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Python Web application based on providing information about Austin restaurants, inspired by IMDB and Yelp.

Build Status

Database Model

Restaurant - Information about restaurants such as location, name, category, price and rating.

  • ex. Hula Hut, ...

Location - Information about restaurant locations such as address, zip code, latitude, longitude and neighborhood.

  • ex. 6th Street, 78701, ...

Category - Information such as name, total number of restaurants in this category and average price for this category of restaurants.

  • ex. Mexican, ...

##How to run locally

  1. Clone the project

  2. Open terminal and go into the cloned repository, then cd app.

  3. Run "pip install -r requirements.txt" to download dependencies required for the application onto your own machine.

  4. To query the Yelp API you will need to acquire a API key from them.

  5. Then follow these instructions to create a config_secret.json file that holds your private API key information.

  6. Execute by running "python".

  7. In order to view the site, open a browser and go to