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Turnout is a multi-tenant voter notification, verification, registration, and Get Out The Vote app built to get as many people as possible to the polls.

Turnout was created in-house at Turnout2020, who is the primary user.

Turnout's code is publicly available under the Business Source License v1.1.


Turnout is written entirely in Python using the Django and Celery frameworks and relies on Postgres as a data backend and Redis as a cache and message broker.

API views are written entirely using Django Rest Framework, while the administrative interface is built using Django generic views and static assets compiled using webpack.

Local development is done entirely inside docker using docker-compose, orchestrated on the command line using gnumake, and deployment is done by creating Docker images and deploying them using a container orchestration system such as Kubernetes or (in the case of Turnout2020) Elastic Container Service.

For production deployments, Turnout's web interface assumes it's behind a caching and web firewall layer, such as Cloudflare, and is configured respond to health checks sent from a load balancer such as an AWS Application Load Balancer.

This repository contains utilities specific to Turnout2020's deployment of Turnout on AWS. Commits to master as well as new git tags trigger Travis to build docker images and upload those images to container repositories within the Turnout2020 AWS account. A Turnout2020-hosted version of Spinnakerlaunches ECS tasks with this new image (using the Fargate launch type) using a Red/Black deployment strategy. Turnout2020 uses Postgres on RDS and Redis on ElastiCache.

General Development

The commands generally require gnumake and docker to be installed locally.

To launch you'll need a .env file in your project root. Review .env.example for examples of variables you can include in your file.

To build run make build

To run locally run make up then (while the server is up) in another shell run make migrate

To create a new superuser run make createsuperuser (while server is running)

To run python tests, run make testpy (while server is running)

To clean python files run make lint (while the server is running)

To bootstrap the database with state information fields and data from our production API, run make importfromprod (while server is running)

Shell Access

To enter a running bash shell on your running docker container, i.e. when make up has been run in another prompt, run make shell

To enter a bash shell of your local version, with prod environment variables (such as DATABASE_URL) run make shellprod. To use staging environment variables, run make shellstaging. For dev, make shelldev

To run a specific docker tag on staging or prod, make shellprod TAG=tagid or make shellstaging TAG=tagid. So, for example, to enter a bash shell of version 0.0.25 with staging environment variables, run make shellstaging TAG=0.0.25.

It is also possible to launch commits to master in the dev environment, using make shelldev. Just enter make shelldev TAG=a130efea6f124a2deb455be81ab30ecf72325a18 to enter a shell with the commit a130efea6f124a2deb455be81ab30ecf72325a18.

These remote shell commands will only work if you have the awscli and jq libraries installed, and with your locally configured user or (if running on EC2) system's IAM role having permission to access the relevant parameters in the Systems Manager parameter store. You'll also need permission to decrypt the permissions, as they're stored as SecureStrings. You'll also likely need to be on a VPN, as services such as redis and RDS are likely on a private subnet.

By default Django's DEBUG mode is set to True. To run without DEBUG, make shellprod DEBUG=false can be run. This will likely result in some external calls being sent, such as those to Datadog and Sentry. Port 8000 is also forwarded to the host, so the command ./ runserver would allow you to visit a version of the app locally at http://localhost:8000/.

On-Demand Dev Deployment

To deploy the version of code currently in your app/ directory to the dev cluster, run make localtodev. Migrations will be automatically run prior to the cluster launching with your new code.

3 Notes:

  1. The dev cluster is a shared asset, and commits to master automatically deploy to it. This means that it's possible your version will be overwritten without your knowledge. Keep an eye on what version is being deployed, and communicate in Slack when you're deploying to dev.

  2. The dev cluster's database is not wiped on new deploys, and deployments automatically run any pending django migrations. This means that the dev database may have tables or columns that you may not be expecting, or migrations may be applied in an order that may not reflect the order they appear in your local deployment (or staging or prod deployments.)

  3. Dev is not currently behind a CDN, and is not accessible by the public internet.

This means one thing: Dev is a playground to test code, not an adequite reflection of how turnout will function on prod

Remote Database Access

To enter a psql shell of the staging RDS database, run make dbshell

To wipe your local database and replace it with the staging database, run make dblocalrestore. THIS IS AN IRREVERSABLE DESTRUCTIVE ACTION. Your local database will be wiped and replaced with the content on the remote database.

To further spell out why make dblocalrestore may be a bad idea, if the staging database is large this can take a long time and use substantial amounts of disk space. If the staging database contains PII, it will be cloned to your local machine. Only perform this action if you know what you're doing. There is no going back.

make dbshell and make dblocalrestore connects to the database using IAM Authentication and requires the awscli and jq libraries, as well as postgres client tools. If you're running the commands locally, ensure that you've run aws configure and provided the credentials to an IAM user with permission to perform IAM auth to your turnout database. If you're running the commands on EC2, ensure that the IAM Role that your instance is running under has proper permissions. If your RDS instance is on a private subnet, you'll likely need to connect via a VPN or from a shell that is on that same subnet.