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multilayer recurrent neural network for music generation


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Three layer Long-Short Term Memory network for music generation. References and more details can be found here.

setting up the environment

I developed this with Python 2.7 + Theano on Ubuntu Linux 14.04.

For the examples provided in, an old i5 with 4GB ram runs more than smoothly. If you would like to experiment with larger number of units per layer with GPUs, Markus Beissinger has a great page on installing cuda on ubuntu (also covers Theano/Python if you are starting from scratch).

Also download additional libraries to handle midi files. Unzip these to ./midi directory. The current directory ./ is the directory that includes all files in this repository.

example usage

The 3 Layer LSTM is implemented in the RNN4music class in A main() can be found as an example in To train the network with your own midi files, replace

path= './Piano-midi./de/train-individual/... 

with the path containing all your midi training examples. The directory should only contain the .mid files but nothing else. In my case, the range of notes in the examples were between 21 to 109 (88 possible notes) with timestep set as 0.3:

dataset = [midiread((path + "/" + f), (21, 109),0.3).piano_roll.astype(theano.config.floatX) for f in files]

The code should load all training examples in dataset, having dimensions [#example tunes, #length of each tune, #possible notes]. So dataset[1, 10, 33] will indicate if note #33 at 10th time slot of example tune #1 should be played.

you can set the size of each layers through the constructor of the RNN4Music class:

RNN4Music(h1_length=120, h2_length=120, h3_length=120, io_length=88, R1=np.float32(0.001), R2=np.float32(0.001), R3=np.float32(0.001), Rout=np.float32(0.001)) 

io_length is the number of possible notes in your midi files. In my case it was 88. Each layer (1, 2, 3, and output) can have its own training rate. Here I've set all to 0.001 in the example. Inside the constructor RNN4Music(), we can also set a few house keeping variables:

self.epsilon = np.float32(0.00001) 

Smallest number the code divides with. This guards against divide by zero errors.

self.gradClip = np.float32(30.0) 

this is the gradient upperbound during training. All weights/biases are initialised with Gaussian noise with the following standard deviation:

self.sigRand = np.float32(0.1) 

all network variables (hidden states etc) at time -1 are initialised with uniform noise U[0,muRand] with parameter:

self.muRand = np.float32(0.01) 

for music generation, output notes with low probabilities are ignored by capping these probabilities to zero. The probability threshold for the cap can be modified in the RNN4music constructor:

self.genProbThreshold = 0.1

As well as the network architecture and training rates, other training parameters such as sizeOfMiniBatch, noOfEpoch through the training set, and noOfEpochPerMB are set in the beginning of main(). The length of midi files in the training example path are not necessarily the same. For fairer training, the lengthOfMB parameter sets the length of each example tune feeding into the network during training. If a particular example is of length shorter than lengthOfMB, it will be filled up by repeating itself, but if the example have more samples than lengthOfMB, it will be truncated. Training is carried out by calling:

train(dataset, noOfEpochPerMB, noOfEpoch, sizeOfMiniBatch, lengthOfMB)

Two cost functions, sqaured error and cross-entropy are possible with the current code. To switch between the two, modify backwardpass() of the RNN4music class in to comment out one of the following:

D_yt = - (kt / T.maximum(self.epsilon, yt)) + ((np.float32(1.0) - kt) / (1-T.minimum((np.float32(1.0) - self.epsilon),yt))) 

for cross-entropy cost, and:

D_yt = yt - kt 

for squared error cost.

A trained network can be saved and recalled using:


These are instance methods so make sure the loaded network parameters fits the dimensions of the instantiated RNN4music object.

To generate music, use the method:

generatedTune = genMusic(np.float32(dataset[baseSample][0:exampleLength]), numberOfTimeSteps)

the first argument being a matrix of a short portion of an example tune to get the network started. I've used exampleLength here to specify a short example length (e.g. 20). After running through the example, the network self-sustains by feeding its own outputs as inputs for the next time step. The generated result is held in generatedTune[0]. Writing to a midi file can be carried out with the midi package:

midiwrite('file_name.mid', generatedTune[0], (21, 109),0.3)

the (21,109) specifies the possible note range and 0.3 is the midi time step. The probability of playing each note versus time can be accessed via the variable generatedTune[1]. We can also plot the note probabilities or notes themselves using imshow():

plt.imshow(np.array(generatedTune[1][0:20,25:65]), origin = 'lower', extent=[25,65,0,20], aspect=1,
                                                      interpolation = 'nearest', cmap='gist_stern_r')
plt.imshow(np.transpose(np.array(generatedTune[0][0:500])), origin='lower', aspect='auto',


Distributed by Henry Ip through the MIT License


multilayer recurrent neural network for music generation







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