -- needs to be on lotus run using 
|                   $ .
|                -- saves the output rather than displaying
|         - the next useful file ( is 
|           slightly less useful and works off monthly mean netcdf files,
|           but does simlar thing, but no range only single lines

data_conversions - contains
|    T_calc - contains the code to run the calculation of T from the netCDF 
|             files containg theta and p
|           - to run the calculation run (ie $ . T_calc_bsub)
|             -- output: - a netcdf file containing T for each of the 
|                            original netcdf files for theta, p
|                          - a file for the mean for each month  
|           - then when this is finished run to merge all 
|             the means for each month into a single netcdf file for the 
|             monthly mean
|    xjanp_conv - contains the code the extract the variables from the xjanp 
|                 ff files, currently contains u, v, p and theta. Produces
|                 a netcdf file for every original ff file and outputs the
|                 mean for each month. Outputs a log for the run.
|               - to run for example u, $ ., then when 
|                 finished run
|               - unit change is just a short  code to change the units on a 
|                 netcdf file
|    xjlef_conv - same as for xjanp_conv but for xjlef and only for u and v 
|    xjleh_conv - same as for xjanp_conv but for xjleh and only for u and v 

oldCode_probs_useless - contains old code that isn't used any more but 
|                       could be useful for reference

plotting  - contains code for plotting the data from the models
|         - contains code to plot u contours on top
|           of temperature contours
|         - contains lots of code for different kinds
|           of plots (bit of a mess, but useful)


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