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Install Python3

brew install python3

Use virtualenvwrapper, but point it at the path to your Python3 install

PYTHON_3_PATH=$(which python3)   # assign the result of "which python" to a shell variable
mkvirtualenv --python=$PYTHON_3_PATH committed  # use this variable when creating the env

You can now work on the repo

workon committed

Once you've activated the virtual environment, install the packages.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Front End

Here are the steps to get the front end build to work. Gulp is our build tool, Browserify is a library that bundles all JavaScript files into one.

First, make sure you have node available to your shell

node -v

If you don't see a version of node printed to the console, try activating it with nvm, the nice version manager for node.

nvm use node

If that doesn't work, install nvm and use nvm to get the latest stable release of node.

Next, install the JavaScript dependendies.

npm install

Once that's done, execute the Gulp build task, and confirm that a bundled javascript file ends up in a ./static/public/js. The folder might not exist yet.

gulp build

If that works, use the default gulp task to watch the front end files for changes and rebuild if any changes occur. You'll probably want to do this in its own terminal.


Hooray, JavaScript!


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