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A simple command line utility for maintaining s3-based yum repos in concert with yum-s3-iam.



  • A developer with AWS credentials places a set of RPMs in a local directory.
  • The developer uses s3yum to maintain a copy of the RPMs in a bucket in S3; corresponding yum metadata is transparently maintained by s3yum.
  • The S3 bucket is private; access is allowed via signed URL's/IAM.
  • The developer creates an IAM role and adds a policy allowing access to the S3 bucket.
  • Instances started with that role may use it to sign requests for bucket access.
  • A config file is deployed to /etc/yum/repos.d on the instance which directs yum to the S3 bucket.

Build and Installation

# Install dependencies:
pip2.7 install -r ./requirements.txt
python2.7 ./ install

# For more info (packaging, etc):
python2.7 ./ --help-commands


⚠️ As of version 1.6.4, s3yum is still developed with python2.7 - any future major releases will be ported to python3.

# Install additional development dependencies:
pip2.7 install -r dev-requirements.txt

# If you don't have virtualenv (python2.7):
pip2.7 install virtualenv

# If you already have virtualenv for a different python version:
virtualenv -p $( which python2.7 ) venv

# Source your virtual environment:
source ./venv/bin/activate

# Run tests:
nosetests -v

# If additional dependencies are added:
pip2.7 freeze > ./requirements.txt

# Deactivate when done:


The general format of an s3yum command is s3yum ACTION [OPTIONS] [RPM1] [RPM2] ... [RPM2]

Where ACTION is one of:

  • create: create a new yum repo
  • get: copy the entirety of a given repo to a local directory
  • list: list repo contents
  • help: provide help for a given action
  • update: update a yum repo by adding or deleting rpm's

For detailed usage, try the following:

  • s3yum --help - display general command line usage
  • s3yum help - display available commands

Environment Variables

  • CREATEREPO - path to 'createrepo' executable
  • AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE - path to credential file for AWS auth
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - aws access key
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - aws secrety key


There are three main ways you can autenticate using s3yum:

Upload/Download Semantics

Unless --force-upload or --force-download is specifed, s3yum uses the following criteria to decide whether or not to upload or download a file:

  • If the source file does not exist at the destination: transfer
  • If the source file does exist at the destination, and the checksums of source and destination are different: transfer if the mtime of the source is greater than the mtime of the destination
  • If the source file exists at the destination and the checksums match: don't transfer the file.


Example 1: Create a new repo from a set of RPM's

s3yum CREATE -v \
    -b -p '/my_path' my_pkg1.rpm my_pkg2.rpm

Example 2: Adding a new RPM to a repo:

s3yum UPDATE -v \
    -b -p '/my_path' my_pkg3.rpm

Example 3: Adding a new RPM to a repo, saving a copy on the local disk for re-use:

s3yum UPDATE -v \
    -w ./my_local_path \
    -b -p '/my_path' my_pkg4.rpm

# This time, nothing new is downloaded and only my_pkg5.rpm and the
# new repodata will get uploaded!
s3yum UPDATE -v \
    -w ./my_local_path \
    -b -p '/my_path' my_pkg5.rpm

Example 4: Downloading an entire repo, including repo metadata:

s3yum GET -v \
    -b -o my_repo_dir

Example 5: Deleting an entire repo:

s3yum DELETE -v \
    -b -p '/my_path/'


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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


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