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Sublime ENSIME

This project provides integration with ENSIME and Sublime Text Editor 2. It has recently moved to the Ensime project and is in the process of being re-enlivened - so watch this space.

Project status

19.06.2015: It lives 

We now have a version that starts and works (at least for some bits) - you need to follow the 'getting it going' steps below carefully, all other startup options will fail right now.

Have fun, come and join the party and hack on Ensime-Sublime

11.06.2015: Project moved to Ensime organisation.

With the kind permission of the original authors this project has been moved under the Ensime umbrella.
It is currently in a non-working state.  Please ignore the below instructions - we are working on bringing 
it up to date and into a workable state as soon as possible - watch this space!

This is a beta version. It has been hacked to get it working against an up to date Ensime, but many things are likely to be broken. Jump to source and error hightlight have been seen to work at least once ;) Please submit issues to our tracker:

Getting it going

As mentioned above we are in the process of bringing this project back to life - it works (well we think it does) but you have to jump through a bunch of hoops to get it working.

Setup plugin

  1. Install Sublime Text 2 (work need )
  2. Clone this project (lets return to this as $PLUGIN)
  3. Symlink ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Ensime (Mac) or /.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/Ensime (linux) to $PLUGIN
  4. Restart Sublime

Later the plugin will be deployed using Package Control, but thats on the todo list.

Prepare project

  1. Checkout your project into $PROJECT
  2. Add the Ensime sbt plugin to the project or to your user sbt configuration (see for details of installing the plugin - ignore the Emacs bits.
  3. run sbt gen-ensime to create a .ensime file

Configure Ensime-Sublime plugin

  1. Add the below entires to the file (replacing $PROJECT with the path)
  "connect_to_external_server": true,
  "error_highlight": true,
  "external_server_port_file": "$PROJECT/.ensime_cache/port",

Start server and link in Sublime

  1. Run $PLUGIN/ $PROJECt/.ensime (works with linux and mac) - starts an ensime instance for your project
  2. In Sublime - create a new window and within it do Project -> New Project and select $PROJECT as the root.
  3. Open the Sublime command palette (typically bound to Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows/Linux and Cmd+Shift+P on Mac) and type Ensime: Startup.

With luck - if you open a scala file in your project, you should hav error highlighting (on save) and jump to definition working!


  • Supports scala 2.9-2.11

  • Creates and understands .ensime projects (maximum one project per Sublime window, if you have a project with multiple subprojects only a single subproject will be available at a time).

  • Integrates with SBT to generate Ensime projects from SBT projects and provides a command, which runs SBT compilation for the current Ensime project.

  • Once your Ensime project is configured (we have a helper for that) and Ensime is run, Scala files in that Ensime project benefit from a number of semantic services:

    • On-the-fly typechecking and error highlighting on save. Error messages are displayed in the status bar when you click highlighted regions (unfortunately, Sublime Text 2 doesn't support programmable tooltips). Moreover, errors can be viewed in a dynamically updated buffer displayed with Tools > Ensime > Commands > Show notes.

    • Type-aware completions for identifiers (integrates into the built-in mechanism of completions in Sublime Text 2, depending on your configuration it might be bound to Ctrl+Space/Cmd+Space or Tab).

    • Type-aware go to definition (implemented by ensime_go_to_definition command: bind it yourself to your favorite hotkey or use the default Ctrl+Click binding on Windows/Linux or Cmd+Click on Mac).

  • Implements experimental support for debugging. At the moment you can set breakpoints, create launch configurations, step through programs in the debugger, inspect program output, navigate stack traces and watch values of local variables. Things are far from smooth, but it might be worth a try.

Additional Sublime Configurations

  • By default Ensime customizes mouse bindings. It makes Ctrl+Click/Cmd+Click invoke Go to Definition and Alt+Click stand for Inspect Type at Point. If you want to disable these bindings or change them bindings to something else, adjust the config at Preferences > Package Settings > Mousemap - Default.

  • For Windows users, make sure the Line Endings setting is set to Unix. You may do this by going to View > Line Endings and selecting Unix.

How to use?

Open the Sublime command palette (typically bound to Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows/Linux and Cmd+Shift+P on Mac) and type Ensime: Startup.

If you don't have an Ensime project, the plugin will guide you through creating it.

If you already have a project, an ENSIME server process will be started in the background, and the server will initialize a resident instance of the Scala compiler. After the server is ready, a message will appear in the left-hand corner of the status bar. It will read either ENSIME if the currently opened file belongs to the active Ensime project or ensime if it doesn't. Keep an eye on this message - it's an indicator of things going well.


If you find that some features of Ensime are not working properly (i.e. Go To Definition or Error Highlighting), then check the Line Endings setting in Sublime Text. On Windows, the line endings is set to Windows by default. Simply change this setting to Unix by going to View > Line Endings and selecting Unix.


Submit issues on the tracker or come find us on the Gitter channel


Sublime client for ENSIME.







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  • Python 86.1%
  • JavaScript 11.3%
  • Shell 2.6%