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ooniprobe - Open Observatory of Network Interference

"The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it." - John Gilmore; TIME magazine (6 December 1993)

OONI, the Open Observatory of Network Interference, is a global observation network which aims is to collect high quality data using open methodologies, using Free and Open Source Software (FL/OSS) to share observations and data about the various types, methods, and amounts of network tampering in the world.

Let's get started with this already!

To run OONI-probe without having to install it you must tell python that it can import modules from the root of ooni-probe, as well as initialize the included submodules.

Getting started


On debian based systems these can be installed with:

apt-get install git-core python python-pip python-dev

The python dependencies required for running ooniprobe are:

You are highly recommended to install depedencies from inside of a virtual environment, since pip does not download the packages via SSL and you will need to install it system wide.

This will require you to have installed virtualenv.

sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv

To create a new virtual environment do

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate

Then install OONI with:

pip install
pip install -r requirements.txt

If you decided not to install virtual env and want to download code via http as run it as root, you may easily do so with:

pip install
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Including your geo data in the test report

Including geografical information on where your probe is located helps us better assess the value of the test. You can personalize these setting from inside of ooniprobe.conf

If you wish to include geografical data in the test report, you will have to go to the data/ directory and run:

make geoip

Then edit your ooniprobe.conf to point to the absolute path of where the data/ directory is located for example:

geoip_data_dir: /home/your_user/ooni-probe/data/

Running some tests

To see the possible command line options run:

./bin/ooniprobe --help 

For interesting tests to run look in the nettests/core/ directory.

To run a test you can do so with:

./bin/ooniprobe -o report_file_name path/to/

Normally tests take options, you can see them with:

./bin/ooniprobe -o report_file_name path/to/ --help


By default ooniprobe will not include personal identifying information in the test result, nor create a pcap file. This behavior can be personalized by editing your ooniprobe.conf configuration file.