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Learning Central

This repo is used to store all folders that were used for educational purposes. Folders were created to store code that I created for a particular class and code I created from additional resources I used outside of the classroom.

**Some of the code was made when I first started programming. As a result, comments may not have been made properly; however, all of the code is working. I wanted to keep a record of all of the work I have done up to this point.


  1. Python Programming

     This is one of my biggest folders and one that I started several years ago. This folder
     has all of my Python code that was created during the time I've spent learning about
     Python. The folder has basic to data structures implementation. I studied Python from 
     Coursera, UHCL and I most recently tried completing a 10 hour boot camp in November 
     2019 from Udemy. I tried most of the practice problems and completed the 2 capstone 
     projects. I did a tic tac toe and black jack game. 
  2. Java Programming

     Java was the first language that I learned. The code I have written is several 
     years worth of learning. I started learning on my own by reading Building Java Programs:
     A Back to Basics Approach (3rd edition). I have completed nearly all of the practice
     problems from every chapter. I did the practice problems using a website hosted by the
     University fo Washington at I also
     wrote the code on Intellij. 
     In this folder there is also a DataStructures folder where I followed a course from
     UC Berkeley, CS 61B at I did most of work related to 
     data structures, professor Josh Hug is an amazing instructor. His live coding lectures
     are great because a lot of the time he goes back and forth between Python and Java. This
     course is ideal for students that want to keep their skills sharp in Java and Python. 
  3. Java Script

     I recently started learning JS, during Fall semester 2019. My goal is to use JS in my 
     project(s). I started working on a website earlier in the Fall semester in 2019 for a small
     restaurant in Everett Washington. I have been learning JS by building small games and
     accessing elements via DOM manipulation. 
  4. Machine Learning

     I find machine learning to be very interesting and most of it was self-taught by reading
     books and going through online tutorials. I also took a few tutorials to learn NumPy and
     Pandas, since then I have just kept on expanding my knowledge in Machine Learning. I also 
     took a course at UHCL, where I built, from scratch, the PLA and Linear Regression Models 
     with gradient descent to predict stock prices. Under my projects section I have uploaded 
     the source code. 
  5. Data Analysis Visualization

     For some time now, I have been interested in learning more about Machine Learning and I
     started learning on my own in the summer of 2019. I created this folder to put code 
     related to Machine Learning like Numpy, Pandas and plotting. I am using Anaconda,
     Spyder, and many scientific modules to learn about Machine Learning.

    For example, I created the folder [Numpy Pandas]( Learning_Central/tree/master/Data_Analysis_Visualization/Numpy_Pandas) to put code that I created using Python when I started learning about Numpy and pandas.

    The folder [Stats Basic]( Data_Analysis_Visualization/Stats_Basics) has a few Python scripts with information about statistics, like Binomial Distribution, Continuous and Discrete Uniform Distributions, normal and poisson Distribution.

    Working With Data, has a few Python files about dealing with data. Reading and saving files. Merging dataframes, concatenating, grouping, joining and learning to use a few functions like apply and reshaping matrices.

    [Data Visualization]( Data_Analysis_Visualization/Data_Visualization), this folder has learning material about plotting data. I constantly use this folder to reference code to use on other projects. Some of the plots I have created are histograms, kde plots, heat maps, regression such as lmplots and regplots. I may update this file with new plots styles or have links to code that I use elsewhere in current and future projects.

  6. C Programming

     Folder was created during Fall semester 2018 for C Programming class that I took at 
     UHCL. There are a few assignments that I created while I was enrolled in the class.
     I did not do additional projects with C language. I know and recoginze basic syntax
     like creating variables, arrays, for loops, while loops, switch, input and output, 
     creating functions and returning values from functions. 
  7. Coding Interviews

    This folder was created in the Spring of 2020. I am putting coding interview questions 
    that I found in various sources like Cracking the Coding Interview, Kattis Problems and
    LeetCode. I will continue adding to this folder during times when I am preparing for
    an interview. The main languages I am using to code the practice problems are Python
    and Java. In the near future I may switch Java for JavaScript.
  8. GPIOZero Pi3

     In the summer of 2019 I was curious about the Raspberry Pi 3 B+ so I decided to 
     learn about connecting external devices to the GPIO Pins. I created a few LED scripts
     using Python on the Raspberry Pi. Connected Push Buttons, Motors and a Camera. 
    Lessons Learned:
     Some of the biggest lessons I learned from using the Raspberry Pi was establishing an
     SSH connection using Linux and iMac. I also learned to create scripts to control
     external device. I simulated how traffic lights work in the real world with and
  9. Image Processing

     This folder was also created in the summer of 2019 at the same time as the GPIOZero Pi3 		folder, to learn about image processing. I felt that knowing basic information about 		manipulating images with erosion, thresholding and edge detection would be useful when 
     learning about Machine Language. 


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