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Running unit tests
Use the Google app engine test runner.

Described in this page:
Found on GitHub:

Note: the test runner need to be changed to find the test file. Test runner expects test files to be named * but tests here are named test*.py
Therefore change:
- default='*'
- default='test*.py'

I normally install the runner in some utils directory in my path.
And create a second shortcut (which I call gpytest and grant exec permissions):

python ~/Utils/ /Users/allan/Documents/develop/google-cloud-sdk/platform/google_appengine/

Running locally
----------------- app.yaml

* Logging in

Logging in is commonly handled via Firebase
But when running locally this can be difficult because Firebase calls back to the real live app not the local.
Therefore /loginb provides a basic login (using the app development environment) for use locally
The same mechanism will work in live but isn't publicised.

Deploy to Google
----------------- script does deployment to Google
- gcloud app deploy --project mimas-aotb app_live.yaml

Project (mimas-aotb) is the Google name in the cloud: if you deploy Mimas to your own instance this will need changing
- Mimas has never been deployed to another instance so I expect there are some more places where mimas-aotb has been coded

app.yaml (checkedin) is a dummy as API keys need to be included
app_live.yaml is the same file with the specific keys as environment variables (not checked in for obvious reasons)


Third party logins (Twitter, FaceBook, Google) are managed via Firebase.
This means Firebase must be configured with application keys for those providers.

Third party libs (in libs)

sendgrid-python -- bulk email sending
cloudstorage -- file storage in Google Cloud
xlsxwriter -- excel export

Libraries used indirectly (by other libs)

cachetools -- oauth
pyasn1 -- google authentication
rsa - google authentication

certifi -- used by requests
chardet -- requests
idna -- used by requests

Libraries from App Engine standard offering (see app.yaml)
- webapp2
- jinja2
- numpy
- ssl

Google Non-app engine google imports
- google.auth
- google.auth.transport.requests
- google.oauth2.id_token

Until January 2020 Mimas lived in closed BitBucket repsotitory:
This archive remains closed.

In Januuary 2020 Mimas was mmoved to GitHub and OpenSourced.

I'm sharing this code because I want others to have access to it.
I want others to have the option of maintaining this code - or perhaps shaing with me.

I'm not sharing this code because it is high quality or because I did everything right. I wish I had known then.

So I'm sorry.

Much of this code is not canonical Python - not Pythonic, and it probably breaks a lot of Google App Engine rules too.

This was written by an old C++ programmer who was entending his knowledge of Python (and App Engine) as he went along.
Yes there is a lot that could be done better, a lot that could be refactored, even a lot that I would do differently now.
But I was learning.

Or, since I can hear Pete and Liam in my ears already, yes it is rubbish.
I'm only half the programmer I'd like to think I am.
I am Jay. I am Andy. Sorry.

(Where the code better, had I had time (and motivation) to make it better, then I would have open sourced it a lot sooner.)


Mimas conference submission and review system







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