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Icarus Analysis System

This is @Michcioperz's set of not really useful programs that he uses to make himself feel more like a super secret agent spy scientist. Stuff he made when he was bored.

Programs included

  • Icarus - Scientific-looking something that looks cool and would be useful for a sci-fi movie.
  • Name's origin: Icarus is a pun on something. You won't figure out. It's nothing personal, you just won't, cause I'm complicated.
  • Dependencies: Python 3, Espeak, Cmatrix
  • Halp - Launch poweroff command, but give me time to change my mind, and also be funny.
  • Name's origin: I was bored so I threw halp at my console and it said it can't. Also, it's kind of a wrapper around halt.
  • Dependencies: Python 3, Espeak, Tty, Poweroff
  • Ttyid - Welcome user to the system.
  • Dependencies: Python 3, Espeak, Tty, Whoami
  • Saybday - Read upcoming birthdays and anniversaries out loud while listing them.
  • Dependencies: Python 3, Espeak, Birthday
  • Timotheus - Play .mid files from chosen directory.
  • Name's origin: It's a pun on TiMidity++, but also that's what I call @Puzzlem00n sometimes.
  • Dependencies: Python 3, TiMidity++ (or other commandline MIDI player (requires additional parameter).
  • - A library with runnable commandline interface that uses MPRIS API (MPRIS is a thing that controls music players through DBus)
  • Dependencies: Python 3, running DBus daemon, DBus lib for Python 3, running libnotify server, GObject lib for Python 3, espeak (optional: for speaking)
  • - A commandline Spotify interface, MichiMPRIS wrapper that uses Spotify.
  • Dependencies: Python 3, MichiMPRIS, running official Spotify app
  • - A commandline Tomahawk interface, MichiMPRIS wrapper that uses Tomahawk.
  • Dependencies: Python 3, MichiMPRIS, running Tomahawk app
  • - A webapp to control Spotify from local network, runs on port 8080.
  • Dependencies: Python 3, Flask (Python webapp library), MichiSpotify
  • Warning: Won't work without additional files in working directory.
  • Required additional files: templates directory, static directory
  • SptSH - A curses interface for Spotify. Kinda.
  • Dependencies: Python 3, MichiSpotify, curses

Special thanks

  • @Folis, who added a fix that flushes console different way and counts stars different way


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