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Juma MOAI Editor


Editor for open-source game engine MOAI SDK.

You can create your custom window like this level editor.

You can develop and organize your ui.

You can prepare a 3d mesh for MOAI SDK game engine and parse to engine format.

Based on

Vavius IDE Gii IDE




  • Host for latest MOAI SDK (currently 1.7)


	./ ide

For Developers:

    cd juma-editor
    ./juma ide
Use file->open or cmd+O to open any moai main.lua file.

Load Framework

	git submodule init 
	git submodule update


Link lua_framework with path: editor/lib/lua/framework

Moai libs for build put to dev/moaipy/lib/nojit folder. Export vars:

export MOAI_ROOT=/Users/yourname/moai-dev/


RobotStyle Theme

  • Top Color - #323232
  • Widget Color - #282828
  • Dark Color - #1E1E1E
  • Label - #d6d6d6
  • Disabled - #999999
  • Mint - #00af95
  • Yellow(select) - #eda900
  • Red(close) - #b70000
  • Red - #ff0a0c


  • Create DebugDraw DockWidget
  • Create RunString DockWidget

About Vavius version Editor

This editor is a Python-Qt based host for MOAI SDK. The main idea behind all this is pretty easy:

  • I wanted to add editor features to MOAI SDK with live game preview - like most of 3d AAA engines have
  • Editors tend to have pretty complicated GUI - coding all this in Lua with MOAI classes is a pain, also some performance issues could arise, so better to look at existing frameworks and run MOAI as GL View
  • Qt is one of the most complete frameworks for crossplatform GUI applications
  • GUI stuff is easier to code and tune with dynamic language such as Python (may consider QtScript as well)


Since all used technologies are cross platform in nature this thing should work on Windows, Linux, OS X without problems. However, I've only tested this on OS X 10.8 and 10.9. To build on other platforms you'll need to compile MOAI as python module, read Technical details for more info.

There are tons of dependencies:


  1. Install Qt, then PySide bindings
  2. Unzip and install include/ (python install)
  3. Clone Lua framework, then link or copy src/ folder from it to editor/lua/moai-framework/src/

Technical details

MOAI is compiled as python module with Cython. Lua communication implemented with Lupa. There are some modifications to Lupa in order to make it use existing lua_State from MOAI. Python module sources located in dev/moaipy:

  • static moai libs - I suppose they need to be recompiled for your current platform
  • cmoai.pxd - cython header file for AKU calls
  • moaipy.pyx - here we wrap AKU functions to be called from python
  • _lupa.pyx - modified lupa

About Tommo version Editor

This editor is a Python-Qt based host for MOAI SDK.

Technical details
