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A collection of simple python classes for executing remote task using Fabric.

Table of Contents

  1. About
  2. App Description - What this library does and why it is useful
  3. Installation - The basics of getting started with the fabobjects
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Documentation - For additional information see the docs
  7. Contributors - Everyone is welcome to contribute


Sysadmin is not so fun for everyone and command line could be intimidating for some developers. Different operating systems do things differently and everyone of them seems to require a steep learning curve. I wanted to create a simple python library where any python developer can manage any os and deploy apps to the server without the need of understanding the underlining system.

App Description

Python developers want to spend time developing apps and not spending time administering a server or endless configuration before they can afford to hire a competent sysadmin. Fabobjects makes it simple for python developers to easily secure a server and deploy their apps using pure python and minimal code.


pip install git+


This sample assumes you are using a fresh server created in the cloud with just root access. We will create an admin user grant him\her sudo powers, then harden the server.

    >>> from os import environ
    >>> from fabobjects import CentOS, Debian, FreeBsd, Ubuntu

    >>> root_user = "root"
    >>> # some providers give you the root when instance is created so we login with it on first login
    >>> my_pc_ip = "" # your fixed ip address if you have one else just use None
    >>> hostname = "sandbox"      # Any name you want to give to your box

    >>> # The domain name you have already paid for and you need to point your dns to the address bellow
    >>> domain_name = ""
    >>> remote_server_ip = '104.216.741.72' # The ip provided by your cloud provider for this server instance
    >>> admin_email = environ.get("ADMIN-EMAIL")
    >>> admin_user = environ.get("ADMIN-USER")  # The user we will create and use to login after first login
    >>> password = environ.get("SANDBOX-PASSWORD")

    >>> # Create a dict so you can reuse it
    >>> config_dict = dict(hostname=hostname, domain_name=domain_name,
                           ip=remote_server_ip, user=root_user, password=password)

    >>> # Create server instance
    >>> centos_server = CentOS(**config_dict)
    >>> debian_server = Debian(**config_dict)
    >>> freebsd_server = FreeBsd(**config_dict)
    >>> ubuntu_server = Ubuntu(**config_dict)

    >>> ubuntu_server.uptime()  # Check how long server has been on
    '19:08:47 up 1 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.32, 0.59, 0.27'

    >>> # Lets create our secure user and grant user sudo rights
    >>> ubuntu_server.create_admin_account(admin_user, password)
    >>> # remember to do this before calling harden_server method

    >>> # For basic server hardening just call the harden_server method and you ready to go!

    >>> centos_server.harden_server(user=admin_user)
    >>> # Do this if you already passed in the `email` and `my_pc_ip` when initializing

    >>> debian_server.harden_server(user=admin_user, user_ip=my_pc_ip, email=admin_email)

    >>> freebsd_server.harden_server(user=admin_user, user_ip=my_pc_ip, email=admin_email)

    >>> ubuntu_server.harden_server(user=admin_user, user_ip=my_pc_ip, email=admin_email)
    >>> ubuntu_server.rebootall()  # Now restart server

    >>> freebsd_server.install_package("nginx")  #  Install single application

    >>> debian_server.install_package("redis-server postgresql-9.4 rabbitmq-server")  #  Install multiple application

    >>> centos_server.uninstall_package("mysql-server")  #  uninstall single application

To install applications on your server using the example servers created above:

    >>> from fabobjects import DjangoApp, NginxServer, PostgresServer, RedisServer

    >>> # Lets deploy a django app with postgres, redis, nginx all on a single server box.
    >>> postgres = ubuntu_server.create_app(PostgresServer)
    >>> # Instantiate a postgres server, this will not trigger a deployment or installation

    >>> nginx = ubuntu_server.create_app(NginxServer)
    >>> # Instantiate an nginx server, this will not trigger a deployment or installation

    >>> redis = ubuntu_server.create_app(RedisServer)
    >>> # Instantiate a redis server, this will not trigger a deployment or installation

    >>> django_app = ubuntu_server.create_app(DjangoApp)
    >>> # Instantiate a django app, this will not trigger a deployment or installation

    >>> # Now lets add the apps to the list of apps the server knows about
    >>> [ubuntu_server.add_app(app) for app in [postgres, redis, nginx, django_app]]

    >>> # Finally install and configure all
    >>> ubuntu_server.deploy_all()
    >>> # Install and configure all app to this server, note this will be done sequentially


This app has been tested on the following platforms:

  • Debian 8.10, 9,04
  • Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 18.04


For extensive documentation build the docs using the information below or read it on readthedocs

    cd docs
    make build


The list of contributors can be found at:


A collection of simple python classes for executing remote task using Fabric.







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