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System Design

Exercise 1a: simple analytics web service

We are required to design a simple analytics web service (SAWS) to track visits to a generic content from anonymous users.

The first apparent capability of this service is to store events in a persistent way, just for logging purpose. However, while designing this service, it is reasonable to consider another use case typical of this kind of systems: analyze collected data to gather some insights.

SAWS has to log data from anonymous users. This requirement simplifies the design, since we can ignore user-related aspects, such as authentication, and proceed with a straightforward general-purpose logging service. This service can in principle be flexible enough to be used by different customers, even if requirements only involve one website. So, with little additional effort, it is possible to design a multitenant architecture. Planning multitenancy right now can reduce costs in the future without over-engineering risks.

SAWS should be designed to sustain a logging traffic coming from 100 millions of users per day (100Mud). This number is fairly big: 100Mud is the volume of very large websites, such as LinkedIn or Tumbler. This requirement will mainly drive the design since it defines the most important feature our system needs: high scalability.

SAWS is required to fetch external data from a slow service before logging events. This may represents a harsh bottleneck and SAWS performance will probably be inversely proportional to its dependency from such service. We aim to design a system as decoupled as possible from the slow service by relying on some expedients, such as caching. This will be required both to achieve SAWS scalability and to avoid flooding the slow service with requests.

We are now able to sketch an initial architecture:

| 5. API                |
| 4. Load Balancer      |
| 3. Back End Instances |
| 2. Caching Layer      |
| 1. Persistency Layer  |

1. Persistency Layer

The Persistency Layer will store traffic events. It is required to have a very high throughput, since it is reasonable to expect the number of events SAWS will receive to be an order of magnitude larger than the number of daily users. In the best case 100Mud will trigger 100 millions of requests circa.

Events can be considered as atomic entities, with few relationships among them. For such reason, a scalable NoSQL database is suitable for the system (we can safely assume that no operation will involve joining entries).

Many of these requests will involve the same contents and this assumption can be exploited to achieve better performance.

An appropriate model for the entities could be the following:

| * ID         |
| * Content ID |———·
| * Time       |   |
| * IP         |   |
| * User Agent |   |
| * Location   |   |
| * ...        |   |
|______________|   |
Content            |
 _______________   |
| * ID           |—·
| * Content Name |

Events and contents have been split.

Each stored event will have a unique identifier, the id of the content required by the user, a timestamp of the request and a set of user-related attributes, such as IP, browser user agent, etc. Since users are anonymous, the information available will be those typically provided by an HTTP(S) packet, such as header content.

On the contrary, the content entity will only have a unique identifier and the name fetched from the slow external service.

Storing contents separately from events allows us to avoid redundancy and save space (hundreds of events will be associated to the same content), enable caching as explained below, and permit an easier way to keep content names updated (every future change on the slow service side will impact only one associated entity on SAWS).

2. Caching Layer

The Caching Layer is responsible to minimize the interactions between SAWS and the external slow service for shared benefits.

Whenever a new event is required to be stored, this caching layer is expected to perform an external API call only if strictly necessary. The algorithm implemented at this level may be follow this logic:

01. process_event(ev):
02.   if ev.content_id not in cache:
03.   # content_id may have been processed, but removed from the cache (cache miss)
04.      if ev.content_id not in persistency_layer:
05.        # content_name has never been fetched yet
06.        content_name = slow_service.get_content_name(ev.content_id)
07.        persistency_layer.store_content_entity(ev.content_id, content_name)
08.      # content_name has been fetched, but is missing in the cache
09.      cache.add(ev.content_id)
10.   persistency_layer.store_event_entity(ev) 

Whenever a new event has to be logged, this layer first checks if the content id is cached. If so, there is no need to invoke the slow service and the event can be immediately passed to the underlying layer, handling the request in a short time. However, we expect the cache to be volatile: we may get a cache miss even if the entity has been processed (for instance, a long time ago in a LRU cache). In this case, we first query the fast Persistency Layer to check if the entity is really missing. If so, we are forced to call the external slow service, generate and save a new content entity, cache the result and process the event. Otherwise we can just update the cache and store the event as before.

This algorithm ensures we will call the external slow service only once for each new content. At the same time, it doesn't ensure content name in the Persistency Layer to be updated.

3-4. Back End Instances + Load Balancer

These machines will serve requests performed to our web services. We can think of bare-metal servers or virtual machines that will receive tasks by a load balancer put on top of the architecture. Tuning resources for an on-premise ad-hoc cluster could be difficult and we may instead opt to rely on a Platform as a Service. This choice will delegate the scalability issue to the service provider (e.g. Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, etc.), allowing us to solely focus on the application. These providers usually take care of dynamically replicating instances and balance traffic when there are load spikes.

However, managing a cluster is still feasible. Great attention must be paid to keep always allocated the required minimal resources to avoid high cost (is the tracking service used homogeneously during the day? Are requests geographically distributed homogeneously? How much does it take on average to complete a request?). A detailed costs-benefits analysis will clarify if in the long term it is more convenient leveraging on an external service or running a cluster.

5. API

SAWS functionality can be exposed with a minimal API. In order to log events it is sufficient to offer, for instance, an addEvent method in a RESTful API. Customers will be able to POST new events with a simple HTTP request. The response may contain the identifier of the newly stored event on SAWS.

In order to achieve the maximal flexibility, SAWS may also implement the full set of CRUD functions (deleteEvent, listEvents, ...). By doing so, customers will be able to manage their stored events as well as retrieve data and perform analyses (e.g. time series) on their own.

Only authenticated requests should be processed and each customer should be able to prove its identity while issuing API calls to prevent security flaws. An existing protocol such as OAuth 2.0 will be sufficient for this requirement.

An API endpoint for addEvent may be:

POST analyticsservice/{customerId}/event 

with a JSON request body as the following:

      "user_agent":"Mozilla Firefox",

Customers will be free to place analytics hooks in the form of API calls either in their back ends, while serving client requests, or in their front ends, when pages are loaded. The first approach is more secure and completely transparent to the user for a number of reasons: it doesn't require user resources, it can't be tampered or prevented, API call results can be easily processed, etc.

A proof of concept

A proof of concept (PoC) of the architecture just described has been developed in Python 2.7 and deployed on the Google Cloud Platform.

 _______________________      ________________________
| 5. API                | -> | Google Cloud Endpoints | 
|_______________________| -> |________________________|
| 4. Load Balancer      | -> |                        | 
|_______________________| -> | Google App Engine      |
| 3. Back End Instances | -> |                        |
|_______________________| -> |________________________|
| 2. Caching Layer      | -> | Google Memcache        |
|_______________________| -> |________________________|
| 1. Persistency Layer  | -> | Google Cloud Datastore |
|_______________________| -> |________________________|

Four different services have been used to implement the layers. In particular:

  • The Persistency Layer relies on Google Cloud Datastore, a NoSQL document database built for automatic scaling and high performance, as necessary for the global throughput requirement;

  • The Caching Layer relies on Google Memcache, a fast in-memory data cache useful in front of a persistent storage, ideal for temporary values without strict requirements on cache hits. The implemented storing algorithm is the one described above;

  • The Back End Instances and the Load Balancer are provided by Google App Engine, a fully managed serverless application platform. It solves the issue of over/under provisioning by automatically scaling depending on SAWS traffic and consumes resources only when code is running;

  • The API is exposed via Google Cloud Endpoints, a scalable, fast and secure proxy and distributed architecture using Open API Specification and providing insights monitoring and logging.

The application is running at

SAWS API and the external slow service API are deployed together for convenience. They can be explored via the APIs Explorer automatically generated by Google Cloud Endpoints at

This PoC version doesn't require (OAuth 2.0) authentication and the API can be tested either via UI or via command line, for instance with curl.

The external slow service is mocked by waiting some seconds before replying. However, SAWS is able to efficiently use Memcache whenever possible.

For example, when we try to add an event for customer customerABC, related to the content Content42, SAWS has to invoke the external slow service and requires more than 4 seconds to respond:

$ time curl -X POST -k '' --data '{ "content_id": "Content42", "time": 1537093281464, "user_info" : { "ip": "", "user_agent" : "Mozilla Firefox", "location" : "Bari"} }'

 "content": true
real    0m4.275s
user    0m0.012s
sys     0m0.017s

However, if we try to add a new event related to the same content, SAWS will find the item in Memcache and respond in 1 second:

$ time curl -X POST -k '' --data '{ "content_id": "Content42", "time": 1537093370563, "user_info" : { "ip": "", "user_agent" : "Mozilla Firefox", "location" : "Padua"} }'

 "content": true
real    0m1.000s
user    0m0.015s
sys     0m0.011s

For the sake of completeness, the commands required to generate and deploy the Open API Specification JSON are reported (gcloud is required):

$ git clone
$ cd simple-analytics-ws/
$ python2.7 lib/endpoints/ get_openapi_spec api.google_cloud_endpoints.services_api.ServicesApi --hostname
$ gcloud endpoints services deploy servicev1openapi.json
$ gcloud endpoints configs list

Exercise 1b: batch enrichment

We will proceed by analysing requirements one at a time.

The first business requirement states:

· grant 2 years of retention for event data

In order to satisfy this requirement we have to guarantee our Persistency Layer to be able to retain data for that period of time.

If we are leveraging on a third-party service it may be sufficient to verify the service level agreement (SLA) of our provider. The vast majority of services doesn't set an upper bound or an expiration date as long as service costs are being paid. However, some of them may delete data that have not been accessed for a long time, so particular attention should be paid in this case. One workaround could be configuring a time to live (TTL) on entities and a cron job to periodically refresh them before deletion. An alternative could be configuring an automatic (and possibly incremental) back up on another service.

The latest approach is also viable if we are managing the Persistency Layer on our own, with an on-premise solution. In this case we will also probably consider some replication mechanism to reduce the risk of data loss.

On the other hand, the same requirement may also mean that we are authorized to remove from our storage obsolete entities. In this case, we may set up a cron job to automatically fetch and delete events (and perhaps contents) older than 2 years, thus saving space and money along with making the system overall more efficient (e.g. faster listEvents API responses).

The second business requirement states:

· update data, when there are model changes, in less than 1 week

This requirement also involves the Persistency Layer, but from a flexibility point of view. In fact, we must now ensure it has the ability to add or remove attributes from stored entities, in a reasonable amount of time.

This capability is usually provided by NoSQL databases, such as the ones considered before. They typically adopt flexible schemas and adding/removing attributes is often performed in linear time by storing an updated version of the object that will override the previous one.

Deleting attributes can be generally considered a safe operation, however adding new ones could introduce some inconsistencies. In fact, previously-stored entities will lack newly-introduced attributes and SAWS will be almost certainly unable to compute the missing values for old events. So, missing values must be taken into consideration application-wise. Having the possibility to differentiate between entities, for example with a version attribute (v1, v2, etc.), could be of great help.

The next requirement states:

· both the content detail service and the report service are "slow", so they are not designed to sustain a "flood" of requests

It is unclear if the "reporting" and the "contentDetail" webservices have direct access to the Persistency Layer of the analytics service or not. We will suppose a case in which all the three services share the two bottommost layers of the architecture:

| SAWS | reporting | contentDetail | 
| Caching Layer                    |
| Persistency Layer                |

In order to speed up the two new services we may rely on the shared cache.

We can expect content entities to be reasonably small and to fit in the cache. A LRU policy will probably best suit our needs since it will hold the contents most frequently accessed by users.

On the contrary, caching events can be difficult or impossible. Is there any reason to believe that some of them will be fetched more often than others? Or are they usually retrieved all together to perform some aggregate analyses? It could be helpful to have further details on the type of reports offered by the service to evaluate whether is possible to (incrementally? off-line?) pre-compute and cache some metrics and distribute them faster.

If there is no possibility to cache values or pre-compute metrics another solution to mitigate the problem could involve designing an API capable of returning paginated results. This approach is common in very large systems and consists in returning small-size data chunks along with a cursor (index) to fetch the next piece of information. By doing so, for instance, the listEvents will return only the latest X events (X=10, 25, 50, 100, etc) in a shorter time. This could be reasonable because customers will probably be interested in getting reports on recent events and trends. Only if long-term analyses are required then the entire storage needs to be scanned. For this purpose it will be necessary to index events according to their timestamp. As a final note, paginated results may be small enough to be entirely cached as well.

The last point to be considered is:

· content name might change unpredictaly and we need to grant all views data is consistent with the up-to-date name for the whole retention.

This issue about back end inconsistency is non-trivial and involves a trade-off analysis. It happens if the content name in the Persistency Layer of SAWS is inconsistent with a new version of the same content in the slow service (regardless of how the "reporting" and the "contentDetail" webservices are built).

If the slow webservice doesn't provide a push system to send updates to SAWS, there will come for sure a moment in which content names in the Persistency Layer will be obsolete.

One possibility to solve the issue is to periodically pull the external service for updates and check if something has changed. This can be done automatically with a cron job (e.g. every 5/10/30 minutes) for every entity and/or in other moments (e.g. every 1000 new logged events). There is an obvious trade-off in this pull mechanism: the more we will perform calls to the slow service to keep information updated the more we will flood it with requests. In addition, this approach doesn't prevent the "reporting" and "contentDetail" webservices accessing stale objects, since content names will be updated only with a periodically (more pull requests, higher probability of correct data). However, this approach has the advantage to not impact in any way the performance of the "reporting" and "contentDetail" webservices, since SAWS won't have to perform additional operations while serving their requests.

On the contrary, another interesting approach is to trigger a content name update check if and only if someone is interested in reading (an updated version of) it. In fact, storing obsolete data is not an issue as long as no one is interested in reading them. In this scenario, as soon as one of the three services receives an API call involving a content it can query the slow service and check inconsistencies, update the associated entity if needed (it is unique in the model designed above), and then reply. API responses will be always slower, because services will be forced to invoke the external slow service, but they will guarantee up-to-date and consistent contents.

As a final note, it is important to remember to invalidate cache whenever appropriate.


[PoC] Simple Analytics Web Service






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