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GIMP Plugin to overlay one image on top of another.

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Python Script and associated GIMP Plugin to overlay one Image on top of another.

This repository is home to a Python Script and an associated GIMP Plugin. Both of them can be used to overlay one Image on top of another - and furthermore, they can both be invoked either interactively from within GIMP, or non-interactively (aka Batch mode) from the command line.

Throughout the remainder of this documentation, the image that is being overlaid on top of another image is referred to as the foreground image, while the image that is being overlaid onto, is referred to as the background image.

GIMP and its relationship to Python.

GIMP can be thought of as having two distinct relationships with Python;

  • Python code can be invoked from within GIMP, by way of GIMP's Python-Fu facility.
  • Python can be used to write Scripts or Plugins for GIMP, by way of the GIMP-Python Python module.


Python-Fu is a facility provided by GIMP, which enables Python code to be executed from within GIMP.

For the curious reader, more information about Python-Fu can be found here.


The majority of GIMP's functionality is implemented using the C Programming Language. To be more precise, this functionality is implemented within a C Library which is called libgimp. GIMP-Python is a Python module which provides a wrapper around this Library and in doing so, provides Python bindings to the underlying C functionality.

For the curious reader, more information about GIMP-Python can be found here.

Invoking the Python Script interactively from within GIMP.

To invoke the Python Script interactively, start up GIMP and then click;

Filters > Python-Fu > Console

Doing this should cause a Python Console Panel - similar to the following, to be displayed.

Test image

Next, from within the Python Console Window, invoke the following two commands;

>>> import sys
>>> print("%s" % (sys.path))

The second command should display a list of those directories which Python searches for modules. If the directory which contains the Python Script is not shown in this list, then invoke the following command;

>>> sys.path = <Name_of_dir_containing_Python_Script> + sys.path

This should add - by prepending to the front of the list of directories that Python searches for modules, the directory which contains the Python Script.

Now you should only have to invoke the following two commands in order to get the Python Script to run from within GIMP.

>>> import HelloWorld
>>> HelloWorld.displayMessage("Hello, World!")

Invoking the GIMP Plugin interactively from within GIMP.

To invoke the GIMP Plugin interactively, start up GIMP and then use it to open the background image. Once this is done, select;

Image > Craig's Utilities > Overlay Image

Doing this should cause the following panel to be displayed.

Test image

Invoking this Plugin non-interactively from the command line.

To invoke this Plugin non-interactively, issue a command from the command line which is similar to the following;

find /home/foo/images -name "foreground_image_[0-9].png" | \
sort | \
gimp --no-interface \
     --verbose \
     --console-messages \
     --batch-interpreter="plug-in-script-fu-eval" \
     --batch '(
              )' \
     --batch '(
               gimp-quit 0

A quick note about the syntax of this command.

The arguments to a batch sub-command should be placed within the batch sub-command's parentheses. These arguments seem to get passed directly to GIMP, therefore they should not contain any shell special or control characters. For example, if the arguments contained one or more instances of the "\" character, then GIMP might not know how to interpret them, and this could cause an error such as;

batch command experienced an execution error: Error: ( : 1) eval: unbound variable: \

The command which was just presented, might seem a little overwhelming. So to try and help explain what it is doing, here is the same command but with comments added.

find /home/foo/images -name "foreground_image_[0-9].png" | \  # Find the foreground image filenames of interest and redirect them.
sort | \                                                      # Sort the list of foreground image filenmes.
gimp --no-interface \                                         # Instruct GIMP to operate without using its (graphical user) interface. This causes GIMP to execute in a non-interactive manner.
     --verbose \                                              # Instruct GIMP to operate in a verbose manner.
     --console-messages \                                     # Instruct GIMP to process console messages.
     --batch-interpreter="plug-in-script-fu-eval" \           # Instruct GIMP to use Python-Fu to interpret the following batch sub-commands.
     --batch '(                                               # Start a batch sub-command.
               python-fu-runPlugin-multiple-fromList          # Name of the Plugin the batch sub-command should execute.
               RUN-NONINTERACTIVE                             # Instruct the Plugin to operate in a non-interactive manner.
               "/home/foo/images/background_image.png"        # Filename which contains the background image.
               "READ_LIST_FROM_STDIN"                         # Read the list of foreground image filenames from stdin.
               ""                                             #
               "/home/craig/temp/Animation_images_png/"       # Directory to save the resulting files into.
               "PREPEND_FILENAME"                             # Create a new filename from a foreground image filename by prepending a suffix to the latter.
               "Slide_"                                       # Suffix which should be used.
               "DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_NONE"                         # Instruct the Plugin to not generate diagnostic data.
              )' \                                            # End the current batch sub-command.
     --batch '(                                               # Start another batch sub-command.
               gimp-quit 0                                    # Instruct GIMP to quit, and in doing so, return a value of 0 to the program which invoked it.
              )'                                              # End the current batch sub-command. 

As can be seen from the comments, the "READ_LIST_FROM_STDIN" argument to the Plugin, forces it to read the list of foreground image filenames from stdin. This is the reason why stdin of the gimp command, is connected to stdout of the find command by way of a pipe.

Registering the Plugin with GIMP.

The Plugin is implemented in Python by a function which is called "runPlugin_multiple_fromList".

Since this function is responsible for implementing the Plugin, it is this function which must therefore be registered with GIMP. As part of the registration process, GIMP also needs to know some other information about the Plugin which is being registered, such as;

  • a short description which is to be associated with the Plugin,
  • a short Help message which is to be assocaited with the Plugin,
  • whereabouts within its Menu system GIMP should place a menu entry for this Plugin,
  • how the GUI Panel which is associated with the Plugin should be laid out.

How the Plugin is implemented.

 |- OverlayImageAgent Ctor
 |- OverlayImageAgent.runMultipleFromList
     |- OverlayImageAgent.__getForegroundImageAndDrawable
     |- OverlayImageAgent.__displayDiagnosticData
     |- OverlayImageAgent.__run
         |- OverlayImageAgent.__copyAndPasteForegroundImage
         |   |
         |   |- OverlayImageAgent.__copyForegroundImageIntoBuffer
         |   |
         |   |- OverlayImageAgent.__pauseAndProgressDisplay
         |- OverlayImageAgent.__copyAndPasteForegroundImageAsNew
         |- OverlayImageAgent.__displayDiagnosticData
         |- OverlayImageAgent.__flattenAndSaveImage
             |- OverlayImageAgent.__displayDiagnosticData
             |- OverlayImageAgent.__pauseAndProgressDisplay
             |- OverlayImageAgent.__pauseAndProgressDisplay


GIMP Plugin to overlay one image on top of another.






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