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This repository contains:

  • Random Stack Overflow answers
  • Short little scripts
  • Homework calculations
  • Testing language features, libraries, tools
  • Hello worlds and exercises
  • Challenges: vimgolf, project euler

Fun Examples:

Reimplementation of boost::algorithm::join in pure C++:

template <typename T, template<typename> typename IterType>
std::string join(
    IterType<T> begin,
    IterType<T> end,
    std::string&& delimiter) {

    auto first = *begin;
    return std::accumulate(++begin, end,
        [&delimiter](std::string& a, T b) {
            return a + delimiter + std::to_string(b);

vim-golf challenges:

Y}Pf1R7 11<C-O>3j<CR>New te<C-N>.<CR><Esc>ZZ

Stack Overflow answers:

>>> slice s n = take (length s) $ drop n $ cycle s
>>> cyclicPerms s = map (slice s) [1..(length s)]
>>> cyclicPerms "abcde"

More Stack Overflow answers:

import itertools

def snake(low, high):
    return itertools.cycle(itertools.chain(
        range(low, high + 1),
        range(high, low - 1, -1)))

def shy(seq_func, iterable):
    prev = None
    for x in iterable:
        if x != prev:
            it = seq_func()
        yield next(it)

def shy_snake(low, high, iterable):
    """d-d-doesss s-s-sssenpai noticesss me?"""
    return shy(lambda: snake(low, high), iterable)

dirs = [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]
print(list(itertools.islice(snake(1, 3), 7)))
print(list(shy_snake(1, 3, dirs)))

Putnam Mathematical Competition numerical proofs:

# 2018 A-2
from itertools import chain, combinations
import numpy as np

def powerset(iterable):
    s = list(iterable)
    ps = chain.from_iterable(combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s) + 1))
    ps = [x for x in ps if len(x) > 0]  # exclude null set
    return sorted(ps, key=lambda x: (len(x), *x))

def cartesian_self_product(a):
    return np.meshgrid(a, a)

def I(a, b):
    return (a & b) > 0

def encode_bitvector(xs, n, dtype):
    enc = np.zeros((len(xs), n), dtype=np.uint8)
    for i, x in enumerate(xs):
        enc[i, x] = 1
    bits = np.packbits(enc, axis=-1)
    return bits.view(dtype)

def get_dtype(n):
    return (
        np.uint8  if n <= 8  else
        np.uint16 if n <= 16 else
        np.uint32 if n <= 32 else
        np.uint64 if n <= 64 else None)

for n in range(2, 14):
    dtype = get_dtype(n)
    ps = powerset(range(n))
    ps_enc = encode_bitvector(ps, n, dtype)
    prod = cartesian_self_product(ps_enc)
    M = I(*prod).astype(dtype)
    det = int(np.linalg.det(M))
    print(f'n={n} determinant: {det}')


Miscellaneous experiments in various languages







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