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ZChecker v1.3.0

ZTF moving target checker for short object lists.


  • Python 3.5+
  • astropy v2.0+
  • requests
  • astroquery 0.3.8
  • sqlite3
  • wget
  • Montage and montage_wrapper, optional, for image reprojection with zproject


Create a file with your preferred locations for the database, log file, etc. in ~/.config/zchecker.config. To see the file format and current allowed configuration parameters::

$ zchecker --help

"database": "/path/to/zchecker.db",
"log": "/path/to/zchecker.log",
"user": "IRSA account user name",
"password": "IRSA account password",
"cutout path": "/path/to/cutout/directory",
"stack path": "/path/to/stack/directory"


  1. (Optional) Make a list of objects: objects.list.

  2. Update local database with ephemerides, specifying objects through the list or on the command line::

    zchecker eph-update objects.list --start=YYYY-MM-DD --end=YYYY-MM-DD

    zchecker eph-update "C/2017 Y1, C/2017 Y2" --start=YYYY-MM-DD --end=YYYY-MM-DD

    Broad date ranges are best. Ephemerides can be updated as the orbital elements are refined.

  3. Alternatively, add ephemerides, but only if none are found in the time period, using the --add option::

    zchecker eph-update "C/2017 Y1" --add --start=YYYY-MM-DD --end=YYYY-MM-DD

  4. Delete ephemerides from the database::

    zchecker clean-eph objects.list

    zchecker clean-eph objects.list --start=YYYY-MM-DD --end=YYYY-MM-DD

    zchecker clean-eph "C/2017 Y1, C/2017 Y2" --start=YYYY-MM-DD --end=YYYY-MM-DD


  1. Update local database with ZTF observations from a date::

    zchecker ztf-update --date=YYYY-MM-DD

    Or to simply check the last night::

    zchecker ztf-update

  2. List which nights are in local database::

    zchecker list-nights

  3. Find observations of your targets from the last night::

    zchecker search

    For a specific date::

    zchecker search --date=YYYY-MM-DD

    Over a range of dates::

    zchecker search --start=YYYY-MM-DD --end=YYYY-MM-DD

    For all dates in the local database::

    zchecker search --full

    For a subset of targets saved to the file subset.list::

    zchecker search subset.list --full

    For a subset of targets specified on the command line::

    zchecker search "C/2017 AB5" --full

    zchecker search "C/2017 Y1,C/2017 Y2" --full

    Using a different V magnitude limit::

    zchecker search "C/2017 Y1,C/2017 Y2" --full --vlim=18

  4. Clean the found object database and associated cutout files, if they exist::

    zchecker clean-found "C/2017 AB5"

    zchecker clean-found "C/2017 AB5" --start=YYYY-MM-DD --end=YYYY-MM-DD

  5. Download cutouts around each found target::

    zchecker download-cutouts

  6. Reproject downloaded cutouts to align projected velocity vectors and comet-Sun vectors along the +x axis::




Column Type Source Description
nightid integer zchecker Unique ID for each night
date text ZTF YYYY-MM-DD, UT, unique
nframes integer ZTF number of frames (quads) returned by IRSA, divide by 64 for number of exposures


Column Type Source Description
desg text user target designation
nightid integer zchecker corresponding nightid of nights table
infobits integer ZTF info bit flags, see Section 10.4 of the ZTF Science Data System
field integer ZTF ZTF field number
ccdid integer ZTF detector chip ID (1, ...16), see Fig. 1 of ZTF Science Data System
qid integer ZTF CCD quadrant ID (1, 2, 3, 4), see Fig. 1 of ZTF Science Data System
rcid integer ZTF readout channel ID (0, ...63)
fid integer ZTF filter ID
filtercode text ZTF abbreviated filter name: zr, zg, zi
pid integer ZTF science product ID, unique
expid integer ZTF exposure ID
obsdate text ZTF observation date and time, formatted as local time + offset
obsjd float ZTF observation Julian date
filefracday integer ZTF fractional time of day of exposure, UT
seeing float ZTF seeing FWHM, arcsec
airmass float ZTF telescope airmass
moonillf float ZTF Moon illuminated fraction
maglimit float ZTF magnitude limit
crpix1 float ZTF WCS reference pixel for axis 1
crpix2 float ZTF WCS reference pixel for axis 2
crval1 float ZTF WCS reference position for right ascension, deg
crval2 float ZTF WCS reference position for declination, deg
cd11 float ZTF WCS CD matrix element 1, 1
cd12 float ZTF WCS CD matrix element 1, 2
cd21 float ZTF WCS CD matrix element 2, 1
cd22 float ZTF WCS CD matrix element 2, 2
ra float ZTF right ascension of image center, deg
dec float ZTF declination of image center, deg
ra1 float ZTF right ascension of first image corner, deg
dec1 float ZTF declination of first image corner, deg
ra2 float ZTF right ascension of second image corner, deg
dec2 float ZTF declination of second image corner, deg
ra3 float ZTF right ascension of third image corner, deg
dec3 float ZTF declination of third image corner, deg
ra4 float ZTF right ascension of fourth image corner, deg
dec4 float ZTF declination of fourth image corner, deg


The obs and nights tables joined by nightid.


Coarse ephemerides for objects of interest.

Column Type Source Description
desg text user target designation
jd float user Julian date
ra float HORIZONS ephemeris RA, degrees
dec float HORIZONS ephemeris Dec, degrees
dra float HORIZONS ephemers RA*cos(Dec) rate of change, arcsec/s
ddec float HORIZONS ephemeris Dec rate of change, arcsec/s
retrieved text zchecker date ephemeris retrieved from HORIZONS

The combination of desg and jd is unique in the table.


Objects with ephemeris positions covered by ZTF.

Column Type Source Description
desg text user target designation
obsjd text HORIZONS observation Julian date, probably start time, UT
ra float HORIZONS ephemeris RA, degrees
dec float HORIZONS ephemeris Dec, degrees
dra float HORIZONS ephemeris RA*cos(Dec) rate of change, arcsec/s
ddec float HORIZONS ephemeris Dec rate of change, arcsec/s
ra3sig float HORIZONS ephemeris 3-sigma uncertainty in RA
dec3sig float HORIZONS ephemeris 3-sigma uncertainty in Dec
vmag float HORIZONS estimated visual magnitude
rh float HORIZONS heliocentric distance, au
rdot float HORIZONS heliocentric radial velocity, km/s
delta float HORIZONS observer-target distance, au
phase float HORIZONS Sun-target-observer angle, deg
selong float HORIZONS solar elongation, deg
sangle float HORIZONS projected target->Sun vector, HORIZONS's PsAng + 180, deg
vangle float HORIZONS projected velocity, HORIZONS's PsAMV + 180, deg
trueanomaly float HORIZONS true anomaly based on osculating elements, deg
tmtp float HORIZONS T-Tp, time from perihelion, based on osculating elements, days
pid integer ZTF corresponding ZTF product ID
x integer zchecker approximate x-axis coordinate of ephemeris position in cutout image, pixels
y integer zchecker approximate y-axis coordinate of ephemeris position in cutout image, pixels
retrieved text zchecker date the ephemeris was retrieved from HORIZONS
archivefile text zchecker cutout file name in the local archive
sci_sync_date text zchecker date the science image was downloaded from IRSA
sciimg integer zchecker 0 if the science image has not been downloaded
mskimg integer zchecker 0 if the science mask image has not been downloaded
scipsf integer zchecker 0 if the science PSF image has not been downloaded
diffimg integer zchecker 0 if the difference image has not been downloaded
diffpsf integer zchecker 0 if the difference PSF image has not been downloaded

The combination of desg and pid is unique in the table.


The found and obs tables joined together by product ID, with the addition of url for a URL to a cutout centered on the ephemeris position. Append '&size=5arcmin` or similar to specify the cutout size.


ZTF moving target checker for short lists of moving targets







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