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The Google Search backend

1a) For Google search functionality, install the Google API Client pip install google-api-python-client

1b) For use with Python <2.7, install the following easy_install importlib

1c) For use with Python <2.6, install the following easy_install simplejson

  1. Set the following variables in

2a)The search engine needs to be set


2b) (optional) This is the name of the logger to use. The example below represents the default setting. If you want to capture logging, you also need to setup up loggers. See the example project for a very basic example of this.


2c) This is the url to search for the local site search.


2d) Ensure the request context processor is set.


2e) Add to installed apps:


2f) Set the cache backend to something:

# for Django <=1.2
CACHE_BACKEND = 'locmem://'

# for Django 1.3+
    'default': {
        'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.locmem.LocMemCache',
        'LOCATION': 'unique-snowflake'
  1. Add the following to

    from iscraper_client.views import DualGoogleSearchView

    urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^search/$', DualGoogleSearchView.as_view()), .... )


To connect to the engine and do a search from the command line

from iscraper_client.engine import * e = load_engines() se = e['google']'joe')

The iscape_search backend

  1. Set the following variables in

1a)The search engine needs to be set

        'NAME': 'iscape_search',
        'CLASS': 'iscraper_client.engine.iscape_search.IscapeSearchEngine',
        'QUERY_ENDPOINT': '',  # the query endpoint from iscape search
        'INSTALLATION_ID': '',  # the installation_id you'll be searching
        'ISCAPE_SEARCH_USER_KEY': '',  # your user_key that is set up in iscape_search

2b) (optional) This is the name of the logger to use.  The example below
represents the default setting. If you want to capture logging, you also
need to setup up loggers.  See the example project for a very basic example
of this.


2e) Add to installed apps:


3) Add the following to

    from iscraper_client.views import IscapeSearchView

    urlpatterns = patterns('',
        url(r'^search/$', IscapeSearchView.as_view()),

Running Unit Tests

The Iscraper Client is meant to be able to run on multiple versions of python. The project's docker-compose file currently defines a tox service that is able to run the project's test suite across almost all versions of python. To run the test suite, simple run:

docker-compose up

This will take awhile the first time you build. In addition this will create a rather large amount of .tox files. Keeping them around speeds up subsequent tests runs.