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Simple chanserv helper script for Xchat
(c) 2006-2012 Dennis Kaarsemaker

Latest version can be found on

This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

Usage instructions:
- Place in ~/.xchat2 for it to be autoloaded
- Use /py load if you already started X-chat
- Connect to freenode, if not connected (other networks will not work)

It adds one command to xchat: /cs
/cs understands the following arguments

To give/take ops/voice:

o  or op      - Let chanserv op you/others (/cs op, /cs op nick)
v  or voice   - Let chanserv give you/others voice
d  or deop    - Let chanserv deop you/others (/cs deop, /cs deop nick)
dv or devoice - Let chanserv decoice you/others (/cs devoice, /cs devoice nick)

To op yourself, perform an action, and deop:

k  or kick    - Kick a user, possibly with comment (/cs kick nick [comment])
b  or ban     - Ban a user (/cs ban [-nihar] nick)
kb or kickban - Kick and ban a user (/cs ban [-nihar] nick)
f  or forward - Ban a user with a forward (/cs forward [-nihar] nick chan)
kf or kickforward - Kickban a user with a forward (/cs forward [-nihar] nick chan)
m  or mute    - Mute a user (/cs mute [-nihar] nick)
l  or lart    - A combination of kick and ban on all fields
u  or unban   - Remove all bans for a user (/cs u nick)
t  or topic   - Set channel topic (/cs t New topic here)
m  or mode    - Change channel mode (/cs mode modes here)
i  or invite  - Invite yourself or someone else (/cs invite [nick])
bans          - Show bans that apply to someone without removing them (/cs bans nick)

* Bans, forwards and mute take an extra optional argument that specifies
  what should be banned: nickname, ident, host, account and/or realname.
  /cs ban -nah nick -- Ban nick, account and host
  /cs forward -nihra nick #somewhere -- Forward all

* These commands also take an extra argument to specify when bans/mutes
  should be lifted automatically.
  /cs ban -t600 nick -- Ban nick for 10 minutes
  /cs ban -nah -t3600 -- Ban nick, account and hostname for an hour

* Unban will remove all bans matching the nick or mask you give as argument
  (*  and ? wildcards work)
* It won't actually kick, but use the /remove command

The following additional features are implemented
- Autorejoin for /remove
- Auto-unmute when muted
- Auto-unban via chanserv
- Auto-invite via chanserv
- Auto-getkey via chanserv


Chanserv helper for freenode






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