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Discrete stochastics test of next reaction algorithm by Gibson and Bruck


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Discrete Next Reaction

This project tests whether discrete-time simulations need to use a discrete-time version of Gibson and Bruck's Next Reaction algorithm.

Next Reaction Algorithm

In continuous-time, discrete space, stochastic modeling, there is a family of simulation algorithms which sample each transition to see which is next to fire. The conceptual algorithm is that the next one to fire is the soonest of all of those sampled. After one fires, all of them are sampled again.

Gibson and Bruck devised an algorithm by which to avoid sampling every transition at every time step. The core observation is that a set of samples from an exponential distribution remains exponentially-distributed after removing the soonest sample. In that case, the other samples can be kept after the last one fires. The technique, therefore, is to treat each transition as a renewal process whose variable is sampled using a random variable transformation from an exponential distribution. The net result is that most pseudorandom samples can be retained, decreasing order of computation manifold.

The question in this project is whether discrete time calculations require the same care, so we put two algorithms head-to-head for a model where transitions are disabled and then reenabled. It is only these models where the Next Reaction algorithm matters for continuous time.

Simulation of Susceptible-Infectious-Susceptible

We take N=10 individuals who progress from susceptible to infectious and back again. Infectious individuals infect susceptibles, and every individual is a neighbor of every other, so this is well-mixed.

The algorithms

Here is pseudocode for the two sampling algorithms in

The equivalent of a first reaction code:

for time_idx in range(time_cnt):
    for transition_name, transition in model.EnabledTransitions():
        if transition.Fire(time_idx, rng):

The next reaction code can work with a priority queue:

while not queue.Empty():
    enabled, disabled=model.FireAndUpdate(transition)
    for en_transition in enabled:
    	queue.append((en_transition.FiringTime(now, rng), en_transition))
    for dis_transition in disabled:

There is an additional wrinkle that recovery or infection can happen for the same individual at the same time. That could be solved using a master equation approach, as described in Molloy 1985, but that approach won't work for a Next Equation method, that I know of, so we decide infections happen before recoveries (or, rather, transitions back to susceptible), but we also choose a very small time step so that this is quite rare.

The Interruption Model

This is the simplest chemical reaction where one transition interrupts another one. One transition just wants to keep firing, but it needs its neighbor's token. The neighbor, however, will sometimes fire so that it leaves for a moment, and then fire to return. We watch the density of firing times for the first transition, given that it is being interrupted.

Interrupter model has three places, three transitions

The actualy model used has two A transitions and two B transitions. The multiple A transitions don't seem to compete. The multiple B transitions are the ones that show this error. The net result of the model is that one of the transitions fires 48.9% ± 1e-4% of the time for one simulation, and the other fires 50.1% ± 1e-4% of the time. Doesn't sound like a lot, but I feel like I haven't optimized to find bias in the simulations.

Holding time for the same transition in two simulations

It looks like a slight difference in slopes.

An Explanation

Gibson and Bruck show that the distribution of samples from their algorithm agrees with the distribution of samples from Gilespie's First Reaction algorithm, so they don't have to do any more than that to show correctness. I'm curious about how incorrect an incorrect algorithm can be, so how do we pose that question? I don't have an answer, but I have two clues.

Gibson and Bruck's paper suggests that the problem with keeping samples from previous time steps is that those samples which are re-sampled, instead of being recomputed using a random variable transformation, will bias the distribution of the set of draws. The only way for bias to happen in this algorithm is at the moment of a transition, when firing a transition affects other transitions' rates or whether they are enabled.

The second clue comes from our current understanding of the Next Reaction algorithm, as explained in papers by Anderson. He looks at it as a statistical process on competing renewal processes. These renewal processes carry state separate from the location of tokens in the graph and separate from the enabling time. That state is the amount of "time" remaining in the exponential distributions from which samples are taken. Bias from resampling distributions of transitions is equivalent to resetting the clocks of these renewal processes, and resetting them at times which are correlated.

We therefore expect maximal error in the simple, flawed, priority-draw algorithm when the stochastic matrix for the system is sensitive to resetting renewal processes for transitions which depend on other transitions. What I need to do is to set up a system where this is clearer and where I can calculate the difference theoretically.


Discrete stochastics test of next reaction algorithm by Gibson and Bruck







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