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Getting Started

This is the core code base for the Calendar and Contacts Server, which
is a CalDAV, CardDAV, WebDAV, and HTTP server.

For general information about the server, see:

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Apple Inc.  All rights reserved.

This software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.  The
Apache License is a well-established open source license, enabling
collaborative open source software development.

See the "LICENSE" file for the full text of the license terms.

Quick Start

**WARNING:** these instructions are for running a server from the
source tree, which is useful for development. 
These are not the correct steps for running the server in
deployment or as part of an OS install. You should **not** be using
the ``run`` script in system startup files (eg. ``/etc/init.d``); it
does things (like download software) that you don't want to happen in
that context.

Begin by creating a directory to contain Calendar and Contacts Server
and all its dependencies:


    mkdir ~/CalendarServer
    cd CalendarServer

Next, check out the source code from the SVN repository. To check out
the latest trunk code:


    svn co CalendarServer

The server requires a number of libraries in order to operate, which
will need to be placed as peers of the source directory.  The ``run``
script in the sources will automatically download or check out the
appropriate libraries and build them for you:


    cd CalendarServer
    ./run -s

The result will be a set of directories, including the CalendarServer
source directory in your original empty directory:


    % ls -1 ~/CalendarServer

Before you can run the server, you need to set up a configuration file
for development.  There is a provided test configuration that you can
use to start with, called ``caldavd-test.plist``. Copy this to
``caldavd-dev.plist``, which the server will use in development:


    cp ./conf/caldavd-test.plist ./conf/caldavd-dev.plist

You will need to choose a "directory service" to use to populate your
server's principals (users, groups and resources).  A directory
service provides the Calendar and Contacts Server with information
about these principals.  Some of the directory services which are
supported by the Calendar and Contacts Server include:

 * ``XMLDirectoryService``: this service is configurable via an XML
   file that contains principal information.  The file
   ``conf/auth/accounts.xml`` provides an example principals

 * ``OpenDirectoryService``: this service uses Apple's OpenDirectory
   client (which in turn uses LDAP, Active Directory, etc.) to obtain
   principal information.

The ``caldavd-test.plist`` configuration uses ``XMLDirectoryService``
by default, set up to use ``conf/auth/accounts-test.xml``.  This is a
generally useful configuration for development and testing.

This file contains a user principal, named ``admin``, with password
``admin``, which is set up (in ``caldavd-test.plist``) to have
administrative permissions on the server.

You can then run the server as follows:



The server should then start up and bind to port 8008 for HTTP and
8443 for HTTPS.  You should then be able to connect to the server
using your web browser (eg. Safari, Firefox) or with a CalDAV client
(eg. iCal).