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Model Class Reliance for Random Forests (python package: mcrforest)

An implementation of Model Class Reliance for Random Forests (RF-MCR), including Group-MCR.

Variable Importance: Explains the importance of a variable in a single, typically arbitrary, machine learnt model.
Model Class Reliance: Explains the underpining phenomena (under mild assumptions) by considering all models with equally optimal performance.

See this 3 Minute Explainer Video.

RF-MCR is introduced in:
Smith, G., Mansilla, R. and Goulding, J. "Model Class Reliance for Random Forests". 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020), Vancouver, Canada.
Paper | Supplementary Material

Group-MCR for RF-MCR is introduced in:
Ljevar, V., Goulding, J., Smith, G. and Spence, A. "Using Model Class Reliance to measure group effect on adherence to asthma medication". (IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). IEEE, 2021.).
Pre-print | Proceedings


Install for use via pip:

NOTE: Currently you MUST use cython<3. I.e. run pip install cython<3 to either install or downgrade before pip installing mcrforest.

NOTE: If you get a ValueError: Multi-dimensional indexing is not longer supported error when plotting you may need to ensure you have at least matplotlib v3.6.0.

pip install git+

Reinstall via pip:

pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir git+

Install for developing / debugging from unzipped source:

python build_ext --inplace


mcrforest is an extention to the sklearn RandomForestClassifier and RandomForestRegressor classes and can be used as a direct replacement.

mcrforest includes an additional method which can be called after training a model. In addition there are two restrictions on the model building that must be met.

  1. bootstrap must be set to false
  2. when using a RandomForestClassifier currently only binary classification is supported and the labels must be 0,1
mcr(X_in, y_in, indices_to_permute, num_times = 100, mcr_type = 1, seed = 13111985)

Computes and MCR+ or MCR- score of a variable or group of variables. Low level function to MCR. See plot_mcr(...) for high level function that is often more useful in practice.


X_in (2D numpy array): The input features to use to compute the MCR.
y_in (1D numpy array): The output features to use to compute the MCR.
indices_to_permute (1D numpy array): A numpy array of the index/indices indicating the variable or group of variables to compute MCR for.
num_times (int): The number of times to permute the index/indices.
mcr_type (int): 1 for MCR+, -1 for MCR-.
seed (int): A seed to control the permutation randomness.

Example Usage A

import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mcrforest.forest import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from mcrforest.Datasets import get_demo_dataset

# Load data
# If loading from csv, use something like
# X_train = pd.read_csv('X_train.csv')
# y_train = pd.read_csv('X_train.csv').values.ravel()
X_train, y_train = get_demo_dataset()

# If we are going to use the training set for computing MCR then we MUST ensure 
# we have controlled the complexity of the fit. This is equally true for traditional
# permutation importance.
# See:

base_model = RandomForestRegressor(random_state = 13111985, bootstrap=False)

search = {'n_estimators':[500],'max_features':['auto'], 'max_depth':[5,10,15,20,30]}

rf_cv_model = GridSearchCV(base_model, search),y_train)

# Refit with best parameters
model = RandomForestRegressor( **rf_cv_model.best_params_ ), y_train)
model.plot_mcr(X_train, y_train)

The documentation for plot_mcr is:

Method of an mcrforest.forest.RandomForestRegressor or  mcrforest.forest.RandomForestClassifier

plot_mcr(X_in, y_in, feature_names = None, feature_groups_of_interest = 'all individual features', num_times = 100, show_fig = True)

Compute the required information for an MCR plot and optionally display the MCR plot. 
Groups of variables may be specified in which the Group-MCR extention will be used.

X_in : {numpy array or Pandas DataFrame} of shape (n_samples, n_features)
    The input samples. 
y_in : {numpy array or Pandas DataFrame} of shape (n_samples)
    The output values.
feature_names : {array-like} of shape (n_features)
    A list or array of the feature names. If None and a DataFrame is passed the feature names will be taken from the DataFrame else features will be named using numbers.
feature_groups_of_interest : {str or numpy array of numpy arrays}
    1. 'all individual features': compute the MCR+/- for all features individually. Equvilent to: [[x] for x in range(len(feature_names))]
    2. A numpy array where each element is a numpy array of variable indexes (group of variables) which will be jointly permuated (i.e. these indexes will be considered a single unit of analysis for MCR)
       A single MCR+ and single MCR- score (plotted as a single bar in the graph) will be computed for each sub-array.
num_times : int
        The number of permutations to use when computing the MCR.
show_fig : bool
        If True show the MCR graph. In either case a dataframe with the information that would have been shown in the graph is returned.
pdf_file: str
                If not None, a path to save a pdf of the graph to.
rf_results2 : {pandas DataFrame} of shape (2*[number_of_features OR len(feature_groups_of_interest)], 3)
        A DataFrame with three columns: ['variable', 'MCR+', 'MCR-']
        Where the column variable contains the variable name and the columns MCR+ and MCR- contain the variable's MCR+ and MCR- scores respectively.

Example Usage B

Example Usage B shows how to compute the MCR+/- values and then plot them without the help of plot_mcr(.).

import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mcrforest.forest import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from mcrforest.Datasets import get_demo_dataset

# Load data
# If loading from csv, use something like
# X_train = pd.read_csv('X_train.csv')
# y_train = pd.read_csv('X_train.csv').values.ravel()
X_train, y_train = get_demo_dataset()

# If we are going to use the training set for computing MCR then we MUST ensure 
# we have controlled the complexity of the fit. This is equally true for traditional
# permutation importance.
# See:

base_model = RandomForestRegressor(random_state = 13111985, bootstrap=False)

search = {'n_estimators':[500],'max_features':['auto'], 'max_depth':[5,10,15,20,30]}

rf_cv_model = GridSearchCV(base_model, search),y_train)

# Refit with best parameters
model = RandomForestRegressor( **rf_cv_model.best_params_ ),y_train)

# Compute MCR+ for each variable
results = []
groups_of_indicies_to_permute = [[x] for x in range(len(X_train.columns))]

for gp in groups_of_indicies_to_permute:
    rn = model.mcr(X_train,y_train, np.asarray(gp) ,  num_times = 20, mcr_type = 1)
    results.append([','.join([list(X_train.columns)[x] for x in gp]), 'RF-MCR+', rn])

# Compute MCR- for each variable
for gp in groups_of_indicies_to_permute:
    rn = model.mcr(X_train,y_train, np.asarray(gp) ,  num_times = 20,  mcr_type = -1)
    results.append([','.join([list(X_train.columns)[x] for x in gp]), 'RF-MCR-', rn])

# Plot the results

lbl = [ x[0] for x in results if 'MCR+' in x[1] ]
mcrp = [ x[2] for x in results if 'MCR+' in x[1] ]
mcrm = [ x[2] for x in results if 'MCR-' in x[1] ]

rf_results = pd.DataFrame({'variable':lbl, 'MCR+':mcrp, 'MCR-':mcrm})

def plot_mcr(df_in, fig_size = (11.7, 8.27)):
    df_in = df_in.copy()
    df_in.columns = [ x.replace('MCR+', 'MCR- (lollypops) | MCR+ (bars)') for x in df_in.columns]
    ax = sns.barplot(x='MCR- (lollypops) | MCR+ (bars)',y='variable',data=df_in)
    plt.hlines(y=range(df_in.shape[0]), xmin=0, xmax=df_in['MCR-'], color='skyblue')
    plt.plot(df_in['MCR-'], range(df_in.shape[0]), "o", color = 'skyblue')


Example output plot if using the code above

Example image

Common errors

AttributeError: 'RandomForestRegressor' object has no attribute '_validate_data' mcrforest requires sklearn version >= 0.23. Ensure you reinstall mcrforest after upgrading.

Windows Only

Cannot open include file: 'basetsd.h': No such file or directory You need to ensure you have the correct compilers for Windows installed since the package uses Cython. Install the correct compilers for your version of python from:

Replication of results from our 2020 NeurIPS paper

Smith, G., Mansilla, R. and Goulding, J. "Model Class Reliance for Random Forests". 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020), Vancouver, Canada.

Synthetic Experiments:

COMPAS Experiments:

Breast Cancer Experiments

RF-MCR Analysis:

The above code was run with the following version: pip install git+


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