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VIM plugin for markup editing with live preview

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VimPreviewPandoc is VIM plugin that helps you with editing MarkDown-like documents.

Edit your MarkDown documents in VIM and see a nice HTML-based output in Konqueror or Firefox. The web browser always shows changed area so you don't need to scroll manually.


  • Preview your MarkDown documents with Konqueror or Firefox

    • Scroll browser's view to show changed area automatically
    • Generate dot graphs with graphviz
    • Generate blockdiag, seqdiag, actdiag, nwdiag, packetdiag, rackdiag graphs
    • Generate R graphs
    • Generate PlantUML graphs
  • Show structural diff of specified file between specified git revisions

    • :call vimpreviewpandoc#VimPreviewPandocGitDiff(expand("%"), "HEAD~5", "HEAD")

    • :Unite giti/log, a (action), diff_pandoc_preview

      Please see [Unite.vim integration] for required configuration.

  • Generate output document in specified output format

    • :call vimpreviewpandoc#VimPreviewPandocConvertTo("docx,html")



DOT Graph

This DOT code is shown as the following picture in the preview window:

graph {
A -- B
C -- B
C -- D

Blockdiag Graph

This DOT code is shown as the following picture in the preview window:

blockdiag {
A -> B -> C

Seqdiag Graph

This Seqdiag code is shown as the following picture in the preview window:

seqdiag {
  browser  -> webserver [label = "GET /index.html"];
  browser <-- webserver;
  browser  -> webserver [label = "POST /blog/comment"];
              webserver  -> database [label = "INSERT comment"];
              webserver <-- database;
  browser <-- webserver;

Actdiag Graph

This Actdiag code is shown as the following picture in the preview window:

actdiag {
  write -> convert -> image

  lane user {
     label = "User"
     write [label = "Writing reST"];
     image [label = "Get diagram IMAGE"];
  lane actdiag {
     convert [label = "Convert reST to Image"];

Nwdiag Graph

This Nwdiag code is shown as the following picture in the preview window:

nwdiag {
  network dmz {
      address = "210.x.x.x/24"

      web01 [address = "210.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "210.x.x.2"];
  network internal {
      address = "172.x.x.x/24";

      web01 [address = "172.x.x.1"];
      web02 [address = "172.x.x.2"];

Packetdiag Graph

This Packetdiag code is shown as the following picture in the preview window:

  colwidth = 32
  node_height = 72

  0-15: Source Port
  16-31: Destination Port
  32-63: Sequence Number
  64-95: Acknowledgment Number
  96-99: Data Offset
  100-105: Reserved
  106: URG [rotate = 270]
  107: ACK [rotate = 270]
  108: PSH [rotate = 270]
  109: RST [rotate = 270]
  110: SYN [rotate = 270]
  111: FIN [rotate = 270]
  112-127: Window
  128-143: Checksum
  144-159: Urgent Pointer
  160-191: (Options and Padding)
  192-223: data [colheight = 3]

Rackdiag Graph

This Rackdiag code is shown as the following picture in the preview window:

rackdiag {
  // define height of rack

  // define rack items
  1: UPS [2U];
  3: DB Server
  4: Web Server
  5: Web Server
  6: Web Server
  7: Load Balancer
  8: L3 Switch

R Graph

This R code is shown as the following picture in the preview window:

y <- c(1,4,9,13,10)
x <- c(1,2,3,4, 5 )
xx <- seq(1, 5, length.out=250)

plot(x, y)

fit <- lm(y~x)
label1 <- bquote(italic(R)^2 == .(format(summary(fit)$adj.r.squared, digits=4)))
lines(xx, predict(fit, data.frame(x=xx)))
fnc1 <- bquote(y == .(coef(fit)[[2]]) * x + .(coef(fit)[[1]]))

fit <- lm(y~poly(x,3, raw = TRUE))
label2 <- bquote(italic(R)^2 == .(format(summary(fit)$adj.r.squared, digits=4)))
lines(xx, predict(fit, data.frame(x=xx)))
fnc2 <- bquote(y == .(coef(fit)[[4]]) * x^3 + .(coef(fit)[[3]]) * x^2 + .(coef(fit)[[2]]) * x + .  (coef(fit)[[1]]))

labels <- c(label1, fnc1, label2, fnc2)
legend("topleft", bty="n", legend=as.expression(labels))


This PlantUML code is shown as the following picture in the preview window:

Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response

Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
Alice <-- Bob: another authentication Response


Install this plugin either manually or using any plugin manager (Vundle, NeoBundle, ...).

I also recommend you to install the following plugins to extend pandoc support:

Place your VIM on one side of your screen and manually start a web browser on the other side to get productive environment.

Konqueror shows automatically correct preview. With Firefox you have to manually open static/index.html for first time.


  • VIM with Python2 support
  • pandoc and newer
  • pyhton2 pandocfilters

Structural diff support

Dot graph support

Diag-family graphs support

R graph support



  • Konqueror 4.13.0 and newer
  • python2 dbus


Unite.vim integration

Add the following code to your .vimrc to add diff_pandoc_preview action to vim-unite-giti's giti-log.

if neobundle#tap("unite.vim")
            \ && neobundle#tap("vim-unite-giti")
            \ && neobundle#tap("vimpreviewpandoc")

    function! s:is_graph_only_line(candidate)
        return has_key(a:candidate.action__data, 'hash') ? 0 : 1

    let s:pandoc_diff_action = {
        \ 'description' : 'pandoc diff with vimpreviewpandoc',
        \ 'is_selectable' : 1,
        \ 'is_quit' : 1,
        \ 'is_invalidate_cache' : 0,
        \ }
    function! s:pandoc_diff_action.func(candidates)
        if s:is_graph_only_line(a:candidates[0])
                    \ || len(a:candidates) > 1 && s:is_graph_only_line(a:candidates[1])
            call giti#print('graph only line')

        let from  = ''
        let to    = ''
        let file  = len(a:candidates[0].action__file) > 0
                    \               ? a:candidates[0].action__file
                    \               : expand('%:p')
        let relative_path = giti#to_relative_path(file)
        if len(a:candidates) == 1
            let to   = a:candidates[0].action__data.hash
            let from = a:candidates[0].action__data.parent_hash
        elseif len(a:candidates) == 2
            let to   = a:candidates[0].action__data.hash
            let from = a:candidates[1].action__data.hash
            call unite#print_error('too many commits selected')

        call vimpreviewpandoc#VimPreviewPandocGitDiff(relative_path, from, to)

    call unite#custom#action('giti/log', 'diff_pandoc_preview', s:pandoc_diff_action)
    unlet s:pandoc_diff_action


Theory of operation

BufwinEnter, CursorHold,CusrsorHildI events execute the following:

  • pandoc to convert MarkDown document to HTML

    • custom filter to create a graphviz graphs from dot code blocks

    • custom filter to create a blockdiag, seqdiag, actdiag, nwdiag, packetdiag, rackdiag graphs from blockdiag, seqdiag, actdiag, nwdiag, packetdiag, rackdiag blocks

    • custom filter to create a R generated graphs from R code blocks

    • custom filter to replace relative paths to images to absolute paths

    • Konqueror

      • DBUS to control Konqueror
      • open static/index.html if not already opened
      • pass pandoc output to the Konqueror using DBUS call org.kde.KHTMLPart.evalJS
    • Firefox

      • Remote Control extension to control Firefox
      • pass pandoc output to the Firefox using Remote Control (TCP socket, default parameters)

      Both browsers evaluate JavaScript functions setCursor(word, count) where word and count is encoded position and setOutput(html) where html is output from pandoc

  • index.html is empty page with setCursor(word, count) and setOutput(html) functions

    • setCursor(word, count) finds the encoded position and scrolls window to it
    • setOutput(html) replaces the content of the div with a new one


VIM plugin for markup editing with live preview






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  • HTML 42.3%
  • Vim Script 32.8%
  • Python 24.9%