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collective.emaillogin Package Readme


This package allow logins with email address rather than login name. It applies some (somewhat hackish) patches to Plone's membership tool and memberdata class, after which the email address, on save, is saved as the login name for members. This makes that members can log in using their email address rather than some additional id, and when the email address changes the login name is changed along with it.

Since version 1.0 we explicitly convert e-mail addresses to lowercase. You should be able to login with any mix of upper and lower case letters.


Add it to the eggs of your Plone 3 buildout. With Plone 3.2.x or earlier also add it to the zcml option of your instance. Install it in the Add-ons (Extra Packages) control panel in your Plone Site. Installing simply adds a new skin layer named 'emaillogin'.

It is best to install this on a fresh Plone site. The login names of current users are not changed. There is code in core Plone 4 for this, so you may want to look there if you need it.


A major part of this package works by patching several core Plone and CMF classes. The patches also apply when you do not have this package installed in your Plone Site. This may give unwanted results, like changing the login name of a user when his or her e-mail address is changed. This also means that when you have multiple Plone Sites in one Zope instance, you should either install this package in all of them or not use it at all and remove it from your buildout.


When upgrading from version 0.8, an upgrade step is run to change all login names to lower case, for those login names that are already e-mail addresses.


No, these are not bugs. Or if they are bugs, then they are bugs that are too hard to fix without introducing other bugs. They might be unexpected though, so we call them gotchas.

  • Since version 1.0, whenever an e-mail address is set, we automatically convert it to lowercase. You cannot set an e-mail address to upper or mixed case. When logging in or resetting a password the case does not need to match: we look for the given login but also for the lowercased login.
  • As an administrator, when you change the login name of a user in the ZMI, this does not update the email.
  • When you register with and change this to, you can no longer login with your original address. You can only login with your current e-mail address, though the case (upper, lower, mixed) should not matter anymore.
  • The initial e-mail address is used as userid. This id never ever changes. In places where the userid is displayed this original userid is shown, which is normally fine until the email address is overwritten -- once this is done the original email address will be displayed rather than the new one. (Plone 4 fixes this in the core.) There may be some more spots in Plone that for example search only for users by id so when you use that to search on login name this may fail. Also, there are spots in the Plone or CMF or Zope code that have a userid as input but use it as login name or the other way around so be careful when you start hacking yourself.
  • If you register with, then change it to, then no one can register a new user with or change the e-mail address of an existing user to This is because it will forever be used as userid. Note that when you now change your address to, your intermediate address of is free for the taking.
  • When you change your e-mail address, you do not get a confirmation e-mail to check if you did not make any typos and it is a real address. This means you will not be able to login if you do not remember this typo; a password reset will then also not work. This could be considered a problem of Plone in general and not specific for this add-on, though we are hit harder by it. Might be a nice candidate for a PLIP (PLone Improvement Proposal) or first an extra add-on.


In Plone 4 this package is deprecated, as Plone 4 already supports logging in with your email address as an option:

So we strongly advise not to use this package on Plone 4. But your instance will still start up (tested on Plone 4.0a4) and you can uninstall the package through the UI. You may need to manually remove emaillogin from the skin selections in the Properties tab of portal_skins in the ZMI. Since the package does some patches on startup, you should still remove it from the eggs and zcml options of your instance, rerun buildout and start your instance again.

Note that on Plone 4.1 through 4.3 you can use the collective.emaillogin4 package for a few improvements on top of what is already in Plone 4.