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Freyja subtitle OCR trainer

PyTorch based deep learning model trainer designed for training the models used by Freyja subtitle OCR.


Having a CUDA capable GPU is strongly recommended.


It is recommended to use the docker environment for training.

To use the docker image, just follow instructions on


  1. If you have a GPU, first install CUDA 10.2 and cuDNN 7.

  2. Install Python3.

  3. Install vapoursynth, and put ffms2 in vapoursynth's plugin folder.

  4. Run following commands

    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install torch torchvision -f
  5. Clone the repo to a local directory with enough space (>40GB)


Please use the Docker Image


  1. If you have a GPU, first install CUDA 10.2 and cuDNN 7.

  2. Run following commands (Use fedora as example)

    dnf -y install git python3 python3-Cython ffmpeg libass zimg && \
        rm -rf /var/cache/dnf/*
    dnf -y install python3-devel ffmpeg-devel libass-devel zimg-devel autoconf automake libtool gcc gcc-c++ yasm make && \
        rm -rf /var/cache/dnf/* && \
        git clone && \
        cd vapoursynth && \
        ./ && \
        ./configure && \
        make && \
        make install && \
        cd .. && \
        rm -rf vapoursynth
    git clone && \
        cd ffms2 && \
        ./ && \
        make && \
        make install && \
        cd / && \
        rm -rf ffms2
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
    pip3 install torch torchvision
  3. Clone the repo to a local directory with enough space (>40GB)

Data preparation

Real world ASS files can be provided to enhance OCR training quality. These files should be placed in data/ass folder.

Real world movie samples should be placed in data/samples and data/samples_eval. Only mp4 and mkv files are supported. These movie files should not contain embedded subtitles. You should put more files in data/samples folder. One or two movie files in data/samples_eval are enough for evaluation.

You can change training fonts and styles in the json files in data/styles and data/styles_eval. These styles are in ASS styling format. The fonts stated in the json files in data/styles and data/styles_eval folders should have corresponding font files being placed in data/fonts folder.


Faster RCNN

Faster RCNN is a deep learning model that can detect the bounding boxes of objects. In Freyja, it is mainly used to detect the bounding boxes of subtitles.

You only need Faster RCNN for the old OCR models. The new OCRV3 models do not need Faster RCNN.

To train the model, run

Parameters you can change:

    train_dataset = SubtitleDatasetRCNN(chars=SC3500Chars())
    test_dataset = SubtitleDatasetRCNN(chars=SC3500Chars(), start_frame=500, end_frame=500 + 64)

You can change SC5000Chars() to other character sets like SC3500Chars(), TC3600Chars(), SC5000Chars(), TC5000Chars(), TinyCJKChars() or CJKChars().

    train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=16, num_workers=8, collate_fn=RCNN_collate_fn, timeout=60)
    test_dataloader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=16, collate_fn=RCNN_collate_fn)

You can change the number of num_workers to reduce memory usage / increase data loading speed.

You can change the number of batch_size to reduce GPU memory usage / increase training speed.


The OCR model uses CNN + GRU RNN to recognize subtitles.

To train the model, run

Parameters you can change:

    chars = SC5000Chars()

You can change SC5000Chars() to other character sets like SC3500Chars(), TC3600Chars(), SC5000Chars(), TC5000Chars(), TinyCJKChars() or CJKChars().

    train_dataset = SubtitleDatasetOCRV3(chars=chars, styles_json=path.join('data', 'styles', 'styles_yuan.json'),
    eval_dataset = SubtitleDatasetOCRV3(styles_json=path.join('data', 'styles_eval', 'styles_yuan.json'),
                                        samples=path.join('data', 'samples_eval'),
                                        chars=chars, start_frame=500, end_frame=500 + 256, texts=texts)

The OCRV3 models change how the whole OCR process works and is not compatiable with old models. To train old OCR models, replace SubtitleDatasetOCRV3 to SubtitleDatasetOCR.

You can change styles_yuan.json to other style files like styles_hei.json.

    train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=16, collate_fn=OCR_collate_fn, num_workers=16, timeout=60)
    test_dataloader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=16, collate_fn=OCR_collate_fn)
    eval_dataloader = DataLoader(eval_dataset, batch_size=16, collate_fn=OCR_collate_fn)

You can change the number of num_workers to reduce memory usage / increase data loading speed

You can change the number of batch_size to reduce GPU memory usage / increase training speed

    model = CRNNEfficientNetB3(len(chars.chars), rnn_hidden=768, bidirectional=True)

You can change CRNNEfficientNetB3 to other CNN models like CRNNResnext50, CRNNResnext101 and CRNNEfficientNetB5. Large character sets need larger models.

You can change the number of rnn_hidden. Large character sets need more RNN hidden states.

It is suggested to use bidirectional RNN to improve the performance of the OCR model.

    train(model, 'CRNNEfficientNetB3_768_bi', train_dataloader, eval_dataloader, chars.chars, 'ocr_v3_amp_SC5000Chars_yuan',

You can change string CRNNEfficientNetB3_768_bi and ocr_v3_amp_SC5000Chars_yuan. These are plain strings that help you identify trained models.

You needs to change the backbone url according to the CNN model you choose. Pre-trained backbone urls can be find on for resnet models and for efficientnet models.

Export model

After the training process, you can find the models in models folder. These files only contain the parameters of the models.

To export the model that can be used by Freyja, run the You may need to change the path string in the

device = torch.device('cuda')

This line controls the export target of the model. If you want the models to be run on CPU, use torch.device('cpu'), or use torch.device('cuda') if you want the models to be run on GPU.

if __name__ == "__main__":

To export other kind of ocr models, replace export_ocr_resnet_model() to other functions like export_ocr_resnet_model().


Bounding box + OCR model trainer for freyja







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