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Bimanual and single armed polishing of a car-wheel


In your catkin src directory clone the repository

$ git clone

wstool gets all other git repository dependencies, after the following steps you should see extra catkin packages in your src directory.

wstool init
wstool merge wheel-polishing/dependencies.rosinstall 
wstool up 

Query and installs all libraries and packages

rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro indigo 

Launch this simulation

Launch UR5 robot arm

If the two arms are coordinating together, synchronize the time between the two controlling computers. (This might kill the rosmaster, so do it before starting anything.) Next terminal, synchronize time. Check delay:

ntpdate -q

Synchronize time:

sudo ntpdate

And start the ridgeback.

Go on UR5

ssh administrator@

PW: clearpath

roslaunch cpr_bringup cpr_bringup.launch sim:=false

Launch KUKA

The polishing robot with corresponding tool.

roslaunch lwr_simple_example real.launch

Launch the file on the KUKA Controller. Launch FRI interface:

roslaunch lwr_fri lwr_fri_console.launch

Type on the same terminal


Launch force torque sensors

roslaunch netft_rdt_driver ft_nano_sensor.launch 

For other force torque sensors launch different launch script. It only differs in the IP of the sensors.

set DS controller paramters

rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure 

damping_eigval0:150, damping_eigval1:150, rot_stiffness:15, rot_damping:2, rot_integrator:0, smooth_val:0.001, debug:True, bSmooth:True, useNullSpace:True, jointLImitsGains:1.0, desiredJointsGain:0.0, jointVelocitiesGain:0.01

Simplified Demo (only one Robot)

To run only the simplified demo (no ridgeback)

rosrun polishing_demo simple_polishing_demo test -s p -v 0.2	-f 15 -an n

NOTE: to increase velocity change keyword argument -v [0.4] !!! An update of the parameters should show at a frequency of about >10Hz. If this is not the case, restart the node.

Advanced Demo (Robot arm polishing and second one holding the wheel)

Publish calibration between KUKA and UR5

roslaunch robot_calibration calibration_publishers.launch ci:=1

Launch KUKA controller

rosrun polishing_demo polishing_demo bou -v 0.4 -f 12 -an n

Launch UR5 arm

rosrun wheel_polishing 

Visualize tools

rosrun wheel_polishing


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