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Twitter Sentiment Analysis


Step 0

  1. link the GNIP json file to step_0/input
  2. run step_0/scripts/

This will produce three (3) files

  1. tweets_0.json
  2. tweets_1.json
  3. tweets_2.json

These file have been uploaded to S3, under the following folders

  1. s3://chipotle-crisis (located in US)
  2. s3://chipotle-crisis-sg (located in Singapore)

Currently, all the three files (frozen version) are also loaded to S3 in s3://chipotle-crisis-final/step_0_results

Step 1

Initialise a Spark cluster in Amazon with the following configuration

  1. emr-4.7.1
  2. Spark 1.6.1
  3. Hive 1.0.0
  4. Hadoop 2.7.2
  5. Hue 3.7.1
  6. Zeppelin-Sandbox 0.5.6
  7. Pig 0.14.0

The hardware configuration is as follows:

  1. Master - m4.xlarge instance
  2. Core - 4x m4.xlarge instance

After the cluster have started up, we need to copy the JSONs file to HDFS for Spark to consume. Do the following (US version):

# Remember to use screen
hadoop fs -mkdir tweets
hdfs dfs -cp s3://chipotle-crisis/tweets_0.json tweets/tweet_0.json
hdfs dfs -cp s3://chipotle-crisis/tweets_1.json tweets/tweet_1.json
hdfs dfs -cp s3://chipotle-crisis/tweets_2.json tweets/tweet_2.json
hadoop fs -ls tweets

For Spark cluster based in Singapore, use the following:

# Remember to use screen
hadoop fs -mkdir tweets
hdfs dfs -cp s3://chipotle-crisis-sg/tweets_0.json tweets/tweet_0.json
hdfs dfs -cp s3://chipotle-crisis-sg/tweets_1.json tweets/tweet_1.json
hdfs dfs -cp s3://chipotle-crisis-sg/tweets_2.json tweets/tweet_2.json
hadoop fs -ls tweets

Download the Python code from GitHub:


Then start up Spark and run the sampling script. Note: I have realize that the rdd.takeSample return different sample on different machine.

# Note the hash
cd twitter-sentiment-analysis-4483cecf8d9663a21bf3a1db7f2bb9f019ad4c4e

# run Spark

In the current working directory, which is twitter-sentiment-analysis-4483cecf8d9663a21bf3a1db7f2bb9f019ad4c4e. You will find the following files:

Sample tweets for demo purpose

  1. sample_posts.csv
  2. sample_posts.json

Development tweets (3,000 tweets):

  1. dev_posts.csv
  2. dev_posts.json

Kappa tweets (300 tweets sampled from development tweets)

  1. kappa_posts.csv
  2. kappa_posts.json

Currently, all the six file (frozen version) have been loaded to S3 in s3://chipotle-crisis-final/step_1_results

Using pySpark on Elastic MapReduce (EMR) in Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Useful Commands

Copying of files from S3

aws s3 cp s3://<filepath> .

Placing files into HDFS from local

hadoop fs -put <filepath> .

Cat files from HDFS (zip file supported)

hdfs dfs -text <filepath>

Unzip file located in HDFS

hadoop fs -cat <filepath> | gzip -d | hadoop fs -put - <output>


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