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CPSC 458 Final Project: an Angular / Flask app to learn your Tinder preferences

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This file is formatted in Markdown. I recommended either viewing it in an appropriate editor or opening the PDF version, which can be found in README.pdf.

This project is hosted on GitHub,, and is running at


tinderX is an application built to learn your preferences for Tinder profiles. The core of the application lies in a series of Python modules (in the core/ folder). These modules are made available through an API, written in Flask. Finally, there's a simple web interface, written in Angular, where users can interact with the algorithm.

To try it out, visit See Usage for detailed instructions.

Here's how it works: tinderX observes as you like / dislike various Tinder profiles. As you do so, it constructs an average liked / disliked face... think of this as your "type".

After you have liked / disliked at least one profile each, it will start to make predictions. If the candidate's face is closer to average liked face, the algorithm will predict a like. If the candidate's face is closer to the average disliked face, the agorithm will predict a dislike.

See the section on Image Processing for a detailed description of how the images are handled / compared.

All profiles for tinderX come from the real Tinder app. I wrote a simple web scraper (utils/ to sequentially guess and check short usernames... and then record the hits. For example, running python -m utils.scrape 4 populates the database with valid Tinder usernames of length < 4. I then fetch usernames, ages, and profile pictures as necessary. One issue: I haven't figured out how to get the user's gender. So, for now, all genders are combined.


To use tinderX, visit the following URL:


You are welcome to sign-in with your own Facebook account or one of the following test accounts:

name email pwd
Helen Alaakdeajacg Changsky tinderx
Karen Alajijcjiaade Romanson tinderx
John Alajhgbebdffb Yangescu tinderx
Richard Alajhfaifehgh Zamoresky tinderx

Swipes are indexed by Facebook ID. No other Facebok user information is recorded.


Once you've signed in, you will be presented with a candidate on the left. At the top will be the candidate's name, age, and an optional 'teaser'. Then their profile picture. Underneath the profile picture, there are three buttons: Dislike, Like, and Pass.

On the right, you'll see a table of your likes / dislikes and the number of correct predictions made so far. Since you have yet to swipe on any images, no prediction will be made. You should see something like the following:

The No Image Yet message will display until you have both liked and disliked at least one profile.

Now let's suppose you want to 'like' this candidate. You can swipe right (click-and-drag) on the image itself, press the Like button, or press the right arrow key. Vice versa for dislike.

After swiping, you should be presented with a new candidate. Your explanation and statistics should update on the right.

Predictions + Explanations

Now, keep doing this... after you have liked and disliked at least one candidate each, the algorithm will kick in and start to make predictions. The prediction appears on the right.

Correctness statistics are updated as you progress. You'll also note that average liked / disliked faces are displayed: these are the images the candidate's face is compared against. If the candidate lies closer to the liked-average, the algorithm will predict a 'like'; if they lie close to the disliked-average, the algorithm will predict a 'dislike'. A basic explanation of the algorithm and its decision is displayed along with the prediction.

Here's a screenshot of the righthand panel after a series of swipes:


Along the way, you most likely encountered a No Valid Faces error. This means that the facial recognition algorithm failed to detect a valid face. In this case, your only option is to pass on the user. The profile will obviously not be factored into any of the statistics and the average images will remain unchanged. A sample of such an error is displayed here:

You may also run into the occasional OpenCV error... this could be from any number of image processing related issues! Just try reloading the page or passing on to the next user.

Image Processing

The core image processing happens in the core/profiles module. There are two main actions:

  1. update the average image to incorporate a new swipe; happens in core/user/
  2. compare an image to an average, in order to make a prediction; happens in core/user/

In both cases, we only care about the faces. In order to extract the faces, I take the following approach:

  1. download the image from convert it to grayscale
  2. detect faces using the haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml cascaade classifier
  3. detect eyes using the haarcascade_eye.xml cascaade classifier
  4. calculate the pupils (the centers of the eyes)
  5. calculate the best face: the largest face, with at least one eye detected in it
  6. crop the image to be just that face
  7. resize the image to be 100x100

Now, in core/user/, to incorporate the face into the average, I use cv2.addWeighted with the appropriate weights. In core/user/, I use a combination of cv2.subtract and cv2.norm to determine the difference between two images.

I'll quickly remark that there is A LOT of room for improvement here: especially when it comes to the face detection...


Flask defines the following routes in, which act as the bridge between the core packages and the Angular frontend. Most API requests of interest are made in app/controllers/swipe.js (in Angular).

  • GET /: send down the angular application (index.html)
  • POST /login: log a user into the app
  • GET /fetch: fetch a single user profile
  • POST /swipe: allow a user to swipe left / right on a candidate
  • GET /img/<name>: download liked.jpg or disliked.jpg for this user

Directory Structure


Directory / File Contents
app/ contains the angular application. see detail below.
bower.json frontend dependencies, managed by bower.
config/ app constants, sample config files for mongo, apache
core/ contains the core of the Python application: maintain a user's account, fetch / swipe on profiles, interact with database, etc. see detail below.
dist/ distribution code for angular frontend. generated by gulp from app/
docs/ my original proposal
lib/opencv3/haarcascades/ the cascaade classifiers used for face / eye detection
node_modules/ node packages. installed via npm install
package.json node dependencies (mainly just gulp)
requirements.txt backend (Python / Flask) dependencies the Flask interface (defines the server)
tinderx.wsgi WSGI file for deploying application using Apache
utils/ contains utilities for scraping usernames and showing images
utils/ scrape usernames off
utils/ show the liked or disliked image locally (in a pop-up window)

Angular Application

Directory / File Contents
app/app.js defines the application
app/bower_components/ all the application dependencies. installed via bower install
app/controllers the controllers: login.js, swipe.js
app/css the styling
app/directives contains the swipeable directive (allows you to swipe on cards)
app/index.html the base page
app/partials the HTML views: login.html, swipe.html

Core Package

Directory / File Contents
core/errors defines a series of app-wide errors
core/db/ a package of database functions
core/db/ functions to interact with the tinder_profiles document in MongoDB
core/db/ functions to interact with the users document in MongoDB
core/user/ defines the User class. authorize a user, fetch a profile, swipe on a profile.
core/user/ authorize a user (verify their facebook tokens)
core/user/ fetch the next profile, predict whether the user will like it
core/user/ swipe on a profile, updating the liked or disliked average image
core/profile/ defines the Profile class. detect faces, normalize images.
core/profile/ detect faces / eyes. choose which face we should use.
core/profile/ download images, normalize them: crop, resize, etc.
core/profile/ run face detection locally, displaying the results in a pop-up window.


Unfortunately, as tinderX involves multiple languages and a variety of technologies, there are a number of complicated dependencies. That being said, I'll outline the highlights here. Obviously, the details are system-dependent.

First and foremost, you must have some form of Python 2.7.


To process the images (detect faces, crop, resize, etc.), I use OpenCV 3. This is a nightmare to install... if you're on a Mac, brew works. Otherwise, here are instructions for linux installation from source:

You have to make sure to install the appropriate Python bindings.


There are a series of Python packages, as listed in requirements.txt, that must be installed:

pip install -r requirements.txt

These include:

facepy==1.0.7				## Facebook SDK: used to validate authentication tokens
Flask==0.10.1				## Flask itself
lxml==3.5.0				## parses the HTML responses from Tinder in
numpy==1.10.1				## helps process the images (all opencv images are multidimensional matrices)
pymongo==3.1.1			## mongodb driver
requests==2.8.1			## make HTTP requests (used in


I use MongoDB to store information on the users and the profiles. I'm using v3.0.8, but anything close should work too. Installation instructions can be found here:

A sample mongod.conf is located in the config/ folder.

nodejs + gulp

I'm using NodeJS v4.2.3, but anything thereabouts should work too. I use gulp to manage the build process of the angular frontend. As you can see in index.html, all js / css is concatenated down into lib.css, app.css, lib.js, and app.js. gulp places all of these in dist/, from where the frontend is served.

To install gulp and associated node_modules/, run:

npm install

After completion, npm install will run gulp. gulp builds the angular frontend from app/ into dist/. gulp also makes sure to run bower install before doing anything.


In production, I've been using Apache, with the mod_wsgi library installed. A sample apache config file can be found in config/001-tinderx.conf and a sample wsgi file in tinderx.wsgi.


If on a local machine, you can also run the app directly:


which will load the app on port 5000: localhost:5000.


CPSC 458 Final Project: an Angular / Flask app to learn your Tinder preferences






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