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Jane is yet another IRC bot written in python and Twisted. She is currently in a prototype state so her api may change rapidly, drastically and without notice.


  • Support for most IRC commands
  • A simple 'local' plugin system
  • A simple 'remote' plugin system (Ansible)
  • SSL


  • Make SSL for both the IRCClient and Ansible optional
  • Pick and implement a new binary serializer or at least use cpickle
  • Enable load,unload,reload of local plugins
  • Enable authentication for remote plugins
  • HTTP interface to many IRC functionalities
  • Tests, documentation, and clean up

How it works

Factories and Protocols

A basic understanding of Twisted's architecture is beneficial. Basically a 'server' or 'client' is represented by a Factory. A connection to or from this server or client is called a Protocol, and is where the bulk of our logic is located (generally triggered by a dataReceived or similar event). There is generally only a single instance of a Factory, while there can be many Protocol instances. A crude diagram of a server would look something liket he following.

         Protocol  -> Transport -> Client
Factory /
        \ Protocol -> Transport -> Client

With that in mind, Jane is made up of multiple factories.


Most factories will have a class variable called protocol which will be a reference to the protocol type that this factory uses to manage it's connections.

  • janecore.ircbot.factory.JaneIRCClient

    This factory is responsible for creating and maintaining connections to IRC servers. Since it's a sort-of parent object for the protocols it's also use to maintain references to shared resources, specifically the aptly name "storage" object which holds the all important evt_mgr.

  • janecore.ircbot.ansible.AnsibleFactory

    This factory is responsible for creating and maintaining an open port to which AnsibleClients can connect. AnsibleClients are the remote plugin applications which are used to extend Jane's functionality.

  • janecore.web.HTTPServerFactory (Coming Soon!)

    This Factory will be responsible for Accepting and maintaining HTTP requests from web browsers and other applications which speak HTTP.

Event System

The ircbot functionality is largely driven by an event manager janecore.eventmanager.EventManager which is responsible for creating, dispatching and maintaining events. Currently teh JaneIRCClient mentioned in the previous section holds the only EventManager instance as evt_mgr

The basic workflow for this event manager is as follows.

  1. Create a module in and in it import
  2. Instanciate to a variable an instance of IRCEventList with a list of strings representing your events
  3. When the EventManager is instantiated it will automatically load your events module and create event objects for the strings in your IRCEventList instance!
  4. (Optionally) You can pass a string to evt_mgr.registerEventFromName(), or create a subclass of janecore.eventmanager.Evt and pass it to evt_mgr.register()
  5. After you've registered an Event with the Event Manager you'll want to register a Listener for this event. Do this by calling evt_mgr.addListener("event_name", SomeObject) where "event_name"" is the string associated with the event, and SomeObject is either a callable or (oh god!) an object with callable attributes named either event_name+"Callback" or just "callback".
  6. FIXME: there is no explict definition of what data argument is expected. Next you can dispatch an event using evt_mgr.dispatch("event_name", data) where data is some predetermined data format such as a list or a string.


A semi-distributed IRC bot






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