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#GitHub Course Management

A simple application for teaching a class using GitHub.

Set up for your own course:

`pip install -r requirements.txt` at root (use of [virutal environments]( is recommended):

Course Management currently supports Sqlite3 and Postgresql. There are two options for establishing the database- a local settings file or by environment variables. From project root:

Local settings file. Run touch course_mgmt/ and copy the following in to use Sqlite3

from settings import ConfigBase
class Config(ConfigBase):
    SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:///db.db'

Environment variables. Run export COURSE_MGMT_DATABASE=sqlite:///db.db

To create the database tables, at project root run python db migrate

To boot the webserver, at project root run python Project is hosted on localhost:5000

To seed it with some data, run the following from project root:

cd course_mgmt
nosetests system_tests:TestAll.test_all_create

To boot webpack for bundling/watching of frontend assets, run npm run bundle at course_mgmt/front_end/ root. This will bundle JavaScript and CSS assets into course_mgmt/front_end/public/js/build/bundle.js.

Documentation is located on Gitbook or on GitHub. You may also run it locally using the Gitbook cli. From project root:

  1. npm install gitbook-cli -g
  2. gitbook serve
  3. (https://localhost:4000/)[https://localhost:4000/]


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