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This Loris build is intended for Ubuntu 14.0, Loris 2.0.0-beta1 ( and Kakadu 7.4. These versions can be changed, see development.cfg, development_docker.cfg and Dockerfile.

Please note:, and from the loris source have hard coded paths and kakadu library names. These files have been brought in as templates in the conf/ directory (Loris version dependent) and will be deployed with the correct paths and filenames.

If you are updating the loris source from 2.0.0-beta1 (you can do this by entering a new tag name inside the development[_docker].cfg file) you may need to update these files with their new versions. However, the buildout parameter tags ${...} will need to be replaced.


Core application source is held in /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/src

Eggs are held in /home/bodl-loris-svc/.buildout/eggs

Loris conf is held in /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/src/loris/etc/

Loris WSGI is held in /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/src/loris/www

Virtualenv Python is held in /home/bodl-loris-svc/python

Caches and logs and images are held in /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/var (never cleared in event of buildout re-run)

Components of application stack (such as webserver) are held in /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/parts

Apache start script is held in /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/bin

kdu_compress is compiled and moved to /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/src/loris/bin as given in /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/src/loris/etc/loris.conf is compiled and moved to /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/src/loris/lib as given in /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/src/loris/etc/loris.conf

Continuous Integration

NB: The CI does not download, compile and install kakadu. This causes some of the validation tests to fail.

The Dockerfile will run the _docker.cfg version of development.cfg. This just ensures that users are named properly (the 'env' recipe does not work inside containers) and that the localhost is pointed to all IPs (as this cannot be dictated or predicted when creating a container).


If any of the 21 IIIF validation tests fail, Docker will exit with a non-zero result. This means the Docker build will fail and read "Error".

More about IIIF validation can be found here:

Functional and Unit Testing

Pytest is executed in the docker run.

This runs all test scripts using the filename format of test_<something>.py in the tests/ folder.

IIIF Validation

This is done automatically in the docker CI. However, you can do this manually via the website:

Or you can download the validator and run it on your server (once you have started the application), as follows:

cd /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/parts 
wget --no-check-certificate
tar zxfv iiif-validator-0.9.1.tar.gz
su - <sudo user>
sudo apt-get -y install libmagic-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
su - bodl-loris-svc
cd /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc 
. bin/activate 
pip install bottle 
pip install python-magic 
pip install lxml 
pip install Pillow
cd /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/parts/iiif-validator-0.9.1/ 
./ -s <internal IP address>:8080 -p 'loris' -i 67352ccc-d1b0-11e1-89ae-279075081939.jp2 --version=2.0 -v


To deploy Loris on a server, follow these instructions. Whenever this GIT account is updated, Docker will run a test deployment at Please see Continuous Integration section above for more details.

First things first

If intending the docker CI server to download and compile kakadu, edit Dockerfile curl commands to contain databank username and password when downloading kakadu library. However, currently this will not work.

For a full working instance of Loris on your server, follow the buildout instructions below (which includes download and compiling of Kakadu).

Create user "bodl-loris-svc"

sudo useradd bodl-loris-svc
sudo passwd bodl-loris-svc
sudo mkdir -p /home/bodl-loris-svc/.ssh
cd /home
sudo chown -R bodl-loris-svc:bodl-loris-svc bodl-loris-svc/
sudo chsh -s /bin/bash bodl-loris-svc
su - bodl-loris-svc
ssh-keygen -t rsa

Copy and paste your key into gitlab by choosing My Profile (the grey person graphic link in the top right hand corner) then Add Public Key.

cat ~/.ssh/

Install and configure Git

su - <sudo user>
sudo apt-get install git
git config --global ""
git config --global "name in quotes"

Checkout the buildout

su - bodl-loris-svc
mkdir -p ~/sites/bodl-loris-svc
cd ~/sites/bodl-loris-svc
git clone ./

OpenJPEG Libraries (Ubuntu 14.0 only)

For PIL/Pillow to run with JPEG2000 capability we need to install the OpenJpeg libraries before python-imaging.

su - <sudo user>
sudo apt-get install -y -q wget cmake make
su - bodl-loris-svc
mkdir -p /home/bodl-loris-svc/Downloads 
cd /home/bodl-loris-svc/Downloads 
tar xzvf openjpeg-2.0.1.tar.gz 
cd openjpeg-2.0.1/ 
cmake . 
su - <sudo user>
cd /home/bodl-loris-svc/Downloads/openjpeg-2.0.1
sudo make install
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib

Setup server

su - <sudo user>
sudo apt-get install $(cat /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/ubuntu_requirements)
su - bodl-loris-svc

Install Python

If you haven't already (by installing the OpenJPEG libraries for Ubuntu 14.0) create the downloads directory:

mkdir -p /home/bodl-loris-svc/Downloads
su - bodl-loris-svc
cd ~/Downloads
wget --no-check-certificate
tar zxfv Python-2.7.6.tgz
cd Python-2.7.6
./configure --prefix=$HOME/python/2.7.6 --enable-unicode=ucs4 --enable-shared LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath=/home/bodl-loris-svc/python/2.7.6/lib"
make install
cd ..
tar zxfv distribute-0.6.49.tar.gz
~/python/2.7.6/bin/python distribute-0.6.49/
~/python/2.7.6/bin/easy_install pip
~/python/2.7.6/bin/pip install virtualenv

Setup the buildout cache

mkdir /home/bodl-loris-svc/.buildout
cd /home/bodl-loris-svc/.buildout
mkdir eggs
mkdir downloads
mkdir extends
echo "[buildout]
eggs-directory = /home/bodl-loris-svc/.buildout/eggs
download-cache = /home/bodl-loris-svc/.buildout/downloads
extends-cache = /home/bodl-loris-svc/.buildout/extends" >> ~/.buildout/default.cfg

Change the IP address for apache config

edit development or production.cfg:

cd ~/sites/bodl-loris-svc
vi development.cfg

Edit the following section:

internalIP = <your server internal IP address>
externalIP = <your server external IP address>

Mirador Viewer

To install Mirador viewer alter the end section of base.cfg. Uncomment the viewer you want.

# Mooviewer
www = git egg=false

# Mirador
#www = git egg=false

After running the buildout you will need to install a couple of other things and then install the Mirador source (see section 'Installing Mirador' below).

Upload Kakadu source to server for compilation

For BDLSS users, you can retrieve the source from databank (you will need a user account for databank):

cd ~/Downloads
curl --user <username>:<password> -o 
unzip -d kakadu

Otherwise you will need to scp, wget or curl your licensed Kakadu source into the ~/Downloads directory as a folder called 'kakadu'.

Buildout will compile the source and distribute the libraries and applications required (namely the shared object library and kdu_expand).

Create a virtualenv and run the buildout

Add _docker to development.cfg if running in docker environment.

cd ~/sites/bodl-loris-svc
~/python/2.7.6/bin/virtualenv .
. bin/activate
pip install zc.buildout
pip install distribute
buildout init
buildout -c development.cfg

Install Loris

If you are running version 2.0.0-beta1, please rename the loris.conf file as follows:

mv /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/src/loris/etc/loris.conf /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/src/loris/etc/loris2.conf

Then run setup.

cd /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/src/loris
python install

Installation complete message

You should see the following information on your screen.

Installation was successful. Here's where things are:

 * Loris configuration: /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/src/loris/etc/loris
 * Cache cleaner cron: /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/src/loris/bin/
 * kdu_expand: /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/src/loris/bin/kdu_expand
 * Kakadu libraries: /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/src/loris/lib/
 * Logs: /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/var/log/loris
 * Image cache (opaque): /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/var/cache/loris/img
 * Image cache (symlinks that look like IIIF URIs): /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/var/cache/loris/links
 * Info cache: /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/var/cache/loris/info
 * www/WSGI application directory: /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/src/loris/www
 * Temporary directory: /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/tmp

Setup library shortlinks

su - <sudo user>
sudo ln -s /usr/include/freetype2 freetype
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/`uname -i`-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/`uname -i`-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/`uname -i`-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/`uname -i`-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/`uname -i`-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/`uname -i`-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/

Test images

Copy the test images into your image root:

su - bodl-loris-svc
cp -R /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/src/loris/tests/img/* /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/var/images

Installing Mirador

For Ubuntu 12.0:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs

For Ubuntu 14.0:

sudo apt-get install nodejs nodejs-legacy npm

Install grunt and install mirador with npm:

sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
cd /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/src/www
sudo npm install

Browse as below to load the viewer.

Start Apache

su - <sudo user>
sudo /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/bin/lorisctl start

Browse the following links to test:

http://{your_server, e.g. localhost:8080}/loris/67352ccc-d1b0-11e1-89ae-279075081939.jp2/full/full/0/default.jpg
http://{your_server, e.g. localhost:8080}/loris/67352ccc-d1b0-11e1-89ae-279075081939.jp2/info.json

To run a IIIF validation test see the IIIF Validation section in the introduction (above).

Setup the reboot script in the sudo crontab

su - <sudo user>
sudo crontab /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/bin/cron.txt
su - bodl-loris-svc

Startup scripts and cron jobs

The following script can be run manually as sudo.

su - <sudo user>
/home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/bin/lorisctl [start|stop|restart]

It will stop/start/restart Loris. It runs under a @reboot directive in the sudo crontab to ensure the service comes back up in the event of a server shutdown/restart. It logs progress in var/log/reboot.log.

@reboot /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/bin/lorisctl start > /home/bodl-loris-svc/sites/bodl-loris-svc/var/log/reboot.log 2>&1