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My Emacs Config

mainly for c, python, java

GitHub last commit Supports emacs 27.x Screenshot

Table of Contents




  • helm An emacs framework for incremental completions and narrowing selections.

Config Management

  • bug-hunter An emacs library that finds the source of an error or unexpected behavior inside an elisp configuration file.



  • yasnippet A template system that allows you to type an abbreviation and automatically expand it into function templates.
  • lsp-mode Emacs client for the Language Server Protocol.
    • lsp-java Emacs java ide using eclipse jdt language server.
    • lsp-ui An extension which adds code lenses and documentation pop-up for lsp-mode
    • lsp-treemacs Integration between lsp-mode and treemacs and implementation of treeview controls using treemacs as a tree renderer.
  • quickrun Execute editing buffer.
  • smartparens Deals with parens pairs and tries to be smart about it.
  • verilog-mode Emacs major mode for verilog with Indentation, Hightlighting and AUTOs.
  • json-mode Major mode for editing JSON files.
  • json-reformat Reformat tool for JSON.
  • json-snatcher Snatch the path to this value on a large JSON file.
  • yang-mode Emacs mode for YANG (RFC 7950).
  • yaml-mode Simple major mode to edit YAML file for emacs
  • protobuf-mode Major mode for editing protocol buffers
  • meson-mode Emacs editor major mode for the Meson build system files
  • cmake-mode Major mode for cmake


Error Checking

  • flycheck Modern on-the-fly syntax checking extension.


Version control

  • magit Interacting with git.


Keys Cheat Sheet

  • which-key Display available key bindings in popup. Rewrite of guide-key with added features to improve display.

Package Configuration

  • use-package A declaration macro to isolate package configuration in a way that is performance-oriented and tidy.

Interface Enhancement

  • dashboard An extensible emacs startup screen showing you what’s most important.

Useful scripts


  • cflow
  • python
    • requests
    • beautifulsoup4