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In this mini-project, we will develop models to classify textual data, input is text documents, and output is categorical variable (class labels).

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MiniProject 2: COMP 551 (001/002), Applied Machine Learning, Winter 2020, McGill University: Classification of Textual Data


  1. General information
  2. Problem definition
  3. Datasets
  4. Models
  5. Validation
  6. Write-up instructions
  7. Evaluation
  8. How to run the Python program

Assignment description (PDF) (COMP551 P2 Winter 2020)

Final report (PDF) (COMP551 P2 Winter 2020)

General information

  • Due on March 5th at 11:59pm. Can be submitted late until March 10th at 11:59pm with a 20% penalty.
  • To be completed in groups of three, all members of a group will receive the same grade. You can have the same groups as the first miniproject but feel free to reorganize if needed.
  • To be submitted through MyCourses as a group. You need to re-register your group on MyCourses and any group member can submit the deliverables, which are the following two files:
    1. Your data processing, classification and evaluation code (.py and .ipynb files).
    2. writeup.pdf: Your (max 5-page) project write-up as a pdf (details below).
  • Except where explicitly noted, you are free to use any Python library or utility for this project.
  • Main TA: Yanlin Zhang,

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Problem definition

In this mini-project, we will develop models to classify textual data, input is text documents, and output is categorical variable (class labels).

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Use the following datasets in your experiments.

  • 20 news group dataset. Use the default train subset (subset='train', and remove=(['headers', 'footers', 'quotes']) in sklearn.datasets) to train the models and report the final performance on the test subset. Note: you need to start with the text data and convert text to feature vectors. Please refer to for a tutorial on the steps needed for this.

  • IMDB Reviews: Here, you need to use only reviews in the train folder for training and report the performance from the test folder. You need to work with the text documents to build your own features and ignore the pre-formatted feature files.

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Apply and compare the performance of following models:

You are welcome and encouraged to try any other model covered in the class, and you are free to implement them yourself or use any Python library that has their implementation, e.g. the above links from the SciKit learn package. You need to still understand what is the exact model being used. You are also free to use any Python libraries you like to extract features and preprocess the data, and to tune the hyper-parameters.

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Develop a model validation pipeline (e.g., using k-fold cross validation or a held-out validation set) and study the effect of different hyperparamters or design choices. In a single table, compare and report the performance of the above mentioned models (with their best hyperparameters), and mark the winner for each dataset and overall.

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Write-up instructions

Project write-up is a five pages PDF document (single-spaced, 10pt font or larger; extra pages allowed for references and appendices). Using LaTeX is recommended, and overleaf is suggested for easy collaboration. You are free to structure the report how you see fit; below are general guidelines and recommendations, but this is only a suggested structure and you may deviate from it as you see fit.

  • Abstract (100-250 words) Summarize the project task and your most important findings.

  • Introduction (5+ sentences) Summarize the project task, the dataset, and your most important findings. This should be similar to the abstract but more detailed.

  • Related work (4+ sentences) Summarize previous literature related to the multi-class classification problem and text classification.

  • Dataset and setup (3+ sentences) Very briefly describe the dataset and explain how you extracted features and other data pre-processing methods that are common to all your approaches (e.g., tokenizing).

  • Proposed approach (7+ sentences ) Briefly describe the different models you implemented/compared and the features you designed, providing citations as necessary. If you use or build upon an existing model based on previously published work, it is essential that you properly cite and acknowledge this previous work. Discuss algorithm selection and implementation. Include any decisions about training/validation split, regularization strategies, any optimization tricks, setting hyper-parameters, etc. It is not necessary to provide detailed derivations for the models you use, but you should provide at least few sentences of background (and motivation) for each model.

  • Results (7+ sentences, possibly with figures or tables) Provide results on the different models you implemented (e.g., accuracy on the validation set, runtimes).

  • Discussion and Conclusion (3+ sentences) Summarize the key takeaways from the project and possibly directions for future investigation.

  • Statement of Contributions (1-3 sentences) State the breakdown of the workload.

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The mini-project is out of 100 points, and the evaluation breakdown is as follows:

  • Completeness (20 points)

    • Did you submit all the materials?
    • Did you run all the required experiments?
    • Did you follow the guidelines for the project write-up?
  • Correctness (40 points)

    • Are your models implemented and applied correctly?
    • Are your reported accuracies close to the reference solutions?
    • Do your proposed features actually improve performance, or do you adequately demonstrate that it was not possible to improve performance?
    • Do you observe the correct trends in the experiments?
  • Writing quality (25 points)

    • Is your report clear and free of grammatical errors and typos?
    • Did you go beyond the bare minimum requirements for the write-up (e.g., by including a discussion of related work in the introduction)?
    • Do you effectively present numerical results (e.g., via tables or figures)?
  • Originality / creativity (15 points)

    • Did you go beyond the bare minimum requirements for the experiments? For example, you could investigate different hyperparameters, different feature extractions, combining different models, etc. to achieve better performance. Note: Simply adding in a random new experiment will not guarantee a high grade on this section! You should be thoughtful and organized in your report.
  • Best performance bonus (15 points):

    • the top performing group(s if there is ties) will receive a bonus of 15 points, conditioned that they are better than the TA’s baseline. This is based on the performance on the test set provided with the data, which is not supposed to be used during the training or tuning of your models. Any choice of hyper-parameters should be explained to make sure information in the test set is not being used.
  • Bad practice penalty (-30 points): if you have information leak from test set to the training procedure, you will be penalized by 30 points. Make sure to not touch the test set, until reporting final results.

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How to run the Python program

  1. Install virtualenv

    • To activate the virtualenv on Linux or MacOS: source venv/bin/activate
    • To activate the virtualenv on Windows: \venv\Script\activate.bat
  2. Run the program

cd code/
  • If you are using Linux or Windows
virtualenv venv -p python3
  • If you are using MacOS
python3 -m venv env
source venv/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt


Note: To desactivate the virtual environment


For more help you can type python -h.

python -h

usage: [-h] [-d DATASET] [-ml ML_ALGORITHM_LIST]
               [-use_default_parameters] [-not_shuffle] [-n_jobs N_JOBS] [-cv]
               [-n_splits N_SPLITS] [-required_classifiers]
               [-news_with_4_classes] [-news_no_filter] [-imdb_multi_class]
               [-show_reviews] [-r] [-m] [--chi2_select CHI2_SELECT] [-cm]
               [-use_hashing] [-use_count] [-n_features N_FEATURES]
               [-plot_time] [-save_logs] [-verbose]
               [-random_state RANDOM_STATE] [-dl] [-epochs EPOCHS]
               [-dl_list DL_ALGORITHM_LIST] [-gs] [-v]

MiniProject 2: Classification of textual data. Authors: Ramon Figueiredo
Pessoa, Rafael Gomes Braga, Ege Odaci

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DATASET, --dataset DATASET
                        Dataset used (Options: TWENTY_NEWS_GROUP OR
                        IMDB_REVIEWS). Default: ALL
  -ml ML_ALGORITHM_LIST, --ml_algorithm_list ML_ALGORITHM_LIST
                        List of machine learning algorithm to be executed.
                        This stores a list of ML algorithms, and appends each
                        algorithm value to the list. For example: -ml
                        LINEAR_SVC -ml RANDOM_FOREST_CLASSIFIER, means
                        ml_algorithm_list = ['LINEAR_SVC',
                        'RANDOM_FOREST_CLASSIFIER']. (Options of ML
                        algorithms: 1) ADA_BOOST_CLASSIFIER, 2) BERNOULLI_NB,
                        3) COMPLEMENT_NB, 4) DECISION_TREE_CLASSIFIER, 5)
                        GRADIENT_BOOSTING_CLASSIFIER, 6)
                        K_NEIGHBORS_CLASSIFIER, 7) LINEAR_SVC, 8)
                        LOGISTIC_REGRESSION, 9) MULTINOMIAL_NB, 10)
                        12) PERCEPTRON, 13) RANDOM_FOREST_CLASSIFIER, 14)
                        (using COMPLEMENT_NB, RIDGE_CLASSIFIER, LINEAR_SVC,
                        (using COMPLEMENT_NB, LOGISTIC_REGRESSION,
                        MULTINOMIAL_NB, RANDOM_FOREST_CLASSIFIER), 17)
                        STACKING_CLASSIFIER (using COMPLEMENT_NB,
                        final_estimator=LINEAR_SVC)). Default: None. If
                        ml_algorithm_list is not provided, all ML algorithms
                        will be executed.
  -use_default_parameters, --use_classifiers_with_default_parameters
                        Use classifiers with default parameters. Default:
                        False = Use classifiers with best parameters found
                        using grid search.
  -not_shuffle, --not_shuffle_dataset
                        Read dataset without shuffle data. Default: False
  -n_jobs N_JOBS        The number of CPUs to use to do the computation. If
                        the provided number is negative or greater than the
                        number of available CPUs, the system will use all the
                        available CPUs. Default: -1 (-1 == all CPUs)
  -cv, --run_cross_validation
                        Run cross validation. Default: False
  -n_splits N_SPLITS    Number of cross validation folds. Default: 5. Must be
                        at least 2. Default: 5
  -required_classifiers, --use_just_miniproject_classifiers
                        Use just the miniproject classifiers (1.
                        LogisticRegression, 2. DecisionTreeClassifier, 3.
                        LinearSVC (L1), 4. LinearSVC (L2), 5.
                        AdaBoostClassifier, 6. RandomForestClassifier).
                        Default: False
  -news_with_4_classes, --twenty_news_using_four_categories
                        TWENTY_NEWS_GROUP dataset using some categories
                        ('alt.atheism', 'talk.religion.misc', '',
                        ''). Default: False (use all categories).
                        Default: False
  -news_no_filter, --twenty_news_with_no_filter
                        Do not remove newsgroup information that is easily
                        overfit: ('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'). Default:
  -imdb_multi_class, --use_imdb_multi_class_labels
                        Use IMDB multi-class labels (review score: 1, 2, 3, 4,
                        7, 8, 9, 10). If --use_imdb_multi_class_labels is
                        False, the system uses binary classification. (0 = neg
                        and 1 = pos) Default: False
  -show_reviews, --show_imdb_reviews
                        Show the IMDB_REVIEWS and respective labels while read
                        the dataset. Default: False
  -r, --report          Print a detailed classification report.
  -m, --all_metrics     Print all classification metrics.
  --chi2_select CHI2_SELECT
                        Select some number of features using a chi-squared
  -cm, --confusion_matrix
                        Print the confusion matrix.
  -use_hashing, --use_hashing_vectorizer
                        Use a hashing vectorizer. Default: False
  -use_count, --use_count_vectorizer
                        Use a count vectorizer. Default: False
  -n_features N_FEATURES, --n_features_using_hashing N_FEATURES
                        n_features when using the hashing vectorizer. Default:
  -plot_time, --plot_accurary_and_time_together
                        Plot training time and test time together with
                        accuracy score. Default: False (Plot just accuracy)
  -save_logs, --save_logs_in_file
                        Save logs in a file. Default: False (show logs in the
  -verbose, --verbosity
                        Increase output verbosity. Default: False
  -random_state RANDOM_STATE
                        Seed used by the random number generator. Default: 0
  -dl, --run_deep_learning_using_keras
                        Run deep learning using keras. Default: False (Run
                        scikit-learn algorithms)
  -epochs EPOCHS        Number of epochs used by the deep learning approach.
                        One epoch is when an entire dataset is passed both
                        forward and backward through the neural network only
                        once. Default: None = use the best number of epochs
                        for each dataset.
  -dl_list DL_ALGORITHM_LIST, --dl_algorithm_list DL_ALGORITHM_LIST
                        List of deep learning algorithm to be executed. This
                        stores a list of Deep Learning algorithms, and appends
                        each algorithm value to the list. For example:
                        -dl_list KerasDL2, means dl_algorithm_list =
                        ['KerasDL2']. (Options of Deep Learning algorithms: 1)
                        KERAS_DL1 (= Deep Learning using Keras 1), 2)
                        KERAS_DL1 (= Deep Learning using Keras 2).Default:
                        None. If dl_algorithm_list is not provided, all Deep
                        Learning algorithms will be executed.
  -gs, --run_grid_search
                        Run grid search for all datasets (TWENTY_NEWS_GROUPS,
                        IMDB_REVIEWS binary labels and IMDB_REVIEWS multi-
                        class labels), and all classifiers (1)
                        ADA_BOOST_CLASSIFIER, 2) BERNOULLI_NB, 3)
                        COMPLEMENT_NB, 4) DECISION_TREE_CLASSIFIER, 5)
                        GRADIENT_BOOSTING_CLASSIFIER, 6)
                        K_NEIGHBORS_CLASSIFIER, 7) LINEAR_SVC, 8)
                        LOGISTIC_REGRESSION, 9) MULTINOMIAL_NB, 10)
                        12) PERCEPTRON, 13) RANDOM_FOREST_CLASSIFIER, 14)
                        RIDGE_CLASSIFIER). Default: False (run scikit-learn
                        algorithms or deep learning algorithms). Note: this
                        takes many hours to execute.
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

COMP 551 (001/002), Applied Machine Learning, Winter 2020, McGill University.

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In this mini-project, we will develop models to classify textual data, input is text documents, and output is categorical variable (class labels).






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