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Example app to show how to get image upload + thumbnails to work in Django 1.8


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User Avatar Example

Example of how to combine django's ImageField to upload images and easy-thumbnails to create thumbnails.

Django's ImageField does not delete old images when they are replaced with new ones. So I added django-cleanup to take care of this. This does take care of removing the old originals but NOT the cached thumbnails - despite this ticket indicating that it should: un1t/django-cleanup#14

Round 1: Basic image upload to the file system

Generic site with a user_profile model that adds an avatar to each user. The avatar upload uses Django's built in ImageField

For this iteration I am not doing any thumbnailing and the images are just uploaded to a subdirectory of MEDIA_ROOT.

NOTE: To be able to see the media files when using ./ runserver you need to configure a MEDIA_URL and MEDIA_ROOT and then add a section to your main that asks the dev server to serve these static files:

## in your
# Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images)

STATIC_URL = '/static/'

MEDIA_URL = '/files/'
MEDIA_ROOT = BASE_DIR + '/media'

# in your site's
if settings.DEBUG:
    from django.contrib.staticfiles.urls import staticfiles_urlpatterns
    from django.conf.urls.static import static
    urlpatterns += staticfiles_urlpatterns()
    # and for media files
    urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)

To run this example, clone the repository and checkout the 'round-1' tag. Then set up to run the development server:

git clone
git checkout -b round-1
## however you create your virtual environments
pip install -r requirements.txt
# You may need to install some libraries for installing Pillow
./ migrate
./ createsuperuser
./ runserver

Go to the hompage, click the link and log in using the admin credentials you created above. Upload an image. You will see the file in the 'media/avatars/' directory. Now upload a new image. The new image will be displayed on the profile page - but the new and old images are both in 'media/avatars/'. If you uploaded the same image a second time, you will see the second image has been uploaded with a 'random' string appended to make a unique file name.

We should not be accumulating this sort of cruft. To see how to fix this:

git checkout -b 'round-2'

Round 2: Clean up

Checkout the 'round-2' tag and 'pip install -r requirements.txt'.

To remove files that have been replaced / superceded, I added django-cleanup. Checkout the 'round-2' tag and 'pip install -r requirements.txt'.

Now when you upload a new image to replace your current avatar, the old file gets removed, leaving only the new image. Well actually django-cleanup only removes the file mentioned in the database table for the user profile. To get rid of the rest of the cruft from round 1, you will need to delete the files yourself.

Next, most sites want to create thumbnails of their images for one reason or another. Let's do that using easy-thumbnails - in round 3:

git checkout -b 'round-3'

Round 3: Creating thumbnails

Checkout the 'round-3' tag and 'pip install -r requirements.txt' to install easy-thumbnails: Run the migrations and then start the server again.

This round added configuration options (and database tables) for creating thumbnails to be created on the fly whenever they are requested. The generaged thumbnails are stored for the next time they are created. When using the file system, the images will be stored whereever THUMBNAIL_BASEDIR says. By default that will be where ever your ImageField is storing the originals.

So upload a couple of different avatars to try them out - then look in the 'media/avatars/' folder. Notice that django-cleanup is still removing the obsoleted originals - but is not deleting the corresponding thumbnails. So once again we are accumulating cruft. I am not the first person to report this; but the ticket on the django-cleanup project - un1t/django-cleanup#14 - says this should just work. Hmmm. I wonder what changed.

Round 4: Cleaning up thumbnails

Checkout the 'round-4' tag, run the migrations, and then start the server again.

The django-cleaner maintainer pointed me to the test suite which is still passing. Looking at the tests, the main difference I see is that they are using easy_thumbnails.fields.ThumbnailerImageField while I have been using the stock Django django.db.models.ImageField. Sure enough, after I changed the field type, uploading a new avatar replaces the previous image AND it's thumbnail.

Round 5: Storing images in S3

Checkout the 'round-5' tag and 'pip install -r requirements.txt' to install django-storages-redux and boto (a library for interacting with AWS S3). In order to make this example work, you will need to set up an S3 bucket and put the AWS credentials into the file.

The instructions in this blog post,, are very useful for setting up your S3 bucket. Some of the rest of the information is good, but there are a few more configuration options now, so separating the static file and media storage options is easier. This example contains the minimal configuration for moving media files into S3 while leaving the static files in the file system.

Restart your server and upload a new avatar. Note that the url for your thumbnail is now on the server defined by the AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN parameter.

Round 6: How to upload an image in a form + view test

Checkout the 'round-6' tag and 'pip install -r requirements.txt' to install factory_boy, a library that makes it easy to create model data in your tests.

I don't want to have to depend on S3 when I am noodling around on my laptop, so the first commit in this round reverses the S3 storage configuration changes from round 5.

Now, let's add some tests. In particular, let's test our image uploads. The easy_thumbnails app has some tests of its own, so I looked at that they do to create test files. The most interesting part is the function they use to create an image in memory and then pass that to the form for uploading. If you look at user_profile/, you will see a copy of the create_image function.

Also of interest is the UserFactory in user_profiles/ This can be used and extended to create user objects in your test suites.


Example app to show how to get image upload + thumbnails to work in Django 1.8







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