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MPO Software distribution

  README - this file

     db - the database interface (python)
     server - the api_server and web_server (python - flask)
     client - the language specific apis each in their own subdirectory

  Certificates - for demo purposes only
    MPO Demo User.p12       - a demo user certificate (see directions below for 
                              installing in browser, and filesystem) - file containing the public keys of the certificate 
                              authorities we are willing to accept    - certificate identifying the mpo web server for https access    - private key for this certificate
    MPO-UI-SERVER.crt       - A client certificate for the WEB_SERVER to identify itself 
                              to the API_SERVER
    MPO-UI-SERVER.key       - private key for this certificate
NOTE:  The .key files must be chmod 640 and SVN does not do this.  So after updates execute:
             chmod 600 *.key

Scripts     - support shell functions    - script to run the api web server using uwsgi    - script to run the web gui server using uwsgi
   api_server.wsgi  - scripts to be used by 
   web_server.wsgi    apache to run the web server(s)
                      NOTE:  for apache to serve these pages to safari you may need to add:
                      SSLInsecureRenegotiation ON
                      to the apache config file - at least for this directory.
   apache2-site-cfg - Sample lines to configure apache2 to serve the mpo web and api servers.
                      These should be added to /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl, or 
                      someplace equivalent on the target system.

To run the api_server:
   This will fire up the api server listening for https on port 8443, 
  for a different port specify the port number as the 1st argument.

  Available as https://localhost:8443

To run the web_server:
   This will fire up the web server listening for https on port 9443, 
  for a different port specify the port number as the 1st argument.
  Note if your api_server is not running on localhost:8443  then specify 
  the url for the api_server as the 2nd argument. 
   ./ 9999 https://localhost:8888/

  Available as https://localhost:9443

To access the live apache served servers *
   For the mpo web pages:
   For the api json responses **

* note: you will need to have a certificate installed in your browser to access either of these.
  see the certificate directions below.
** note the api server's top route is not defined, try:

Example scripts to archive using rsync. These scripts use an ssh-key from ~/.mporsync to rsync
   files between user directories and an archive server.  Create a password free key for use by these
   scripts by typing:
   and putting .mporsync/id_rsa  in for the key file name and nothing for the password. Send the public
   part of the key (~/.mporsync/ to  and he will authorize you to write in

   mpoarchive src-file workflow-name user-name run-number [extra-file-name-parts]
   mpols  workflow-name user-name run-number [extra-file-name-parts]
   mporestore  workflow-name user-name run-number [extra-file-name-parts]

To example-usage:
   mpoarchive gyrodir gyro jas 1   - this will archive the contents of the directory gyrodir as 
                                     gyro/jas/1/gyrodir in the archive on psfcstor1
   mpols gyro jas 1                - This will recursively list out all the files archived in the previous step
   mporestore gyro jas 1           - This will restore all the files in the 1st step to the current 
                                     working directory hierarchy.

Server use cases:

a. You want to access the api server running on under apache but run your own

############## Demo User Certificate Directions ##############

The file MPO Demo User.p12 contains a user certificate that can be used for 
testing the MPO API and WEB GUI.  In order to use it to access either of these 
servers from a browser, it must be installed.  The exact procedure varies depending 
on the browser and operating system.

1) from the menu (upper right) choose Settings or browse to: chrome://settings/
2) at the bottom of the page click 'Show advanced settings...'
3) under HTTPS/SSL click 'Manage certificates...'
4)  A dialog will appear that will let you import this certificate.
5) the password is 'mpo demo' (without the quotes)

1) Go to Preferences/Advanced/View Certificates
2) at the bottom of the new window click on Import
3) A dialog will appear that will let you import this certificate.
4) the password is 'mpo demo' (without the quotes)
PLEASE add the recipe for your OS/Browser combination...

1) open KeyChain
2) File/Import Items
   Select the MPO p12 key and import it, enter password when prompted, 'mpo demo'
3) select 'My Certficates' in left pane of KeyChain
4) right click and select 'New Identify Preference'
   Enter the mpo website ''
5) Test by opening
   Select 'Always Allow' for keychain access by this website
6) Done. Now Safari will identify as MPO User at this site.
   Follow a similar procedure if you receive a new certificate for this site

Commandline with curl or for using mpo api commandline tool:
1) convert to PEM format
openssl pkcs12 -in MPO\ Demo\ User.p12 -out MPO\ Demo\ User.pem -nodes

2) test api with curl
curl -k --cert ./MPO\ Demo\ User.pem https://localhost:8443/v0/workflow

3) use with command line tool
export MPO_AUTH=path_to_key/keyStore.pem

############## INSTALLATION and STARTUP #############

#initial setup of postgres
cd <to your mpo checkout>
export MPO_HOME=$PWD
export PGDATA=$MPO_HOME/db/data
initdb -D $PGDATA
# Startup postgresql, make sure postgresql bin is in PATH
shared memory can be a problem with postgres91 (93 fixes this), if so trying increasing:
: sudo sysctl -w kern.sysv.shmall=65536
: sudo sysctl -w kern.sysv.shmmax=16777216

# Start database if not already running
#this works  postgres -D $PGDATA > logfile
#but this is preferable
pg_ctl start -D $PGDATA

# setup database for MPO
# Note Bene: on systems where postgres process is owned by postgres user, 
#            you have to add yourself as a 'role' in postgres:
# sudo su postgres
# psql
# psql> create user <$USER> createdb superuser;
# psql> ^D

createdb mpoDB
# create tables
psql -d mpoDB -a -f $MPO_HOME/db/create_tables.sql 

## Start up all services

#set host for client and other env variables
#cd to mpo working directory
export MPO_HOME=$PWD
export MPO_VERSION=v0
export MPO_HOST=https://localhost:8443
export MPO=$MPO_HOME/client/python/
alias mpo=$MPO #if you like
export MPO_AUTH='~/Desktop/keyStore.pem' #p12 support to be added. requires autogeneration of pem file
export MPO_AUTH=$MPO_HOME/'MPO Demo User.pem' #to use cert that comes with mpo
export MPO_RC='path to optional resources file' # not implemented

export PGDATA=$MPO_HOME/db/data
#on or any other system where postgres is already running an it is not
#practical to start another postgres, then
export PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main

#start the data server / web client
postgres -D $PGDATA > logfile
./ &

# pre wsgi 
./server/python &

## Reset database
As database owner:
> dropdb 'mpoDB'
> createdb  mpoDB
> psql mpoDB < db/mpoDB_reference
##update reference database
pg_dump mpoDB > $MPO_HOME/db/mpoDB_reference

This will reset the default database to the reference DB from GA with 75 workflows 
that was introduced in the summer of 2013.


When something goes wrong, here's what to do:

Use -v argument for your $MPO command. It will tell you what it's posting.
svn status -uv #Make sure your install has no local mods. This will also tell you if it
               #is up to date.

Check the output of 
pip list

and compare to the list in DEPENDENCIES

# Using git on mpo project

We are going to use 'git flow' as a workflow when working on MPO.  What this means is:

* the branch master is the current working directory
** Never work directly on master
* to work on a feature, make sure you are on master and up to date:
  $ git status
  # On branch master
  nothing to commit (working directory clean)
  $ git pull origin master
   * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
  Already up-to-date.
* create a branch
 $ git branch add-git-flow-directions
* check it out
 $ git checkout add-git-flow-directions
  Switched to branch 'add-git-flow-directions'

* now make whatever changes you like (like editing this README)
* add the changed files
  git add README
* commit the changes
  git commit -m "Added git flow to the README"
* push the branch
  git push
* create a pull request (using the github web site)
  on select the new branch in the branch menu.
  Click yellow button <> Comare & pull request
  on next screen click 'Create pull request'
* have someonelse merge your pull request using the github website
**  to test someone's pull request click the 'command line instructions' next to the 'Merge Pull Request' button.
    git branch master
    git fetch origin
    git checkout -b add-git-flow-directions origin/add-git-flow-directions
    git merge master
** do whatever local testing you like.  If you are happy click the green button 'Merge Pull Request'
** If you want to propose changes, then put them in a text block in the next section of the page
** If you want make changes to your local copy and push them, which effectively modifies the pull request