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The purpose of this tool is to create an image of binary files at the byte level, then calculate entropy. It is helpful in depiciting how a binary is constructed and measuring its level of compression/encryption.

How to use the tool

Executing the tool without option will yield a brief intro how to run the tools. Executing a --help will give the following more detailed instructions.

$ [-c|-g] [-e] <input_file> <output_file>

##Example execution
This example produces a color image and calculates entropy of the \bin\bash binary:
Command: $python -ce /bin/bash bashimage-color.png

Generating Color Image...this may take a minute or so for large files
Calculating Entropy
Entropy Estimate: 2.11317354104

Example Image:
Example Image

##Interpreting Results ###How to read the picture The picture is produced by converting each byte into its integer value based on ASCII. Every pixel represents one byte, with the color progressing from red, to green, to blue as the value increases. The purpose of the picture is to visually display the code structure and entropy.

###How to read the entropy value Entropy in this context means how much information is "hidden" within the file. As file entropy goes up, the odds that it is encrypted or compressed also rises.

  • Entropy of a single number set: 0.0
  • Entropy of a random number set 3.30007131282
  • Entropy of a no repeat number set 3.28717801941
  • Entropy of this file: 2.2247664431
  • Entropy of BASH executable: 3.0486649882
  • Entropy of BASH executeable compressed with zip: 3.287974854
  • Entropy of BASH executable compressed with GZ: 3.28834155203
  • Entropy of Bash executable encrypted with GPG AES 2048: 3.28658408149


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