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Below you will find basic setup and deployment instructions for the deployproj project. To begin you should have the following applications installed on your local development system:

- Python >= 2.6 (2.7 recommended)
- `pip >= 1.1 <>`_
- `virtualenv >= 1.7 <>`_
- `virtualenvwrapper >= 3.0 <>`_
- Postgres >= 8.4 (9.1 recommended)
- git >= 1.7

The deployment uses SSH with agent forwarding so you'll need to enable agent forwarding if it is not already by adding ForwardAgent yes to your SSH config.

Getting Started

To setup your local environment you should create a virtualenv and install the necessary requirements:

mkvirtualenv --distribute deployproj
$VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/pip install -r $PWD/requirements/dev.txt

Then create a local settings file and set your DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE to use it:

cp deployproj/settings/ deployproj/settings/
echo "export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=deployproj.settings.local" >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postactivate
echo "unset DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE" >> $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/postdeactivate

Exit the virtualenv and reactivate it to activate the settings just changed:

workon deployproj

Create the Postgres database and run the initial syncdb/migrate:

createdb -E UTF-8 deployproj
python syncdb
python migrate

You should now be able to run the development server:

python runserver

Setup repository

Before your project can be deployed to a server, the code needs to be accessible in a git repository.

  1. Add your project code to a git repo, hosted somewhere your server can clone it from.
  2. Edit near the top and insert your repo's URL. E.g., change this:

    env.repo = u'' # FIXME: Add repo URL

    to this:

    env.repo = u''

Server Provisioning

The first step in creating a new server is to create users on the remote server. You will need root user access with passwordless sudo. How you specify this user will vary based on the hosting provider. EC2 and Vagrant use a private key file. Rackspace and Linode use a user/password combination.

  1. For each developer, put a file in the conf/users directory

    containing their public ssh key, and named exactly the same as the user to create on the server, which should be the same as the userid on the local development system. (E.g. for user "dickens", the filename must be "dickens", not "" or "user_dickens".)

  2. Run this command to create users on the server:

    fab -H <fresh-server-ip> -u <root-user> create_users

    This will create a project user and users for all the developers.

  3. Lock down SSH connections: disable password login and move

    the default port from 22 to env.ssh_port:

    fab -H <fresh-server-ip> configure_ssh
  4. Add the IP to the appropriate environment

    function and provision it for its role. You can provision a new server with the setup_server fab command. It takes a list of roles for this server ('app', 'db', 'lb') or you can say 'all':

    fab staging setup_server:all

Vagrant Testing

You can test the provisioning/deployment using Vagrant.

After installing Vagrant, install Salty Vagrant:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-salt

Edit salt/roots/pillar/users.sls and add your user and ssh key, following the examples. Later you'll be able to ssh to the vagrant system using that userid and key.

Using the Vagrantfile you can start up the VM. This requires the precise32 box:

vagrant up

You can find out how ssh is set up by running:

vagrant ssh_config

Example output:

$ vagrant ssh-config
Host default
  User vagrant
  Port 2222

You can ssh in as any user with:

ssh -p 2222 yourusername@

where yourusername is a user you added to users.sls, and 2222 and are changed to whatever vagrant reported.

You can also ssh in as vagrant by simply doing:

vagrant ssh

and vagrant has sudo, so you can do anything you need that way.

If you change the salt files and want to update the virtual machine, you can:

ssh -p 2222 localhost sudo salt-call --local state.highstate [-l debug]

but it's easier to:

vagrant reload

which will both provision and reboot.

You can provision a new server with the setup_server fab command. It takes a list of roles for this server ('app', 'db', 'lb') or you can say 'all':

fab vagrant setup_server:all

Then you have to do an initial deploy. You also use this command to deploy updates:

fab vagrant deploy


fab vagrant deploy:<branchname>

The Vagrantfile arranges for port 80 in the vm to be accessible as port 8089 on the host system. The fabfile sets up the configuration to assume a hostname of So to visit the running web site:

  1. Add to your /etc/hosts file (change the hostname if you changed it in the fabfile).
  2. Visit

Rest of this is probably obsolete

With the VM up and running, you can create the necessary users. Put the developers' keys in conf/users as before, then use these commands to create the users. The location of the key file (/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/vagrant-1.0.2/keys/vagrant) may vary on your system. Running locate keys/vagrant might help find it:

fab -H -u vagrant -i /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/vagrant-1.0.2/keys/vagrant create_users
fab vagrant setup_server:all
fab vagrant deploy

It is not necessary to reconfigure the SSH settings on the vagrant box.

The vagrant box forwards port 80 in the VM to port 8080 on the host box. You can view the site by visiting localhost:8080 in your browser.

You may also want to add:

to your hosts (/etc/hosts) file.

You can stop the VM with vagrant halt and destroy the box completely to retest the provisioning with vagrant destroy.

For more information please review the Vagrant documentation.


For future deployments, you can deploy changes to a particular environment with the deploy command. This takes an optional branch name to deploy. If the branch is not given, it will use the default branch defined for this environment in env.branch:

fab staging deploy
fab staging deploy:new-feature

New requirements or South migrations are detected by parsing the VCS changes and will be installed/run automatically.


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