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Read me for "The System".

The python program has been written and tested in and for python 3.7.X. Running tweepy in python 3.7 will cause compatibility issues. The spark version used and tested is Spark-2.3.2-bin-hadoop2.7.

PS: To solve the compabilities issues with python 3.7, rename all the async parameters in file in python 3.7 to _async.

BUT we would recommend the user to use python 3.6.X to avoid all compatibility issues.

To run this system you need to import a number of python libraries into your run-time environment(f.ex. terminal).

This is the complete list: collections nltk pyspark tweepy pandas matplotlib numpy os re sys csv logging

Some are included in the standard python library, others need to be downloaded. The easiest way is through the "pip install NAMEOFMODULE" command.

After you have all the correct modules you need to run the file. (ex. in terminal):


Follow the instructions given in the terminal and it should work, given that spark runs correctly. If any modules are missing, you will get an error message describing the missing module. Download and run again. If Spark is unable to load, check the necessary environment variables and use the error codes to search for fixes online.

DEFAULT: When is run, a main function drives the program. This program includes a sample csv file with tweets that can be used to run the program with all its functions.

TO TWEAK DATASET: If the user wants to test the code for collecting tweets, follow the instructions for collecting tweets in the main function, line 109 to 116 in When collecting data, the running of must be stopped at some point. Please allow the process to run for at least 15 minutes to have a sufficient amount of data for analysis. When collecting is finished, re-comment the lines that were uncommented(add # before line).

For program testing purposes, default is recommended.


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