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Application for loading records from external sources into the DRB collection and providing access via API

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Digital Research Books ETL Pipeline


A containerized python application for importing data from multiple source projects and transforming this data into a unified format that can be accessed via an API (which powers Digital Research Books Beta). The application runs a set of individual processes that can be orchestrated with AWS ECS, Kubernetes, or run as standalone processes.

The overall goal of this project is to provide access to the universe of open source and public domain monographs through a single portal, making it much easier for researchers, students, and others to discover obscure works and newly digitized materials that they may otherwise be unaware of.

Process Overview

This ETL pipeline operates in several phases to progressively enhance the data that is received from the source projects. This allows us to both normalize data from a wide range of sources (which naturally exists in numerous formats) and to enhance this data in an additive way, presenting the resulting records to users.

The objective is to produce a database of "FRBRized". In these records each source record is represented as an Item (something that can actually be read online), which are grouped into Editions (e.g. the 1917 edition of X), which are in turn grouped into Works, (e.g. Moby Dick, or, The Whale). Through this a user can search for and find a single Work record and see all editions of that Work and all of its options for reading online.

The first step of this work is to gather all source records into the "Dublin Core Data Warehouse (DCDW)". This is a simple data store (currently a flat file in a PostgreSQL database) that normalizes data (from CSVs, MARC records, XML documents and more) into a simple Dublin Core representation. This representation uses the flexibility of DC to allow comparison from these different files while tolerating different formats and missing fields, as all DC fields are optional we can create valid DC records regardless of the source. Using some additional formatting rules (description TK) within each field, we additionally do not lose fidelity from these records.

Once stored in the DCDW these records are used to generate "clustered" work records in the FRBRized BIBFRAME model desrcibed above. This is done by using the source DCDW records as "seed" records to fetch additional metadata from the OCLC catalog, utilizing the OCLC Classify service to initially FRBRize these records and retrieve additional MARC records for the work.

Using these retrieved records, and matched records from the DCDW as a corpus, these records are passed into a relatively simple Machine Learning algorithm to identify which records represent single editions and produce a the data model which is stored in a PostgreSQL database and indexed in ElasticSearch.

Running the Pipeline

This application is built as a monorepo, which can be built as a single Docker container. This container can be run to execute different processes, which either execute discrete tasks or start a persistent service (such as a Flask API instance). The monorepo structure allows for a high degree of code reuse and makes extending existing services/adding new services easier as they can be based on existing patterns. Many of the modules include abstract base classes that define the mandatory methods for each service.

Local Development

Locally these services can be run in two modes:

  1. As a local docker image, which replicates the deployed version of any component process. This allows for confidence that locally developed code will function properly in the QA and production environments.
  2. As individual services on the host machine with local PostgreSQL and ElasticSearch instances. This is the primary mode for developing new services as it allows for instantaneous debugging without the need to rebuild or restart a virtual environment or container image

Dependencies and Installation

Local development requires that the following services be available. They do not need to be running locally, but for development purposes this is probably easiest. These should be installed by whatever means is easiest (on macOS this is generally brew, or your package manager of choice). These dependencies are:

  • PostgreSQL@10
  • ElasticSearch@7.10>
  • RabbitMQ
  • Redis
  • XCode Command Line Tools

This is a Python application and requires Python >= 3.6. It is recommended that a virtual environment be set up for the application (again use the virtual environment tool of your choice).

The steps to install the application are:

  1. Install dependencies, including Python >= 3.6, if not already installed
  2. Set up virtual environment
  3. Clone this repository
  4. Run pip install -r requirements.txt from the root directory
  5. Configure environment variables per instructions below
  6. Run DevelopmentSetupProcess per instructions below

Running services on host machine

It's required to have Docker/Docker Desktop installed locally for setting up a local development environment in this section. Further details on using Docker with this codebase is given in the next section.

All services share a single entry point in file. This script dynamically imports available processes from the processes directory and executes the selected process. This script accepts the following arguments (these can also be displayed by running python --help)

  • --process The name of the process to execute. This should be the name of the process class
  • --environment The environment in which to execute the process. This controls which set of environment variables are loaded from the config directory, and should be set to local for local development
  • --ingestType Applicable for processes that fetch records from external sources. Generally three settings are available (see individual processes for their own settings): daily, complete and custom
  • --inputFile Used with the custom ingest setting provides a local file of records to import
  • --startDate Also used with the custom ingest setting, sets a start point for a period to query or ingest records
  • --limit Limits the total number of rows imported in a single process
  • --offset Skips the first n rows of an import process
  • --singleRecord Accepts a single record identifier for the current process and imports that record only. Setting this will ignore ingestType, limit and offset.

To set up a local environment there is a special process to initialize a database and search cluster which is the DevelopmentSetupProcess. However, it's recommended to run the DevelopmentSetupProcess and APIProcess at the same time to build the most efficient local environment. Before running a command, it's required to set these config variables in the sample-compose.yaml file:


You can find the values to these variables from the HathiTrust website ( and OCLC website ( or ask other developers for assistance on attaining these values.

With the configurations set, one of these commands should be run: make up or docker compose up. These commands will run the docker-compose file in the codebase and this is why it's required to have Docker/Docker Desktop installed locally. After running one of the commands, a short import process will occur and populate the database with some sample data alongside running the API locally. This will allow you to query the API at localhost:5050 and query the ESC at localhost:9200.

The docker compose file uses the sample-compose.yaml file in the config directory and additional configurations and dependencies can be added to the file to build upon your local environment.

To run the processes individually the command should be in this format: python --process APIProcess.

The currently available processes are:

  • DevelopmentSetupProcess Initialize a testing/development database
  • APIProcess run the DRB API
  • HathiTrustProcess Run an import job on HathiTrust records
  • CatalogProcess Retrieve all OCLC Catalog records for identifiers in the queue
  • ClassifyProcess Classify (FRBRize) records newly imported into the DCDW
  • ClusterProcess Group records that have been FRBRized into editions via a Machine Learning algorithm
  • S3Process Fetch files (e.g. ePubs, cover images, etc.) associated with Item and Edition records and store them in AWS s3
  • NYPLProcess Fetch files from the NYPL catalog (specifically Bib records) and import them
  • GutenbergProcess Fetch updated files from Project Gutenberg and import them
  • MUSEProcess Fetch open access books from Project MUSE and import them
  • DOABProcess Fetch open access books from the Directory of Open Access Books
  • CoverProcess Fetch covers for edition records

Building and running a process in Docker

To run these processes as a containerized process you must have Docker Desktop installed.

Building the container is a standard process as the container provides an ENTRYPOINT that accepts all arguments that can be passed to, which control the specific process invoked.

To build the container run the following command from the project root: docker build -t drb-etl-pipeline .

This will place an image drb-etl-pipeline:latest in your local docker instance. To run a process with the containerized application (in this instance the Flask API) execute the following command: docker run drb-etl-pipeline -p APIProcess -e YOUR_ENV_FILE. The ENTRYPOINT will accept the same arguments as invoking the process via the CLI.

When running a Docker image locally that interacts with other resources running on localhost it is necessary to supply a special URL to access them. Due to this it is generally helpful to define a unique config file for local docker testing. You may not wish to commit this file to git as it may contain secrets.

Managing secrets

To keep sensitive settings out of git, some secrets configuration must be done to run the cluster. To set up for running on your local machine, copy the config/example.yaml file and provide the necessary configuration (ask a colleague if you need some of the keys required there). Then provide the name of this file as the --environment argument when you run scripts.

Any file that contains sensitive details should not be committed to git. These values can be loaded via the AWS Parameter Store or AWS ECS. Speak to a NYPL engineer for access to these secrets and information on configuring your local setup to use them.


This application is deployed via Github Actions to an ECS cluster. Once merged into QA changes are deployed to the DRB QA Instance

Production deployments are to be made when releases are cut against main.

Release Process

We use git tags to tag releases and github's release feature to deploy. The steps are as follows:

  1. Decide on a new version number (assume 0.12.0 for the following steps)
  2. Make sure your local main branch is up to date
  3. Update the 'unreleased version' header with the current date and new version number, e.g. '2023-04-03 -- v0.12.0'
  4. Commit your change and push straight to main: git push origin main
  5. Create a new tag and name it after the new version number: git tag -a v0.12.0
  6. Push your tag to github: git push origin v0.12.0
  7. In github, navigate to the 'Releases' tab and click on 'Draft a new release'
  8. Choose your new tag from the dropdown, set main as the target, and name your release after the new version number ('v0.12.0')
  9. Add a quick 1-2 sentence summary, make sure 'Set as the latest release' is enabled and hit 'Publish release'
  10. Check the repo's Actions tab to observe the progress of the deployment to production - Note that the deployment job merely kicks off an ECS service update. To fully verify success, you'll need to check the Deployments tab for the relevant service / cluster in the ECS console.
  11. Send a quick message to #researchnow_aka_sfr in Slack to notify folks of the newest release

And you're done!


  • Improve this README
  • Add following data ingest processes:
    • NYPL Catalog
    • Project Gutenberg
    • DOAB
    • Project MUSE
    • MET Exhibition Catalogs
  • Add centralized logging process
  • Add commenting/documentation strings
  • Generate C4 diagrams for application
  • Integrate ePub processor into standard processing flow
  • Add cover fetching process
  • Create test suite, including:
    • Unit tests for all components
    • Functional tests for each process
    • Integration tests for the full cluster


Application for loading records from external sources into the DRB collection and providing access via API






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