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RethinkDB Python Wrapper Class

Since I've been using Django a lot recently I've become sort of spoiled by the Database abstraction that comes with it, but unfortunately using that with RDB just isn't an option so I tried to find a nice middle ground. This wrapper allows me to emulate the most common usages from Django's DB abstraction -- for anything more complex I believe it would be best to do a manual query.

Related post:

Author's note

Do not use this wrapper class if you are worried about saving every possible millisecond. Keep in mind, that while it is small it will still add weight and processing time to your application. For HTTP response queries, where possible, always use direct queries -- especially if it is a merely to fetch and return row(s). I recommend trying to use this wrapper for save/updated or in a threaded process.

Class Examples

Example Table #1
class MyTable(rwrapper):
  field1 = None
  field2 = None
  _db_table = 'my_table'
Example Table #2
class MyTable(rwrapper):
  field1 = CharField()
  field2 = CharField()
  _db_table = 'my_table'
Example Table #3
class MyTable(rwrapper):
  field1 = FloatField(max_decimals=2, round_decimals=True)
  field2 = CharField()
  _db_table = 'my_table'

Field Types

Global Options

These options are available to every field type.

Param           Default       Description
required        True          Is this field required for every entry?
convert_type    True          Should the field controller should try to convert the type for consistency?

* Global Options only
Param           Default       Description
max_length      None          The maximum number of characters this field should store.
min_length      None          The minimum number of characters this field should store.
utf8            True          Should this field try to enforce utf8 conversion?
Param           Default       Description
positive_only   False         Should this field contain positive values only?
negative_only   False         Should this field contain negative values only?
max_digits      None          The maximum number of digits this field should have.
* Same as LongField
Param           Default       Description
positive_only   False         Should this field contain positive values only?
negative_only   False         Should this field contain negative values only?
max_digits      None          The maximum number of digits this field should have.
max_decimals    None          The maximum number of decimal places this field should have.
round_decimals  False         Should this field be rounded to the max_decimal length?

Save Documents


save() is responsible for new record creation and updating existing records


new document

table = MyTable(field1='something', field2='something else')

After save() will update the id field to reflect the id of the newly generated document.

update document

# if the id field is set, the class will attempt to update
table = MyTable(id=1, field1='something new')

Note: save() will only update if the fields ACTUALLY change, otherwise it will not bother trying.

Get Documents

get([object=False, [return_exception=False]])

all() Will will return every result found. get() Will append .limit(1) to any query and attempt to return the result.


get documents

table = MyTable(field1='something')
results = table.all()

This will return a list containing the dictionary response for each document. Which means, that if you needed to json serialize the return you do not need to loop the records, you can simply do: json.dumps(results)

This is the same as running [row for row in results]

get documents as an object list

table = MyTable(field1='something')
results = table.all(MyTable)

This will return a list containing the passed object with the response data already parsed. You cannot json serialize this type of call.

This is the same as running [MyTable(**row) for row in results]

get document record

table = MyTable(id=1)
result = table.get()

This will return the first record from a query. This is the same as running result[0]. In this instance, if 0 index is not found then None is returned.

Count Documents

table = MyTable(field1='something')
count = table.count()

Delete Documents

table = MyTable(field1='something')
result = table.delete()

Order Documents


table = MyTable(field1='something')
results = table.order_by('field1').all()


table = MyTable(field1='something')
results = table.order_by('-field1').all()


A python wrapper class for RethinkDB







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