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This script convert HPO ontology to a sqlite database as a tree according the nested set model. It takes HPO obo file as argument and construct a tree with networkx. The Tree is visited to compute left and right index and the tree is stored into a sqlite database using peewee ORM model. There are two main table: Terms and Nodes.


You need python3 with the following modules

pip install networkx
pip install obonet 
pip install peewee 
pip install tqdm


Download hpo obo file from and run the script as follow

python hp.obo

 ## Import gene and disease

python phenotype.hpoa
python phenotype_to_genes.txt

Table Terms

Terms contains each unique HPO term with name and definition.

fields description
id INTEGER "3"
hpo TEXT "HP:0000012"
name TEXT "Urinary urgency"
definition TEXT "Urinary urgency is ..."
comment TEXT

Table Nodes

Nodes table contains the HPO ontology as a Tree. Because hpo ontology is a Directed Acyclic Graph, the tree contains duplicate elements. Each node refere to his HPO terms from the term_id field.

fields description
id INTEGER (primary key)
left INTEGER (left index)
right INTEGER (right index)
depth INTEGER (depth of the node)
term_id INTEGER (term_id)

Query example

Children selection

Select all children of HPO term HP:0012632 (Abnormal intraocular pressure)

Step by step example

# Get the term id
SELECT id FROM terms WHERE hpo = "HP:0012632" // get 9124
# Get the node left and right 
SELECT left,right FROM nodes WHERE term_id=9124 //get 99982 and 99987
# Select all children nodes
SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE left > 99982 AND right < 99987

All steps can be summarized in one query :

SELECT terms.hpo, FROM nodes
INNER JOIN (SELECT left, right FROM nodes WHERE term_id = (SELECT id FROM terms WHERE hpo = "HP:0012632")) as root ON nodes.left > root.left AND nodes.right < root.right     
INNER JOIN terms ON = nodes.term_id

You can specify the depth if you only want to first level childs.

SELECT terms.hpo, FROM nodes
INNER JOIN (SELECT left, right FROM nodes WHERE term_id = (SELECT id FROM terms WHERE hpo = "HP:0012632")) as root ON nodes.left > root.left AND nodes.right < root.right  AND (nodes.depth - root.depth) < 2
INNER JOIN terms ON = nodes.term_id