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Tools for convenient interface creation over various types of data in declarative way.


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Tools for convenient interface creation over various types of data in declarative way.

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The current stable release:

pip install pyanyapi


easy_install pyanyapi

or from source:

$ sudo python install


Library provides an ability to create API over various content. Currently there are bundled tools to work with HTML, XML, JSON. Initially it was created to work with requests library.

Basic setup

Basic parsers can be declared in following way:

from pyanyapi import HTMLParser

class SimpleParser(HTMLParser):
    settings = {'header': 'string(.//h1/text())'}

>>> api = SimpleParser().parse('<html><body><h1>Value</h1></body></html>')
>>> api.header

Or it can be configured in runtime:

from pyanyapi import HTMLParser

>>> api = HTMLParser({'header': 'string(.//h1/text())'}).parse('<html><body><h1>Value</h1></body></html>')
>>> api.header

Complex setup

In some cases you may want to apply extra transformations to result list. Here comes "base-children" setup style.

from pyanyapi import HTMLParser

class SimpleParser(HTMLParser):
    settings = {
        'header': {
            'base': '//test', 
            'children': 'text()|*//text()'

>>> api = SimpleParser().parse('<xml><test>123 </test><test><inside> 234</inside></test></xml>')
>>> api.test
['123', '234']

Settings inheritance

Settings attribute is merged from all ancestors of current parser.

from pyanyapi import HTMLParser

class ParentParser(HTMLParser):
    settings = {'parent': '//p'}

class FirstChildParser(ParentParser):
    settings = {'parent': '//override'}

class SecondChildParser(ParentParser):
    settings = {'child': '//h1'}

>>> FirstChildParser().settings['parent']

>>> SecondChildParser().settings['parent']

>>> SecondChildParser().settings['child']

>>> SecondChildParser({'child': '//more'}).settings['child']


For HTML and XML based interfaces XPath 1.0 syntax is used for settings declaration. Unfortunately XPath 2.0 is not supported by lxml. XML is about the same as HTMLParser, but uses different lxml parser internally. Here is an example of usage with requests:

>>> import requests
>>> import pyanyapi
>>> parser = pyanyapi.HTMLParser({'header': 'string(.//h1/text())'}) 
>>> response = requests.get('')
>>> api = parser.parse(response.text)
>>> api.header
Example Domain

If you need, you can execute more XPath queries at any time you want:

from pyanyapi import HTMLParser

>>> parser = HTMLParser({'header': 'string(.//h1/text())'})
>>> api = parser.parse('<html><body><h1>This is</h1><p>test</p></body></html>')
>>> api.header
This is
>>> api.parse('string(//p)')

XML Objectify

Lxml provide interesting feature - objectified interface for XML. It converts whole XML to Python object. This parser doesn't requrie any settings. E.g:

from pyanyapi import XMLObjectifyParser

>>> XMLObjectifyParser().parse('<xml><test>123</test></xml>').test


Settings syntax in based on PostgreSQL statements syntax.

from pyanyapi import JSONParser
>>> JSONParser({'id': 'container > id'}).parse('{"container":{"id":"123"}}').id

Or you can access values in lists by index:

from pyanyapi import JSONParser
>>> JSONParser({'second': 'container > 1'}).parse('{"container":["first", "second", "third"]}').second

Regular Expressions Interface

In case, when data has bad format or is just very complex to be parsed with bundled tools, you can use parser based on regular expressions. Settings is based on Python's regular expressions. It is most powerful parser, because of its simplicity.

from pyanyapi import RegExpParser

>>> RegExpParser({'error_code': 'Error (\d+)'}).parse('Oh no!!! It is Error 100!!!').error_code

Custom Interface

You can easily declare your own interface. For that you should define execute_method method. And optionally perform_parsing. Here is an example of naive CSVInterface, which provide an ability to get column value by index. Also you should create separate parser for that.

from pyanyapi import BaseInterface, BaseParser

class CSVInterface(BaseInterface):

    def perform_parsing(self):
        return self.content.split(',')

    def execute_method(self, settings):
        return self.parsed_content[settings]

class CSVParser(BaseParser):
    interface_class = CSVInterface

>>> CSVParser({'second': 1}).parse('1,2,3').second

Extending interfaces

Also content can be parsed with regular Python code. It can be done with special decorators interface_method and interface_property.

Custom method example:

from pyanyapi import HTMLParser, interface_method

class ParserWithMethod(HTMLParser):
    settings = {'occupation': 'string(.//p/text())'}

    def hello(self, name):
        return name + ' is ' + self.occupation

>>> api = ParserWithMethod().parse('<html><body><p>programmer</p></body></html>')
>>> api.occupation

>>> api.hello('John')
John is programmer

Custom property example:

from pyanyapi import HTMLParser, interface_property

class ParserWithProperty(HTMLParser):
    settings = {'p': 'string(.//p/text())', 'h1': 'string(.//h1/text())'}

    def test(self):
        return self.h1 + ' ' + self.p

>>> api = ParserWithProperty().parse('<html><body><h1>This is</h1><p>test</p></body></html>')
>>> api.h1
This is

>>> api.p

>>> api.test
This is test

Certainly previous example can be done with more complex XPath expression, but in general case XPath is not enough.

Complex content parsing

Combined parsers

In situations, when particular content type is unknown before parsing, you can create combined parser, which allows you to use multiply different parsers transparently. E.g. some server usually returns JSON, but in cases of server errors it returns HTML pages with some text. Then:

from pyanyapi import CombinedParser, HTMLParser, JSONParser

class Parser(CombinedParser):
    parsers = [
        JSONParser({'test': 'test'}),
        HTMLParser({'error': 'string(//span)'})

>>> parser = Parser()
>>> parser.parse('{"test": "Text"}').content
>>> parser.parse('<body><span>123</span></body>').error

Another example

Sometimes different content types can be combined inside single string. Often with AJAX requests.

{"content": "<span>Text</span>"}

You can work with such data in following way:

from pyanyapi import HTMLParser, JSONParser, interface_property

inner_parser = HTMLParser({'text': 'string(.//span/text())'})

class AJAXParser(JSONParser):
    settings = {'content': 'content'}

    def text(self):
        return inner_parser.parse(self.content).text

>>> api = AJAXParser().parse('{"content": "<span>Text</span>"}')
>>> api.text

Probably such parser will be bundled in library in future.

Python support

PyAnyAPI supports Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and PyPy. Unfortunately PyPy3 is not supported because of lxml compatibility. In future release lxml will become optional, which allows library to be partially used with PyPy3 or Jython.


Tools for convenient interface creation over various types of data in declarative way.







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  • Python 94.6%
  • Makefile 5.4%