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This library allows you to quickly and easily send emails through SendGrid using Python.


Licensed under the MIT License.


Using Github:

git clone

Using Pypi:

easy_install sendgrid

SendGrid APIs

SendGrid provides two methods of sending email: the Web API, and SMTP API. SendGrid recommends using the SMTP API for sending emails. For an explanation of the benefits of each, refer to

This library implements a common interface to make it very easy to use either API.

Mail Pre-Usage

Before we begin using the library, its important to understand a few things about the library architecture...

  • Sending an email is as simple as :
    1. Creating a SendGrid Instance
    2. Creating a SendGrid Mail object, and setting its data
    3. Sending the mail using either SMTP API or Web API.

Mail Usage

import sendgrid

s = sendgrid.Sendgrid('username', 'password', secure=True)
message = sendgrid.Message("", "subject", "plain body", "<b>Html here</b>")
message.add_to("", "John Doe")




To set the "from name", you must pass the address and name in a tuple, like this:

message = sendgrid.Message(("", "Joe Smith"), "subject", "plain body", "<b>Html here</b>")

Using Categories

Categories are used to group email statistics provided by SendGrid.

To use a category, simply set the category name. Note: there is a maximum of 10 categories per email.

message = sendgrid.Message("", "subject", "plain body", "<b>Html here</b>")
message.add_category(["Category 1", "Category 2"])

Using Attachments

File attachments are limited to 7 MB per file.

message = sendgrid.Message("", "subject", "plain body", "<b>Html here</b>")
message.add_attachment("file1.doc", "/path/to/file.doc").add_attachment("file2.nfo", "File 2 content")

Using Substitutions

Substitutions can be used to customize multi-recipient emails, and tailor them for the user

message = sendgrid.Message("", "subject", "Hello %name%, your code is %code%", "<b>Hello %name%, your code is %code%</b>")
        '': {'%name%': 'Name 1', '%code%': 'Code 1'},
        '': {'%name%': 'Name 2', '%code%': 'Code 2'},

Using Sections

Sections can be used to further customize messages for the end users. A section is only useful in conjunction with a substition value.

message = sendgrid.Message("", "subject", "Hello %name%, you work at %place%",
    "<b>Hello %name%, you work at %place%</b>")
        '': {'%name%': 'Name 1', '%place%': '%home%'},
        '': {'%name%': 'Name 2', '%place%': '%office%'},
).set_sections({"%office%": "an office", "%home%": "your house"})

Using Unique Arguments

Unique Arguments are used for tracking purposes

message = sendgrid.Message("", "subject", "plain body", "<b>Html here</b>")
message.add_unique_argument("Customer", "Someone")

Using Filter Settings

Filter Settings are used to enable and disable apps, and to pass parameters to those apps.

message = sendgrid.Message("", "subject", "plain body", "<b>Html here</b>")
message.add_filter_setting("footer", "text/plain", "Here is a plain text footer")
message.add_filter_setting("footer", "text/html", "<p style='color:red;'>Here is an HTML footer</p>")

Using Headers

Custom headers can be added as necessary.

message = sendgrid.Message("", "subject", "plain body", "<b>Html here</b>")
message.add_header("X-Mailer", "MyApp")


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